NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Nothing wrong with Texans trading to sixth pick . Originally Posted by carkido45
While it is a little higher than I would prefer, I agree there is nothing wrong with the Texans trading to the sixth pick. I don't believe I would want them to go any higher though.

With that said, I think it is comical that a few days ago BL was shouting out to everyone who would listen that "Right now talk of a trade out is totally dead in the media."

A few short days later, "talk of a trade out is totally" alive & well "in the media."

I suppose BL will now have to find another set of "media" drums to bang on!
BigLouie's Avatar
Right now all talk is Atlanta. Not a fan of that trade. 6th is way too far down. Both Clowney and Mack will be gone and will the best QBs. What we get at that spot will be no where near the talent of Mack or Clowney. I would not mind a deal in which the Texans take Clowney and then trade with whoever takes Mack and get a pick or two. I now believe taking Mack first would be best for the Texans. Talk is that he could be another Ricky Jackson. In Romeo's defense it is the line backers that make the plays and this guy makes plays. Plus no one is talking about his motor like they are about Clowney. Way too many pro players have issue with Clowney. That's not a good sign.
BigLouie's Avatar
Here is some interesting comments on Clowney from CBS Sports:

Hoge appeared on SportsCenter earlier this week and called Clowney an "atrocious" football player.

"You look at him as a fundamental football player when you talk about feet, hip and hands, like we watch Khlail Mack, he's actually atrocious,” Hoge said. “Clowney as a football player is not very good. Amazing athlete. Don't get confused by being an athlete and being a good football player. Not a very good football player."

The discussion of Mack over Clowney with the No. 1 overall pick in the 2014 NFL Draft got heated up earlier this week. It's not that outrageous. But shrugging off Clowney as a quality football player? That's just dumb.

"[Clowney] doesn't play with his feet, hip and hands like Khalil Mack. Gets controlled, trucked a lot," Hoge said. "The second he tries to swim move you he's neutralized if you get inside his pads which is easy because he plays so high."

Could Clowney work on his fundamentals? Yes. Coaching would help just about every single player out there. But that's no reason to insult his intelligence and laugh about taking him No. 1 overall.

"Jadeveon Clowney does not play very smart as a football player. He has a long learning curve to be successful in the NFL," Hoge said. "I would take Mack in a heartbeat over Clowney in the first round, first pick, all day."
bambino's Avatar
Here is some interesting comments on Clowney from CBS Sports:

Hoge appeared on SportsCenter earlier this week and called Clowney an "atrocious" football player.

"You look at him as a fundamental football player when you talk about feet, hip and hands, like we watch Khlail Mack, he's actually atrocious,” Hoge said. “Clowney as a football player is not very good. Amazing athlete. Don't get confused by being an athlete and being a good football player. Not a very good football player."

The discussion of Mack over Clowney with the No. 1 overall pick in the 2014 NFL Draft got heated up earlier this week. It's not that outrageous. But shrugging off Clowney as a quality football player? That's just dumb.

"[Clowney] doesn't play with his feet, hip and hands like Khalil Mack. Gets controlled, trucked a lot," Hoge said. "The second he tries to swim move you he's neutralized if you get inside his pads which is easy because he plays so high."

Could Clowney work on his fundamentals? Yes. Coaching would help just about every single player out there. But that's no reason to insult his intelligence and laugh about taking him No. 1 overall.

"Jadeveon Clowney does not play very smart as a football player. He has a long learning curve to be successful in the NFL," Hoge said. "I would take Mack in a heartbeat over Clowney in the first round, first pick, all day." Originally Posted by BigLouie
Yes, and Teddy Bruschi totally disagreed with Hoge. So now your accepting that a trade may happen? I was preparing a nice crow dish for you to eat. Damn.
BigLouie's Avatar
A trade I could see happening is the Texans taking Clowney and telling Atlanta that if Mack is there and they take him they will trade with him. It would be a great deal for the Texans because they would only have to pay the number one pick number four money. Atlanta might not like it because they would have to pay number one money to a number four pick plus give up picks.
BigLouie's Avatar
Currently the draft is all about Value. There is even a chart with value points by draft position to help GMs determine if a draft day trade returns the correct value. In a draft this deep where your first four picks could be starters any team will think twice before giving up that much value compared to what they will get in return. This is why as hard as the Texans maybe trying ain't nothing happening.
bambino's Avatar
Currently the draft is all about Value. There is even a chart with value points by draft position to help GMs determine if a draft day trade returns the correct value. In a draft this deep where your first four picks could be starters any team will think twice before giving up that much value compared to what they will get in return. This is why as hard as the Texans maybe trying ain't nothing happening. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You're a funny guy. Most of the top picks are juniors, how many are mature enough to be impact players their rookie year. That value thing could be tricky.
jstone420's Avatar
Who gives a shit they not winning no way
Right now talk of a trade out is totally dead in the media. Originally Posted by BigLouie
A trade I could see happening is the Texans taking Clowney and telling Atlanta that if Mack is there and they take him they will trade with him. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Geeeeeeeez, let me make sure I've got all of this straight. In 7 short days, BL has dramatically shifted his position from "talk of a (Texans) trade out is totally dead" to "A (Texans) trade I could see happening."

Huh? How in the hell did this abrupt change of direction occur?

Here I am trying to follow the bouncing ball on BL's draft radar and now the damn ball jumped right through my computer screen.

BL, I believe it is time for you to change your meds.
bambino's Avatar
Geeeeeeeez, let me make sure I've got all of this straight. In 7 short days, BL has dramatically shifted his position from "talk of a (Texans) trade out is totally dead" to "A (Texans) trade I could see happening."

Huh? How in the hell did this abrupt change of direction occur?

Here I am trying to follow the bouncing ball on BL's draft radar and now the damn ball jumped right through my computer screen.

BL, I believe it is time for you to change your meds. Originally Posted by bigtex
It's BL's 10.0 edition
bambino's Avatar
I was getting a little cardio in at the gym yesterday watching ESPN(Media) Guess what? They were talking about teams trading up to get one of them ultra premium players that BL speaks of. Yep, even the Niners. Since the media is now talking about it, it must happen. And I thought it was our little secret.
kerwil62's Avatar
Buffalo Jills suspending operations
Originally Posted by zerodahero
You would think as much money as the NFL makes they wouldn't be fucking over the cheerleaders like this. Hell they would make way more money stripping!

I would love to hear more of these types of stories.
DarthMaul's Avatar
OK....I heard this one on 610 Sports the other day...In regards to the first pic!

Say who you want them to draft? Manziel

Say who you think they will draft? Clowney

Or will the trade the pick. No

I know Daddio's answer.
TheDr's Avatar
  • TheDr
  • 04-26-2014, 02:27 PM
OK....I heard this one on 610 Sports the other day...In regards to the first pic!

Say who you want them to draft? Manziel

Say who you think they will draft? Clowney

Or will the trade the pick. No

I know Daddio's answer. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
I'm just gonna say they need to make a smart pick and not a popular one. Too much talent on their team to not win more. Just sayin.'