This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

Sean after reading through all your recent posts on this thread I must say that you are 100% correct on everything you said about this whole situation.

Keep up the good work on providing info on this horrible crime that was committed to an innocent girl.
pyramider's Avatar
Innocent? Now that is a hoot.
This is funny... Sean and Steve ... 1 person 2 handles, now complimenting each other... Neato!
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
If you white knight for a psycho that doesn't shower regularly, do you get free BBQ in a pigsty? Or do you get first dibs on being her next pimp?

Congrats on meeting Mr. Right Kitty
ManSlut's Avatar
All this thread needs is for douchebag StephanieOTX to come in and say, "Sean, you're absolutely right about !VI!", like she'd met the red headed weak fuck artist!!... Originally Posted by ManSlut
Can I call or can I call 'em?

Shut up StephanieOTX, no one gives a damn about you, not even your mother & father!
Sean after reading through all your recent posts on this thread I must say that you are 100% correct on everything you said about this whole situation.

Keep up the good work on providing info on this horrible crime that was committed to an innocent girl. Originally Posted by SteveOTX
you cant really read can you? even sean agreed that vi probably wasn't forced into anything....and if somebody was to force vi to do would be to take a fuckin shower and wash that greasy hair......nasty skank.....and Sean you took advantage of vi as her professor at UNT....but you are still a creep......and a stalker.....and you were no doubt in the videos......was that you in the black socks?? creep sure and tell those 3 sandwhich eating denton cops you were just her theatre arts your tenor .....after all you will need that pension.....creep
sean rider's Avatar
I've never met !VI! or been to UNT. It is, however, true that I have significant disagreements with SteveOTX.
I've never met !VI! or been to UNT. It is, however, true that I have significant disagreements with SteveOTX. Originally Posted by sean rider
so your saying you are NOT a teacher of any kind?.....on your vi lets get that straight.......
syeira pink's Avatar
Sean after reading through all your recent posts on this thread I must say that you are 100% correct on everything you said about this whole situation.

Keep up the good work on providing info on this horrible crime that was committed to an innocent girl. Originally Posted by SteveOTX


Can I call or can I call 'em?

Shut up StephanieOTX, no one gives a damn about you, not even your mother & father! Originally Posted by ManSlut
They are very proud of me

you cant really read can you? even sean agreed that vi probably wasn't forced into anything....and if somebody was to force vi to do would be to take a fuckin shower and wash that greasy hair......nasty skank.....and Sean you took advantage of vi as her professor at UNT....but you are still a creep......and a stalker.....and you were no doubt in the videos......was that you in the black socks?? creep sure and tell those 3 sandwhich eating denton cops you were just her theatre arts your tenor .....after all you will need that pension.....creep Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Sorry but !VI! was forced into everything, did you not read the part about her getting tasered?

!VI! is 110% not responsible for anything that she has "allegedly" said or done for the past 4 years.

THIS GIRL IS OLD AND USELESS......... Originally Posted by syeira pink
Oh please, no reason to put yourself down like that. You look great to me, and very young. You obviously did not mean this comment.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Oh please, no reason to put yourself down like that. You look great to me, and very young. You obviously did not mean this comment. Originally Posted by SteveOTX
You may want to be careful who you troll. This is my only "friendly" warning.
You may want to be careful who you troll. This is my only "friendly" warning. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
And the White Knight comes riding in to save the day.

Who said I was trolling her? I actually complimented her on her looks.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Wasn't meant as WK statement. In the world of young girls you may think you're the shit but in the grown up world where people have resources you can be put out of commission very quickly Val. You'd be amazed of what trailing information you leave on the Internet.

I'm not some stupid pimp or idiot that spends weekends in play land.
Just an idea, but why don't you start your own thread about Vi so this ages old thread that these losers shouldn't have bumped in the first place since had zero relativity and continues to have zero relativity can go back in the archives where it should have been left in the first place. If you want to post on Kitty's thread at least stick to the subject, Kitty Lamour. Who by the way is still doing great. Mods are these guys getting pointed for thread hijacking?
I'm not some stupid pimp or idiot that spends weekends in play land. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
You sure as hell fooled the fuck out of me on the idiot part.