For those who need proof of election fraud....

VitaMan's Avatar
FTFY Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Over 1,300 radical right wing posts of FAKE news and lies in this 1 thread alone....and you are trying to fix it ? You must have a lot of free time.

Democrats didn't attack the US Capitol....and then try to blame it on others. The cover up is always worse than the deed. Cover ups attempted:

"Pelosi led security failure" from the Supreme cult leader habahaha

"FBI operatives led attack on Capitol" hahahahabubbabubbaha
... Pelosi DID lead the security failure - President Trump
asked for National Guard troops - you STILL must have missed that.

And there wasn't any "attack" of the Capitol - just American
citizens protesting the underhanded government.
And YES - government agents were leading people inside.

Even some NY Times reporters say so.
One of the reporters has even admitted the Steele pee tape
NEVER existed... And that the Times knew that fact even as
they wrote their phony tales about Trump.

You must have missed THAT also.

### Salty
You certainly DO miss a lot, Vita.

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
... Pelosi DID lead the security failure - President Trump
asked for National Guard troops - you STILL must have missed that.

And there wasn't any "attack" of the Capitol - just American
citizens protesting the underhanded government.
And YES - government agents were leading people inside.

Even some NY Times reporters say so.
One of the reporters has even admitted the Steele pee tape
NEVER existed... And that the Times knew that fact even as
they wrote their phony tales about Trump.

You must have missed THAT also.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Everything above is wrong.
... You're delusional.

And THAT'S a shame... Either that - or you don't read much.

### Salty
... You really should seek help for your TDS.
It's really bad.

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It is no different than your expression of DA NILES.

Actually a hedge fund manager correctly spelled Dan Niles. Originally Posted by VitaMan

so that's who you steal all your stock tips from ...

Everything above is wrong. Originally Posted by VitaMan

if you say so
VitaMan's Avatar
Quote You really should seek help for your TDS.
It's really bad.quote

You will believe anything
VitaMan's Avatar
so that's who you steal all your stock tips from ...
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
He is one that has investment ideas.

Dan Niles

Could this be another radical right wing conspiracy theory ? How could it be mere coincidence ?
Stupid fucks are trying to shift blame for Jan 6. There might have been talk about National Guard troops the night before and that is all. You don't deploy 10,000 troops and equipment in a matter of hours. It isn't like they are sitting on a base ready to go at a moments notice. They are regular trained people living their normal lives for the most part except for ongoing training a weekend a month and 2 weeks Annually. It would take at least a few days to communicate with that many and get them ready and where they need to be.
VitaMan's Avatar
T Rump never signed any order for National Guard Troops.

Pelosi is not in charge of Capitol security. You can call it a McConnell led security failure if you wanted to spin it that way.

There was destruction and occupation of FEDERAL property.

There were MAGA hats and Trump banners all over the place. You want to spin that as a false flag effort on the part of others ? There were no others that wanted to storm and occupy the Capitol.

Poor Trumpites are such cry babies.
Stupid fucks are trying to shift blame for Jan 6. There might have been talk about National Guard troops the night before and that is all. You don't deploy 10,000 troops and equipment in a matter of hours. It isn't like they are sitting on a base ready to go at a moments notice. They are regular trained people living their normal lives for the most part except for ongoing training a weekend a month and 2 weeks Annually. It would take at least a few days to communicate with that many and get them ready and where they need to be. Originally Posted by CaptainTruth
... Ah, now there's the rub... How nice.

You must have saw that Trump DID ask for the
National Guard after-all... And He asked a week
in-advance for them... It was Nancy Pelosi who
didn't want them there - and it was HER choice to make.

... The question to ask is whether Pelosi KNEW or not
that government agents planted in the crowd were
pushing for people to go inside... People connected
to Ray Epps brought the gallows - fer crikey sake.
All for a great photo-op.

Wake up, lads - you're surely missing a lot!

### Salty
VitaMan's Avatar
This is not working for you Salty.

Everything you are posting is Hocus Pocus, trying to shift blame from the January 06 rioters. Trump handlers made a good attempt when they came out on Jan 07 with the phrase "Pelosi led security failure."

That was a day after T Rump failed to hold his pre announced press conference, because his handlers advised him he had nothing to say.

One of the worst spin attempts in modern politics......and everybody knows it.
... Don't need to shift any blame.

The blame on Pelosi and the government agents is already there!

Did you know that NEW VP Kamala was almost KILLED by a pipe bomb
on 6th Jan.?? ... That info was NEVER released until 8 months later.
A full investigation is going on as we discuss this.

Oh, the Place the Investigations Will Go... Next Year!

#### Salty