Rules on Outing

LexusLover's Avatar
Well is you think they are illegal workers on a job site why don't you come arrest them Officer LexusLover?
Originally Posted by WTF
Please quit erroneously labeling me as being LE .... when you were calling me "Gay" my phone/email was blowing up with providers wanting to "convert" me, and now you have them contacting me for "security"! It's really annoying. Besides .... you are lamely attempting to "cockblock" and they think it's humorous!... Besides I don't want to barter.

Oh, ... ICE is handling your workers ... check with them.

You might want to start training some "alternative labor" ...

... you certainly wouldn't want one of your spec houses confiscated as an instrumentality to facilitate illegal immigration! That interim financing gets to be a bitch of "a nut" when can't move the inventory, because it's all tied up in court! And if that fails plan B is to take it (with due process of course) as the "fruit" (you know about that since you're gay, right?) of the criminal activity.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Please quit erroneously labeling me as being LE .... when you were calling me "Gay" my phone/email was blowing up with providers wanting to "convert" me, and now you have them contacting me for "security"! It's really annoying. Besides .... you are lamely attempting to "cockblock" and they think it's humorous!... Besides I don't want to barter.

Oh, ... ICE is handling your workers ... check with them.

You might want to start training some "alternative labor" ...

... you certainly wouldn't want one of your spec houses confiscated as an instrumentality to facilitate illegal immigration! That interim financing gets to be a bitch of "a nut" when can't move the inventory, because it's all tied up in court! And if that fails plan B is to take it (with due process of course) as the "fruit" (you know about that since you're gay, right?) of the criminal activity. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Why does he think you're LE
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2017, 02:39 PM
Why does he think you're LE Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Have you seen his Supreme Court posts on cops lying!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
No where can I find them. Maybe he had a cop lie on him. That does happen
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2017, 04:07 PM
I'll find it when it get back home. He got all pissy about me calling him out on what vice can and can not do and he posted some Supreme Court ruling that had nothing to do with the subject matter. Same thing he does in the political forum.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why does he think you're LE Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You missed it SissyLips ... you used the word "think"!

If he actually knows me, as he pretends, then he knows I am not, and not even close. So, like the rest of his posts, and yours, he's just making up shit. Ask him what his prediction was for the Zimmerman trial on Martin's death! Then ask him why he got banned!
LexusLover's Avatar
No where can I find them. Maybe he had a cop lie on him. That does happen Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
SisslyLips ... you're wasting your time. Look at his posts ...

... You ask why does he "think" I'm LE .... and his response is a post I made about the SCOTUS ruling cops can lie, which wasn't "on HIS POINT"!!!

... Now I agree you're not the brightest bulb in the room, but you're not burned out (yet!)! So here's the ANSWER:

WTF is full of shit. But if you really want to know if I am:

Look up "Officer Roscoe" in here (he's a member) and using his contact information he provided ask him! When you do, address him as "Detective Roscoe" and remember he's been in the INTERNET CRIME TASKFORCE for several years now!

So, Little WTF is all twisted about alleging I am LE, but the powers to be allowed a REAL COP to become a member of Eccie. Do you see Little WTF raising hell about that or stalking Roscoe about it?

No. Because Little WTF is the typical internet loudmouth chickenshit! And if I were LE I could crank up the DHS pipeline and reach out and touch his ass on the shoulder as he stepped out of this vehicle he is driving as we post ... and scare the shit out of the little Bimbos he tries to impress "at his spec house"!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2017, 09:01 AM

No. Because Little WTF is the typical internet loudmouth chickenshit! And if I were LE I could crank up the DHS pipeline and reach out and touch his ass on the shoulder as he stepped out of this vehicle he is driving as we post ... and scare the shit out of the little Bimbos he tries to impress "at his spec house"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
So if you were LE ...not that you are but if you were.(your words , not mine)'d contact your buddies in the Department of Homeland Security and have them touch me on the shoulder? Hmmmm

Now after they touch me LL, just where are they going to find these 'spec houses' and 'bimbos' ?

You do realize I have not built a home in 5 years. Had you heard that I was retired? These Bimbos you continually speak of....just where are they? Inquiring minds want to know!

Look up "Officer Roscoe" in here (he's a member) and using his contact information he provided ask him! When you do, address him as "Detective Roscoe" and remember he's been in the INTERNET CRIME TASKFORCE for several years now!

So, Little WTF is all twisted about alleging I am LE, but the powers to be allowed a REAL COP to become a member of Eccie. Do you see Little WTF raising hell about that or stalking Roscoe about it?

"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why would eccie's powers that be raise hell about a Houston Detective trying to catch some sicko harming Houston providers? If my recollection is correct , that was the jest of Detective Roscoe's post. The jest of your posts are you know all things legal. One has nothing to do with the other.

And I am not alleging you are LE. I have no factual basis to claim that so I do not, despite your lie that I did. I post that you post like you have legal knowledge of prostitution and that you always try and champion LE on this site.

You post like a know it all about all things LE.

I posted that Vice officers can not engage in sexual activity.

You posted as if that was not a true statement.

I asked you if something had changed in Voice.

You posted a unrelated post about officers being able to lie.

Now you are posting that I accused you of being LE and that if you were you'd sic DHS on me!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Doesnt it get OLD being you, WolfTurdFart?

Topic is RULES ON OUTING , not whether you can keep going in circles like a dog chasing its tail.
N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-19-2017, 09:25 AM

His favorite nickname is WTFart.

Good morning btw

LexusLover's Avatar
Now you are posting that I accused you of being LE ... Originally Posted by WTF
So, you aren't? By making that statement in questions?

You are transparent .... must be from where the "fart" nickname comes.

Loud, stinky, TRANSPARENT, and no substance!
TryWeakly's Avatar
^ you forgot to drop the mic on that one

N.M.'s Avatar
  • N.M.
  • 03-19-2017, 10:10 AM

Lexus has have me rolling the last few days...

TryWeakly's Avatar
This thread is drastically off topic, should be closed by now.... Originally Posted by 08cris
Truer words have never been spoken (written).
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-19-2017, 11:26 AM

His favorite nickname is WTFart.

Good morning btw

Originally Posted by Natalia Mori
You two do know you're the same person right?