Don't make the REAL AMERICANS angry

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  • WTF
  • 11-12-2019, 05:25 PM
When YR can debate in a civil fashion, and post cogent and constructive arguments without
his/her usual name-calling - and calling out "name-calling" ( which was not intended against YR) against him/herself - perhaps YR would earn a little respect around the Forum!

Please define your idea of "Civil Debate" YR! Enquiring minds want to know! Originally Posted by oeb11
Let’s start with the term DPST, amigo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I agree....when might oeb11 stop using that term?

  • oeb11
  • 11-12-2019, 07:06 PM
Oh my - if SomeOne has a problem with the appropriately descriptive term for the Leftist marxist democrats - using terms acceptable in front of One's mother - gee - that is just too bad.

Remember - i am not the only poster to use the DPST initialism - a better term than acronym is in this situation.

And - the RTM button is your friend.


Poor DPST snowflakes - happy to toss around insults and scatology - but when accurately described in an initialism - Oh MY - "That is not Fair"!!!! Poor, DPST's - go vote your conscience for H.... in Nov. 2020.
Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
All I have to say is we got a lot of lurkers, THANKS LURKERS!!!
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I got the second page blues, for a second!
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  • WTF
  • 11-15-2019, 06:48 PM
471 post in this shit of a thread and 444 are from one Redhot numbnut!

Redhot1960's Avatar
471 post in this shit of a thread and 444 are from one Redhot numbnut!. Originally Posted by WTF

watch it on 1.5 speed, WMB... 1:05x1.5 Get your girlfriend back, SyrupSucknHoe to watch it too!
Redhot1960's Avatar

Grandma Covfefe says:
November 16, 2019 at 12:22 am

Highlighted Great Quotes of Friday, November 15, 2019:

* “The Democrats have thrived in darkness. But their lies now lay bare before the American people.” (Rep. Matt Gaetz)

* “In 30 seconds, Rep Chris Stewart got the answers that House Democrats have spent 7 hours trying to avoid.” (White House)

* “I hired Donald Trump to fire people like Yovanovitch.” (Cari Kelemen)

* “Marie Yovanovitch appears to be the Blasey-Ford of Ambassadors.” (Sundance)

* “The WH has displayed unprecedented transparency. Meanwhile, Democrats haven’t even released all of the deposition transcripts.” (Rep. Jim Jordan)

* “Don’t be fooled folks: More hearsay will not get to the truth…the transcript speaks for itself!” (Rep. Jody Hice)

* “The Democrats second day impeachment witness, Ambassador Yovanovitch, has no information on any of the relevant questions.” (Mark Meadows)

* “She was fired and is testifying that her feelings were hurt. Did she not realize that ALL ambassadors can get fired at any time for any reason? Having your feelings hurt is not an impeachable offense.” (Rep. Debbie Lesko)

* “Impeachment isn’t about feelings. It’s about high crimes and misdemeanors.” (Rep. Matt Gaetz)

* “Instead, she is complaining about how POTUS lawfully removed her as ambassador.”(Rep. Doug Lamborn)

* “Rep Adam Schiff doesn’t care whether his witnesses have first-hand knowledge. He simply wants to take down President Trump. Total sham!” (Oversight Committee Republicans)

* “The president tweeting his opinion about someone & defending himself isn’t ‘witness intimidation.’ (Tammy Bruce)

* “Jim Jordan just got Yovanovitch, who’s clearly a left-wing partisan, to admit she didn’t do a single thing to prevent Ukrainian officials from meddling in our election in 2016. Her demeanor made it clear she did nothing because she supported foreign efforts to damage Trump.” (Sean Davis)

* “This has been a complete waste of everyone’s time and a disservice to the taxpayers.” (Tim Murtaugh)

* “The president, not diplomats, sets ‘official foreign policy’.” (Sharyl Attkisson)

* “If Democrats are SO UPSET about about an ambassador having her feelings hurt… just wait until they find out about what happened to that ambassador in Benghazi !” (Tim Young)

* “This impeachment inquiry has definitely rattled Wall Street. New highs on everything. DOW 28,000.” (Chuck Woolery)
  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 08:08 AM
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2019, 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by Redhot1960

+1 Originally Posted by oeb11

  • oeb11
  • 11-16-2019, 09:48 AM
Classic DPST excuse for cogent and constructive debate.
Thank you for showing the lack of anything other than DPST narrative.
Just another plantation political RACIST DPST post.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-16-2019, 09:53 AM
Classic DPST excuse for cogent and constructive debate.
Thank you for showing the lack of anything other than DPST narrative.
Just another plantation political RACIST DPST post. Originally Posted by oeb11
Redhot1960's Avatar
WMB has been exposed...

Watch it on 1.5 speed 2
  • oeb11
  • 11-17-2019, 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by WTF

The usual Plantation Politics and the plan to control the "Minorities" on the DPST plantation - check on them every 4 years to keep em pacified with their place in the DPST plantation.

DPST's are the greatest racists of America - remember their KKK roots. They are still there with keeping minorities in Baltimore shit hole conditions.