For those who need proof of election fraud....

VitaMan's Avatar
Some members are so cute...or think they are

Over 2000 identical posts all with the same 4 cute
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Some members are so cute...or think they are

Over 2000 identical posts all with the same 4 cute Originally Posted by VitaMan

please go away VitaMan!

who cares about VitaMan!

so what about VitaMan!

who is the VitaMan!

why is the VitaMan!

VitaMan's Avatar
Good night Wacko. You sound tired.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Good night Wacko. You sound tired. Originally Posted by VitaMan

need your sleep for tomorrow's day trading?

put! get! sell! buy!

margin call gentlemen!

Precious_b's Avatar
I would think that y'all be working on getting youse peoples to da polls for the next election.

All this misdirected energy.
Precious_b's Avatar
I would think that y'all be working on getting youse peoples to da polls for the next election.

All this misdirected energy.
bambino's Avatar
To decertify all you have to do is provide concrete evidence of how many mules stuffed how many votes into which ballot boxes.

You don't even need to get into any arcane computer tech stuff about what machines may have been hacked.

Just show how much Trump lost the state by vs how many ballots were illegally trafficked by mules in that state.


bambino's Avatar
To decertify all you have to do is provide concrete evidence of how many mules stuffed how many votes into which ballot boxes.

You don't even need to get into any arcane computer tech stuff about what machines may have been hacked.

Just show how much Trump lost the state by vs how many ballots were illegally trafficked by mules in that state.


SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
To decertify all you have to do is provide concrete evidence of how many mules stuffed how many votes into which ballot boxes.

You don't even need to get into any arcane computer tech stuff about what machines may have been hacked.

Just show how much Trump lost the state by vs how many ballots were illegally trafficked by mules in that state.


Decertification. Originally Posted by bambino
Is that all that is needed to decertify the election? Yet here we are 17 months past the 2020 election and there have been no allegations of fraud that have been substantiated. Hope springs eternal. Give it up. Trump lost. On to 2024.
VitaMan's Avatar
April 2022 and now the election of 2020 is going to be decertified ?

Boom........this thread can be closed now
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The fact is Trump lost the election and there was no MASSIVE voter fraud that would overturn the 2020 election.

The fact is over 60 lawsuits brought by Trump and his people have all been thrown out, all over the country. Not 1 has been successful.

When Trump statements come out about election fraud proof, they don't show it. You have to contact them for further information.

The fact is Biden rightfully was sworn is as President and rightfully holds that office. Originally Posted by VitaMan
There you go again, serving up fake facts. It is not and was not "massive voter fraud". It was targeted VOTING fraud in many states. Of course, since we have never had a complete accounting... how do you know there was no voter fraud? You're taking that on blind faith and not math. Is it any wonder that you can't accept any notion that you may have been wrong, that the DNC cheated AGAIN, and that you were sold a bill of goods that you bought into. Everything makes you look like a fool.
There you go again, serving up fake facts. It is not and was not "massive voter fraud". It was targeted VOTING fraud in many states. Of course, since we have never had a complete accounting... how do you know there was no voter fraud? You're taking that on blind faith and not math. Is it any wonder that you can't accept any notion that you may have been wrong, that the DNC cheated AGAIN, and that you were sold a bill of goods that you bought into. Everything makes you look like a fool. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Still waiting on proof of cheating.
Precious_b's Avatar
I think that million dollars is still being offered by the Lt Guvner
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
About damned time to! We need to see some real beef on that Election Fraud bone. We're not talking about veal either - going all-in with Water Buffalo

Biden’s FEC Nominee Sued Georgia Over Stacey Abrams Election Loss, Blamed ‘Unreliable’ Voting Machines
Dara Lindenbaum represented Abrams's nonprofit, Raphael Warnock's church in suit that questioned 'unconstitutional' 2018 election

President Joe Biden's pick to serve on the Federal Election Commission is representing Stacey Abrams's nonprofit and Raphael Warnock's church in a lawsuit that challenged the validity of Georgia's 2018 election due in part to the state's use of "unreliable" electronic voting machines.

In November 2018, election lawyer Dara Lindenbaum signed on to a federal legal complaint on behalf of Abrams's Fair Fight Action. The complaint challenged the constitutionality of Georgia's 2018 election, which saw Abrams lose to Republican governor Brian Kemp in a race she never conceded. Warnock's Ebenezer Baptist Church joined the suit in early 2019, just months before the Democrat entered Georgia's 2020 Senate race.

According to the complaint, the state of Georgia "grossly mismanaged" the election by depriving "Georgia citizens, and particularly citizens of color, of their fundamental right to vote." As a result, the complaint said, Georgia's election "violated the First, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution." The complaint also lamented the use of "insecure and unreliable" electronic voting machines that "lack a paper trail" and thus "cannot be audited"—those machines even "switched" votes from Abrams to Kemp, according to the complaint...
Moo-o-o-ve over GOP, we got the BIG dogs on this Election Fraud bone now.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...It was targeted VOTING fraud in many states... Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania were states that Trump flipped from Demonicrats in 2016. Freakish coincidence. Right?!? Wanna place bets against most of the Zuck-Bucks went to those states?!? Thought not.