The 2020 Presidential Election

Poor Biden. It's getting sadder by the day and it's going to get a whole lot sadder.
Precious_b's Avatar
Time for a Biden Meme to divert attention to the fact Trump take lying to a level never seen before by any previous POTUS. Hopefully, he is not setting a trend for the future.
Factually documented by Politico. Multiple sources document such. Cheats playing golf. Hell, he even stole a million dollars from a guy that made the hole-n-one shot at a supposed charity golf event he hosted.

Don't be butthurt. He is a liar.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Notice I didn't say he lied about Mexico paying for the Wall.
Pure math. If 50 % of the people that voted for trump beca
Use they hated Hillary plus 50 % of the people that stay home because they could stand either vote for a Democrat add that to the people how vote for him now dispise hi., plus the economy is slowing. He will lose in a landslide. Once a failure, always a failure, that is Donnie j. Math doesn't lie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I wonder how many people who stayed home last time will stay home this time?
I wonder how many people who stayed home last time will stay home this time? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
too damn many.

Last time I voted for Clinton but did so holding my nose. This time I'm fine with the democrats (even fucking Biden) so I don't feel conflicted about who to vote for.

A "Dirty Socialist" who will give your average American a shot at affordable healthcare and job protections or a Liar who isn't good at his job and maybe works for or with the Russians? Hmmmmm
She can make fun of Biden all she wants. Biden is polling better than Trump. In fact, no incumbent president has ever polled this poorly against his likely challengers at this point in the campaign.
Bye,bye everyone. It's been a blast for me. Loved talking politics. I wish everyone the best and good luck!
Austin Ellen
nuglet's Avatar
I, for one, will be hosting a party when Trumpy boy gets his ass handed to him. I don't know who will win, but just about anybody will defeat his lying ass and weirdly close family..
Ellen's just bailing because she knows there are no more excuses for president Sharpie, lol.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And since she’s “retired...”

She’s got no skin in the game, so to speak.

Trump&Pounce,Trump&Pounce,Trum p&Pounce,Trump&Pounce!!!!
pussycat's Avatar
I, for one, will be hosting a party when Trumpy boy gets his ass handed to him. I don't know who will win, but just about anybody will defeat his lying ass and weirdly close family.. Originally Posted by nuglet
Hmmmm... remember what happened in 2016 to all those Hilary victory parties? Lots of long, sad faces and tears as I recall.

nuglet's Avatar
so true, it's hard to believe it turned out the way it did, but since we americans have been bluffed into believing we actually have a voice, not unbelievable at all.. Adolf proved that. I'm waiting for Trump to announce he's marrying his daughter.. nothing weird about him at all.... lol
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I recall Hitlery Clintoon leading in "the polls" as well.

Biden is polling better than Trump. Originally Posted by supercold1

fivethirtyeight had Hitlery at a whopping 71.4% to TRUMP's 28.6% chance. But then, she got whopped, aka schlonged - again.

Moral of the story - Buy your party supplies from the Biden campaign at about 10 cents on the dollar, much like TRUMP did with Hitlery's fireworks.
Yeah, based on popular vote, which he lost big time. You still bragging about the undemocratic electoral cheat? Not gonna happen again.