Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
... Thanks fer posting those clips there, mate.

But you don't actually expect the liberal lads
to watch them and agree-with the truth, do ya?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

yes .. the easy way

or the hard way

Yssup Rider's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 11-17-2021, 08:07 AM
TWK - Thank you - good Sir!!!
winn dixie's Avatar
no thank you obie good sir
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

i'm having trouble understanding your post

  • Tiny
  • 11-20-2021, 09:00 PM
Kyle Rittenhouse will be on Tucker Carlson on Monday evening. Be there or be square.

I was watching Greg Gutfield last night. He noted that one of the people Rittenhouse killed was a ped****** (word we can't bring up here) and a second was a domestic abuser. The second actually was charged for choking his brother.

Anyway Gutfield lauded Rittenhouse for doing what the police of Kenosha couldn't do -- ridding the city of those two delinquents. This was not part of his schtick. He was serious! Apparently some of the hosts on Fox are going to make this stupid kid out to be some kind of hero for blasting people.

This will probably piss off everyone here. And I don't know the details of the Rittenhouse case or the Q Anon Shaman's case anywhere nearly as well as many here. But I believe Rittenhouse should have gotten something, some penalty. At least probation, up to a few years in jail. He killed two people. If one of us had a couple of drinks and mowed down a pedestrian, we'd get a year or two in the clinker. And wouldn't have pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger.

As to the Shaman, 41 months prison time is ridiculous. What did he do? He took a self guided tour of the Capitol and moved a United States flag. And the guy is nuts, on some kind of medication.

The outcomes of these two cases don't make a lot of sense to me.
... Mate, you might be absolutely correct with the Shaman thing
and I certainly agree-with your view.

But since you readily admit that you DON'T know the details
of the Rittenhouse case - you might wanna NOT give your
opinion on it - as it makes you look silly.

Just sayin'

### Salty
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Anyway Gutfield lauded Rittenhouse for doing what the police of Kenosha couldn't do -- ridding the city of those two delinquents. This was not part of his schtick. He was serious! Apparently some of the hosts on Fox are going to make this stupid kid out to be some kind of hero for blasting people. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny, of course they are going to do just that. They are going to make him out to be a martyr. You can just read how the Trump lovers in this forum feel about that fucking idiot kid. These Trumpsters act like this kid did something heroic.

If people want to act like it is normal for someone who is not even an adult to walk around with an AR to make a mature adult decision, I hope you guys never had any kids to raise. You're supposed to not have kids deal with adult issues because their brain is not mature enough to fully comprehend the potential grave consequences of their actions. To argue otherwise is fucking ridiculous to anyone with half a brain... I don't even blame the kid for being stupid, I blame his parents.
  • Tiny
  • 11-20-2021, 10:08 PM
Tiny, of course they are going to do just that. They are going to make him out to be a martyr. You can just read how the Trump lovers in this forum feel about that fucking idiot kid. These Trumpsters act like this kid did something heroic.

If people want to act like it is normal for someone who is not even an adult to walk around with an AR to make a mature adult decision, I hope you guys never had any kids to raise. You're supposed to not have kids deal with adult issues because their brain is not mature enough to fully comprehend the potential grave consequences of their actions. To argue otherwise is fucking ridiculous to anyone with half a brain... I don't even blame the kid for being stupid, I blame his parents. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
LM, I actually haven’t read the Rittenhouse threads here. Like WTF said , I’ve got more important fish to fry. Or something like that. I wholeheartedly agree with your second paragraph.
Ye Christ! .... How much of the Rittenhouse story
did YOU follow, Lucas? ... One of the lads - before he was shot
hit Rittenhouse in the head with a skateboard and
knocked him down, while another bloke (referred to
as the "Jump-kick guy") tryed to STOMP ON HIS HEAD!

The two other lads shot had POINTED their-own GUNS
directly at Rittenhouse before he shot them.

One of the lads told Rittenhouse that he would KILL HIM!

... He shot them to save his-own life.
Maybe that's NOT "heroic" - but there it is.

And ANY thoughts of what YOU would do if YOU
were in that same situation??

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Kyle Rittenhouse will be on Tucker Carlson on Monday evening. Be there or be square.

I was watching Greg Gutfield last night. He noted that one of the people Rittenhouse killed was a ped****** (word we can't bring up here) and a second was a domestic abuser. The second actually was charged for choking his brother.

Anyway Gutfield lauded Rittenhouse for doing what the police of Kenosha couldn't do -- ridding the city of those two delinquents. This was not part of his schtick. He was serious! Apparently some of the hosts on Fox are going to make this stupid kid out to be some kind of hero for blasting people.

This will probably piss off everyone here. And I don't know the details of the Rittenhouse case or the Q Anon Shaman's case anywhere nearly as well as many here. But I believe Rittenhouse should have gotten something, some penalty. At least probation, up to a few years in jail. He killed two people. If one of us had a couple of drinks and mowed down a pedestrian, we'd get a year or two in the clinker. And wouldn't have pointed a gun at someone and pulled the trigger.

As to the Shaman, 41 months prison time is ridiculous. What did he do? He took a self guided tour of the Capitol and moved a United States flag. And the guy is nuts, on some kind of medication.

The outcomes of these two cases don't make a lot of sense to me. Originally Posted by Tiny

rittenhouse shot two people in clear self defense. he should never have been charged. no "woke" punishment even if it's a slap on the wrist. certainly no jail time.

the shaman dude sentence is way out of line. they are making an example of him. and frankly the dumbass invited it, even if the sentence is way too harsh. especially in light of how clearly lenient the BLM / Antifa assholes are being treated. they are getting released. and then charges quietly dropped.

so let me ask you and this forum, do you think the capitol cop that shot Ashli Babbitt should be charged?

and couch your answer based on recent history and what happened to white cops who shot or subdued various black people who were resisting arrest.

the capitol cop is black. Babbitt is white.
winn dixie's Avatar
Im looking forward to the Rittenhouse interview Monday!
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Salty, my two oldest are boys. I've been telling them ever since they were very young that if you are around trouble, you don't have to look for it. The trouble will find you.

Anyway, they're not close to Rittenhouse's age but the way time flies, they'll be at that age soon enough. They will never be in that situation under my watch. That I can promise you. And they sure the fuck will never be in that situation under their mother's watch. That I can promise you even more. They can be adults later. They will remain kids as long as their parents have the final say until they are adults. Once they are adults, I hope my ex and I raised them to be smart enough to always purposely avoid potential deadly conflicts unless that is an unavoidable possibility in their chosen profession.

People can believe what they want but for me, I prefer to live in a society where it is not okay for kids to have ARs, walk the streets with it and not do time for it. If I wanted that, I'd join the Taliban or move to Liberia and look for "blood diamonds".
Clay Media's Avatar
Salty, my two oldest are boys. I've been telling them ever since they were very young that if you are around trouble, you don't have to look for it. The trouble will find you.

Anyway, they're not close to Rittenhouse's age but the way time flies, they'll be at that age soon enough. They will never be in that situation under my watch. That I can promise you. And they sure the fuck will never be in that situation under their mother's watch. That I can promise you even more. They can be adults later. They will remain kids as long as their parents have the final say until they are adults. Once they are adults, I hope my ex and I raised them to be smart enough to always purposely avoid potential deadly conflicts unless that is an unavoidable possibility in their chosen profession.

People can believe what they want but for me, I prefer to live in a society where it is not okay for kids to have ARs, walk the streets with it and not do time for it. If I wanted that, I'd join the Taliban or move to Liberia and look for "blood diamonds". Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

Your two oldest are boys? Oh God help them. How do you know they are boys? You probably encourage them to defy gender norms and live a "progressive" lifestyle. You are much likely to get them pink dresses rather than guns. And you have probably brainwashed them pretty good to hate themselves because they are white.