• shanm
  • 05-20-2015, 01:32 PM
You're still deflecting, shammymoron. We're not talking about conservatives or Republicans or your need to rant and rave and blame them for every evil in the world. We're talking about this comment you made:

You can't offer a single example to illustrate your point, can you? The standard libtard-progressive solution for every problem they identify (real or imagined) is to throw (other peoples') money at it. When that doesn't work, their solution is – throw more money at it! No accountability, no self-criticism, no re-evaluation, no elimination of waste. What's the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? The so-called progressives have nailed it! They are the poster children for the definition of insanity!

. Originally Posted by lustylad

That's it? I'm almost ashamed to say that I expected slightly better from a limeydick like you.

You can't offer a single example to illustrate your point, can you?
Actually I can. And I have. Many times. Your inability to comprehend what it said to you is no ones fault but your own.

Self criticism and evaluation are a fundamental part of being a progressive. That's how you eliminate the ideas that are wasteful and come up with new ones that actually work. Originally Posted by shanm

Of course you'd be the dumbass to confuse the ideology of progressive-ism as equal to a political party(the democrats). Can't expect better from a low-life illiterate prick like you.

Progressiveness, by very definition, means favoring the process of change and improvement. Conservatism, on the other hand, promotes sticking to tradition and custom.

Now, take a look at history. Every single brilliant idea that has advanced the progress of man has come from progressive-ism.

The advance of science was aided by what? Progressive-ism.

The very idea of democracy came from what? Progressive-ism.

Go back and read the history of the actual illuminati; more specifically, the Bavarian Illuminati. It didn't mean new world order, it was simply a society of brilliant scientists that was formed to escape persecution from the religious conservatives of those days.

Go back and look at any point in history and you'll see that progressives have nailed it throughout, while the conservatives have done nothing but hold us back from advancing as a species. All these above, and the ones I mentioned in my previous posts, are examples of either the achievements of progressive-ism or the failures of conservatism. And still, you argument is what?

You can't offer a single example to illustrate your point, can you?
Yeah, good going. You really are so amazing at this "debating thing". I'm sure everyone can see that..
He is unable to separate himself from thinking about Republican and Democrat. It is so pervasive that it clouds his very ability to even reason or operate under the guise of logical thought. The dichotomy is strong with this one.
What exactly was it that you "cot", Ekim the Inbred Chimp?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Only "cot" is the one in the backroom for you to rest on if you get fatigued chicken plucking, chicken dick.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Only "cot" is the one in the backroom for you to rest on if you get fatigued chicken plucking, chicken dick. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Does your Dad know you use his pic on a hooker board as a insult chicken dick?
  • DSK
  • 05-20-2015, 08:32 PM
Then according to your logic chicken dick, had my statement read.

We got it IB Hankering, then my dick would be named IB Hankering.

Looks like you are obsessing again.
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Is there anyone here who speaks hillbilly ebonics to interpret this gibberish?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Does your Dad know you use his pic on a hooker board as a insult chicken dick? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your boyfriend said it was you when he posted it to his Facebook page, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.
Your boyfriend said it was you when he posted it to his Facebook page, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
  • shanm
  • 05-20-2015, 09:27 PM
Lame. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Lame is his middle name.
Is there anyone here who speaks hillbilly Ebonics to interpret this gibberish? Originally Posted by DSK
Ask one of your boyfriends you meet at Love field JL.
MY boyfriend said it was you when he posted it to his Facebook page, Ekim the Inbred Chimp. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
FIFY chicken dick, no charge.....
I B Hankering's Avatar
Lame. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Lame is his middle name. Originally Posted by shanm
FIFY chicken dick, no charge..... Originally Posted by i'va biggen
So the "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, shamman and Ekim the Inbred Chimp are forming their daisy chain for their daily reach-around party.
Is there anyone here who speaks hillbilly ebonics to interpret this gibberish? Originally Posted by DSK
So the "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Chicago and the Jewish lawyer are forming their daisy chain for their daily reach-around party. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Have you two cocksuckers got a room yet?
lustylad's Avatar
You've just described perfectly how you end your debates. You proclaim yourself the 'ass hander' and march off into some victory party in your mind.... Originally Posted by WombRaider

Damn, undercunt... you make this so easy... let's look at this thread first... how many times hath I handeth thee thy ass? Let me count the ways....

Post #216 – You were handed your ass regarding the number of jobs linked to the Keystone XL pipeline, the relative safety of pipelines versus railcars, and the pipeline's impact on Bakken crude...

Post #218 – You were handed your ass when I walked you through simple algebra and explained how it contradicted your own argument...

Post #235 – You were handed your ass when you tried to distance yourself from your own cherry-picked study....

Post #275 – You were handed your ass when you said it was racist for the African-American Mayor of Baltimore to use the word “thugs”....

Post #391 – You were handed your ass when you cited a study (by Hodson and Busseri) which was discredited for its bias and misuse of statistical data...

Posts #404 – You were handed your ass when you provided a link to a study (by Dr. Noel Carl) refuting your claim that democrats are smarter than republicans...

And I'm just warming up... There are dozens of other examples here on eccie where you had your ass handed to you! All I've done is dig up a few in this thread alone!

  • DSK
  • 05-21-2015, 05:41 AM
Damn, undercunt... you make this so easy... let's look at this thread first... how many times hath I handeth thee thy ass? Let me count the ways....

Post #216 – You were handed your ass regarding the number of jobs linked to the Keystone XL pipeline, the relative safety of pipelines versus railcars, and the pipeline's impact on Bakken crude...

Post #218 – You were handed your ass when I walked you through simple algebra and explained how it contradicted your own argument...

Post #235 – You were handed your ass when you tried to distance yourself from your own cherry-picked study....

Post #275 – You were handed your ass when you said it was racist for the African-American Mayor of Baltimore to use the word “thugs”....

Post #391 – You were handed your ass when you cited a study (by Hodson and Busseri) which was discredited for its bias and misuse of statistical data...

Posts #404 – You were handed your ass when you provided a link to a study (by Dr. Noel Carl) refuting your claim that democrats are smarter than republicans...

And I'm just warming up... There are dozens of other examples here on eccie where you had your ass handed to you! All I've done is dig up a few in this thread alone!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
I think he should admit defeat and move his circus act elsewhere.