Enough is Enough

blowpop's Avatar
WU, I have seen your posts. I know you are smarter than that. It is not a list of words. It is hitting someone for no reason other than to be cruel. I would elaborate further but, there is no doubt that you know what bullying is and how you could stop it.

It is nice that you are considering turning a new leaf, even if only sarcastically. Originally Posted by Adabear
Having dealt with message board assholes as a moderator, one thing that's rarely productive is responding to "give me a list of what I can't say". Remember, these guys don't get enough validation in their real lives, and they live to be thought of as King Asshole by the other losers on the board. So this becomes a game of Outsmart The Mod - he'll find a new way to be an asshole that doesn't use one of the forbidden words. So you give him more things not to do. He finds ways around those rules.

And it goes on forever.

The issue isn't the words used. The issue is the attitude of the assholes who are more concerned with impressing their fellow losers. They're typically not stupid (although not nearly as smart as they like to think) so they know the difference between good and bad behavior. But their bad behavior makes them stand out from the crowd, so they wallow in it.

Rarely, if ever will their behavior be corrected. It's a waste of time to try. If you're a mod who cares about the community and has been empowered, you just get rid of them. Pretend that you think they'll reform themselves and give them a second (and probably a third) chance. But when the leopard refuses to discard his spots, just ban them and be done with it. They'll pop up again and again under new identities, but the right software makes it easy enough to stay ahead of them.

The root of the problem her is that the ownership values the short-term revenue from the clicks the drama generates. Unless that changes, nothing else will, either.
It's always the same..."you don't have anything over me, Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You don't.

but others aren't as strong as me"... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I'm fortunate.

how condescending of you toward everyone else...well done... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
So what?

Now really, gotta go do my do.
Wakeup's Avatar
The above post is why BP isn't a moderator anymore...

No really OH, I'm glad to see that all the hookers here who you claim to be standing up for are really just inferior to you in some way that makes the able to be bullied by me...it's funny when your own actions really give light to what you think about the other hookers here you claim to be helping...

As if we all didn't already know that you believe you're superior to all other whores...but it's good to hear it from your own mouth...
Having dealt with message board assholes as a moderator, one thing that's rarely productive is responding to "give me a list of what I can't say". Remember, these guys don't get enough validation in their real lives, and they live to be thought of as King Asshole by the other losers on the board. So this becomes a game of Outsmart The Mod - he'll find a new way to be an asshole that doesn't use one of the forbidden words. So you give him more things not to do. He finds ways around those rules.

And it goes on forever.

The issue isn't the words used. The issue is the attitude of the assholes who are more concerned with impressing their fellow losers. They're typically not stupid (although not nearly as smart as they like to think) so they know the difference between good and bad behavior. But their bad behavior makes them stand out from the crowd, so they wallow in it.

Rarely, if ever will their behavior be corrected. It's a waste of time to try. If you're a mod who cares about the community and has been empowered, you just get rid of them. Pretend that you think they'll reform themselves and give them a second (and probably a third) chance. But when the leopard refuses to discard his spots, just ban them and be done with it. They'll pop up again and again under new identities, but the right software makes it easy enough to stay ahead of them.

The root of the problem her is that the ownership values the short-term revenue from the clicks the drama generates. Unless that changes, nothing else will, either. Originally Posted by blowpop
Hmmmmmm I guess you missed 5 mods in thread being just the same , huh ? Maybe you could explain why we would have to OUTSMART them ?
blowpop's Avatar
Rick, the mods are implementing board policy. I can't fault them for that - if you're working for someone, you do what you're told. If that's a problem for you, you're working at the wrong place.

As to why some feel the need to outsmart others, it's almost always based on insecurity and feelings of inferiority. The truly smart and successful people I know are often the most humble - they have nothing to prove.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Give this man a cigar. One thing in common about all bullies: They're driven by self-loathing, and often for a good reason. Having observed the behavior here for far too long, it's easy enough to draw conclusions.

Striking out against providers is right out of Sociopath 101, but doing it anonymously on a message board goes beyond pathetic. Wannabe tough guys who have no power in their real lives, acting all puffed up, trying to impress the other losers. Originally Posted by blowpop
Armchair psychoanalysis of internet personas is ricockulous.
Wakeup's Avatar
So...the mods are implementing board policy and can't be faulted...but yet I'm still "bullying" people on these forums...

So the mods are allowing bullying on these forums and can't be faulted for it?

Your logic...is...something...
blowpop's Avatar
Armchair psychoanalysis of internet personas is ricockulous. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Perhaps. But it's been remarkably effective in predicting future behavior, so it can be useful.
No really OH, I'm glad to see that all the hookers here who you claim to be standing up for are really just inferior to you in some way that makes the able to be bullied by me...it's funny when your own actions really give light to what you think about the other hookers here you claim to be helping... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No, again......What I said is that not all people are as strong as me. I didn't say all hookers but LD and myself are strong. For example, you aren't. Stop treating everyone here like they are as stupid as you.

As if we all didn't already know that you believe you're superior to all other whores...but it's good to hear it from your own mouth... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No, I said I was fortunate, and I am.

So...the mods are implementing board policy and can't be faulted...but yet I'm still "bullying" people on these forums...

So the mods are allowing bullying on these forums and can't be faulted for it?

Your logic...is...something... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No Peaches. What's being said is that policy of letting people like you bully others is wrong. It's also been said that the reason it's allowed is that it brings in hits and therefore money. It's also been said that if you run off the women, there will be no guys buying ass and therefore no money. Keep up.
No money for girls , but Eccie still making there's.
dearhunter's Avatar
Can we swap our fat hooktards for Dallas's skinny hooktards if we make Wakeup promise not to call them fat.....and no, we don't want Austin's skinny hooktards.........they are as fat as ours........ijs
Here's why it is bullying. The ladies on here post their pictures. Some include face shots some just body shots. So you have an advantage in that you know what they look like.

But they have no idea what you look like. The playing field is not level.

If you want to call someone fat or ugly put your pic on here and let them comment on what a spasimodo you probably are.
Wakeup's Avatar
Why? You going to pay to fuck me? I'm HDH and not GFE...

Do you go to McDonald's and order a burger, then when it comes out all sloppy do you refuse to call it fucked up because you didn't bring the burger you cooked on the grill last night for them to look at and compare? Or do you tell them to unfuck it because you're paying for it?

You're argument is horrifically idiotic, and I refuse to give it credence...
So you saying that you only make snide remarks about ladies that you have actually seen?

That's bullshit, son. Someone posts a pic saying they want to come to Houston and you're the first one to reply to their post telling them they're fat or ugly to not bother coming.

Like I said, you probably one pathetic spastic MF. Anybody seen this clown in real life? He's ugly and all spastic ain't he?
dearhunter's Avatar
I have seen him.......while he is not fat, he is an ugly fucker........I wouldn't pay to fuck him......but, I wouldn't pay to fuck the fat hooktards either.......so, you may not want to take my word for it.....ijs