nothing reply anything you want

lilylivered's Avatar
Happy Sunday : )
winn dixie's Avatar
Happy Sunday : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
Same to you

Go Bills
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Wait a min.

Sundays are not nothing days. Is that thread drift?


If NFL games don't start till August, then perhaps Sundays till then are nothing days.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Is the upset echo guilty of thread drift?
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Upstate NY i misssss you!!!! See yall July 4
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
Upstate NY i misssss you!!!! See yall July 4
lilylivered's Avatar
Hi Nina!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dang debate, I have no time for "Nothing"

but ya all please keep posting
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar
elghund's Avatar
Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Uh oh…..I don’t see Biden’s name on the commission that sponsored the 1983 changes that started taxing SSI.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He voted for it.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Does the echo cause double voting?
lilylivered's Avatar
Nice review?
elghund's Avatar
He voted for it. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
There is a major difference between posting a falsehood about who sponsored that bill, and whether someone voted for it.
