A post for Olivia H and Luxury Daphne, and anyone else who cared to ask

No, you said you sisters would [try to] beat the shit out of me if I called your whore mama a whore. And I said you'd be amazed what it takes to beat the shit out of me. Literally amazed.

Do as you see fit. You have my address. I've got no problem cashing the checks my mouth writes.

If you’re a pimp perhaps. And in that case the logic is, well not sound, but you know, at least serial.

I don’t use it all the time, but you do……………..It makes you sound like a pimp or at the very least a limp dicked, whore-hating whore monger. But that’s just my take on it. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward

Name calling and demeaning people's relatives--- Sheesh-- speaks volumes about what kind of individual you are-----A crude, obnoxious, obstreperous, odious ol troll --- a type of cretin, who are, easily the most despised of all creatures in cyberspace.

You feel you are cool when you mount vicious attacks on people who you don't like, or who you disagree with. These people feel that they have no alternative but to reply in kind and often respond in the same mean-spirited way that you come at them.--You then attempt to distance yourself from a full awareness of their unpleasant responses by using crude defense mechanisms

Any casual observer of psychodynamic theory can see these mechanisms such as denial' regression, projection, reaction formation etc. that are evident in your vitriolic and completely inane rants and raves---Psychotherapy can help your sorry ass become aware what defense mechanisms you are using----how ineffective they are---and how to use less primitive and more effective mechanisms in the future

Its never too late---even for a dried up , embittered hag like yourself to seek help There is another alternative---which most of the board I'm sure would prefer--- that is STOP POSTING------Please do one or the other
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  • 03-08-2014, 08:20 AM
What I have said from the start of this nonsense is that on a whore board the word whore is not that offensive. If it were then maybe one should leave if they find it so. I had also stated that under certain situations in the real world you could get your ass beat for using that type of language. I then pointed out the irony of you getting on LD for using the word when you in fact use it against women all the time. You oscillate from one stance to another. Originally Posted by WTF
I'm sorry , what I should have said is that you are the biggest hypocrite on this board . You have never oscillated from that fact.
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  • 03-08-2014, 11:35 AM
Name calling....speaks volumes about what kind of individual you are

Its never too late---even for a dried up , embittered hag like yourself Originally Posted by JESSE JAMES

I'm sorry , what I should have said is that you are the biggest hypocrite on this board . You have never oscillated from that fact. Originally Posted by WTF
If by "this board" you include all of Eccie, I suspect there are bigger hypocrites lurking in the muck political forum. A good half dozen or more come to mind.
Its hardly germane in a polite society to use partial quotes to make value judgments and infer certain character traits (hypocrisy) The entire sentence that you partially quoted decried the demeaning and name calling of people's relatives If you lack the mental capacity to comprehend a
complete sentence you may wish to forgo posting Even though. you would seem to have your head up your ass, I would not think of casting aspersions toward your family members. You---shit for brains-- would be fair game, however
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  • 03-08-2014, 02:35 PM
Its hardly germane in a polite society to use partial quotes to make value judgments and infer certain character traits (hypocrisy) The entire sentence that you partially quoted decried the demeaning and name calling of people's relatives If you lack the mental capacity to comprehend a
complete sentence you may wish to forgo posting Even though. you would seem to have your head up your ass, I would not think of casting aspersions toward your family members. You---shit for brains-- would be fair game, however Originally Posted by JESSE JAMES
Well now—is that a little meltdown we are seeing from you?

I do think my post was germane, and this thread has been impolite society for most its 400+ posts.

The nice thing about the board here is anyone who wants to can read the entire post you made—so I felt no need to quote your entire piece of phlegm. Your opening point is that OH shouldn’t call other people names, and you in turn close by doing exactly that. Sorry if you can’t see the irony/hypocrisy in that, but I thought it was pretty obvious and the partial quote captured the meat of your hypocrisy. I actually laughed out loud at its ridiculousness in context. Can’t say I am surprised that you don’t see the plank in your own eye, angry fixated people seldom do.

Most the posts in this soap opera of a thread have a lot of mud being slung in them but somehow when I read yours they seems a bit more angry and flung with a whole lot more personalized venom than some of the other major actors in this one. Personally, I doubt anyone is getting a lot of “nice guy” points from this thread—you are probably just losing more than the others. But that is a subjective discussion I will let lie fallow. Just do not take this post (or the previous ones I made) as supporting any side of this tedious and zombie-like thread that refuses to die.

As to foregoing posting, if I do it will have NOTHING to do with being intimidated or schooled by you, or a sense of remorse because I have not been enlightened to think as you would have me think. I have not posted a lot recently because I have been busy with real life, and when I do peruse here I have not found a lot I felt like commenting on.
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  • 03-08-2014, 03:23 PM
Dbl post
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  • 03-08-2014, 03:24 PM

If by "this board" you include all of Eccie, I suspect there are bigger hypocrites lurking in the muck political forum. A good half dozen or more come to mind.
Originally Posted by Old-T
She has argued in at least 4 threads about how horrible it is to call women whores all the while calling women she does not care for whores. She has tried to be cute and out personal information when challenged on her hypocrisy. If she had any personal information on you ...my guess is you would 100% agree with me.
Well now—is that a little meltdown we are seeing from you?

I do think my post was germane, and this thread has been impolite society for most its 400+ posts.

The nice thing about the board here is anyone who wants to can read the entire post you made—so I felt no need to quote your entire piece of phlegm. Your opening point is that OH shouldn’t call other people names, and you in turn close by doing exactly that. Sorry if you can’t see the irony/hypocrisy in that, but I thought it was pretty obvious and the partial quote captured the meat of your hypocrisy. I actually laughed out loud at its ridiculousness in context. Can’t say I am surprised that you don’t see the plank in your own eye, angry fixated people seldom do.

Most the posts in this soap opera of a thread have a lot of mud being slung in them but somehow when I read yours they seems a bit more angry and flung with a whole lot more personalized venom than some of the other major actors in this one. Personally, I doubt anyone is getting a lot of “nice guy” points from this thread—you are probably just losing more than the others. But that is a subjective discussion I will let lie fallow. Just do not take this post (or the previous ones I made) as supporting any side of this tedious and zombie-like thread that refuses to die.

As to foregoing posting, if I do it will have NOTHING to do with being intimidated or schooled by you, or a sense of remorse because I have not been enlightened to think as you would have me think. I have not posted a lot recently because I have been busy with real life, and when I do peruse here I have not found a lot I felt like commenting on. Originally Posted by Old-T
Your misdirected energies are too childish to warrant any further mention on my part
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  • Old-T
  • 03-08-2014, 03:58 PM
She has argued in at least 4 threads about how horrible it is to call women whores all the while calling women she does not care for whores. She has tried to be cute and out personal information when challenged on her hypocrisy. If she had any personal information on you ...my guess is you would 100% agree with me. Originally Posted by WTF
My only point is that posters like IBBuffoon, Gonad, etc., have set the hypocrisy bar quite high. It becomes difficult to truly identify the penultimate hypocrite at times.
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  • WTF
  • 03-08-2014, 05:43 PM
LOL...True Dat!
I have kind of taken a back seat and been monitoring this thread for a while now. It has really come down to either handing out a bunch of infractions or closing it down.

I think it would be best to just close it and let the various antagonists reflect a bit on their various posts and how they could have stated things a bit differently.

Start up another thread that gets this far into the name calling and such, you will be hearing from me in a way you do not wish to.

The Colonel