Unhinged: Out of 20 threads on the 1rst page 19 are started by Trump lickers

VitaMan's Avatar
No DPST? No xi? I feel cheated! Originally Posted by winn dixie

The tag lines are missing also.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 05:29 AM
Thank You - vm - U R up early

"Liberals " - are not usually up until teh crack of noon.

The luxury of being 'cared for by teh nanny democratricommunist state".
VitaMan's Avatar
Always great to get a response from a BOT that is active 24/7, spewing the exact same things.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 05:57 AM

Back to topic of thread!
VitaMan's Avatar
Duly noted your post has nothing to do wih teh thread topic. But that is expected.
A BOT does not change.

Estimate is out of the front page 20, you have 13 with the latest responses.

If you get 20 out of 20, maybe you will receive an award.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Perhaps the topic of this thread should be “Unwanted,” because it has thoroughly illustrated how unwanted the spam in question is by members of this forum.

What’ll it take for things 1 and 2 to stop spamming the board with personal insults, name calling, scolding and scatologies? This ain’t elementary school, for goodness sakes.

Even in this naturally contentious arena, nobody’s having fun wading through the redundant bullshit. And nobody’s rushing to defend it. At best, the conservative and even qonservatives in the forum are remaining quiet. The daily flush of verbal diarrhea doesn’t speak for them either. It just speaks and speaks and speaks, like a dog left at home who doesn’t stop barking.
  • oeb11
  • 11-28-2021, 08:23 AM
Duly noted your post has nothing to do wih teh thread topic. But that is expected.
A BOT does not change.

Estimate is out of the front page 20, you have 13 with the latest responses.

If you get 20 out of 20, maybe you will receive an award. Originally Posted by VitaMan

Read your first sentence. Hypocrite
feel free to make application for mod status - you already believe you R 1, vm.
Keep counting - maybe One might make it through 1st grade.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sunday, right? The ranting began real early this morning. And as best I can tell by the reactions, the insults are flying more than the cut and pastes from Thing 1’s rag du jour.

Thanksgiving must be hard on “those uncles.” The rhetoric is increasingly acidic this weekend.

Someone needs a cold, dead handjob.
winn dixie's Avatar
Read your first sentence. Hypocrite
feel free to make application for mod status - you already believe you R 1, vm.
Keep counting - maybe One might make it through 1st grade. Originally Posted by oeb11
Hypocrite much? Your baiting and running for cover is getting old obie! You gonna post the rtm triangle as your usual response?
Wonder if admin could bring back posting limits per week again? I have a nominee.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The ignore button doesn’t go far enough.
winn dixie's Avatar
Another reason to bring back posting limits in extreme circumstances such as this!
When most all of it is baiting and spam; and driving members away. The posting limit feature restores balance and is a corrective measure for mods to use.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whatever it takes to restore balance to the galaxy.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
i remember you in such a snit fit the mods took that post down. as for your claim about hanging corpses .. you can find that post, right? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

That’s a lie and you know it.

DF had the “snit fit” and the charred corpses were removed … I think about the same time you were sent to the cooler,

I can’t find the photos, but I know who can/did.
You can't put the ignorant on ignore. It's way to amusing to watch their stupidity when they talk to each other Lol n omg n wtf. They are the only ones defending the big lie and probably sending money to trumpy...if they have any lol n omg n wtf

Yes I do say so dah
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
That’s a lie and you know it.

DF had the “snit fit” and the charred corpses were removed … I think about the same time you were sent to the cooler,

I can’t find the photos, but I know who can/did. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

you were the one posting in thread after thread whining about df's post. just a few examples. you made these posts, right?

i find it amusing you refer to my stints in the cooler considering short of WTF you are the most banned poster this forum has ever seen. in fact, didn't you get a year in the cooler not long after this tirade?

there are dozens more of your posts i could quote. this is more than enough to prove the point.

At least this is better than a dozen dick pics you used to post, DF.

Looks like someone needs to pull the plug. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

For some reason, this babbling idiot thinks we’re entitled to free speech even here on ECCIE.

Guess what, BP.

We don’t. Otherwise you would be able to post 10 Dick pics at a time.

Not that you haven’t tried.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSH! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Who needs toilet papers when they’ve got a hand grenade for a butt plug, right Dilbert old pal? (That ones actually better than your Top 10 gallery of dick pics.)

Don’t forget to pull the pin.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSH Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You are just begging for someone to copy your collection of dick pics, aren’t you BP?

You know, the 15 photos of male genitalia YOU posted?

I don’t know if I can find it, but I’m sure YOU could put your hands on it pretty quickly. Why not save everybody then mystery and repost your top 15?


Oh, and
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Hey BUTTPLUG, was this your post?

You’re a really creepy motherfucker, you know that BUTTPLUG? As MUCH as you talk about DONG, it was only a matter of time before you started posting your collection.

You think one picture of a hot (dangerously young looking) girl gets you out of this? LOL!

Hung yourself you have.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahomo!!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider