DOW cracks 25,000!!!! On its way to 30,000!

Wrong. Again.

Intent to deceive need not be present for a statement to be a lie. Saying intent has to be present is a lie.
In this case (your thoughts on what makes a lie a lie), it doesn't matter if you are ignorant or if you intended to deceive the forum members.
It is still a lie according to two major dictionary web sites

From Merriam-Webster

a: an assertion of something known or believed by the speaker or writer to be untrue with intent to deceive

b: an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker or writer


3. an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.

So you went to Cougar High? Did you graduate?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are "Ivy Leaguer" who stalks me and is too cowardly to show up at the time and place to get your beating.

You cherry picked Merriam-Webster (I added in the red that you intentionally omitted)

From the very same you used:

1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture:
His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one. inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.

You do realize that the first two are conditional to the definition of the third one, don't you, genius?

You are busted by the very sources you used!

Ivy League my ass....
lustylad's Avatar
Isn't the president supposed to tell the basic truth? Why does he exaggerate after the real facts are known?
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Wrong questions, munchy!

What you really should be asking yourself is.... "Oh dear! How will I ever get back to Kansas?"

President Donald J. MacGuffin

His wild persona is a device that baits enemies and clears space for his agenda.

By Andy Kessler
Feb. 9, 2020 2:55 pm ET

Is he a disease or a cure? Like him or hate him, there’s tons of spilled ink trying to assess President Trump’s governing style. To me, the key to understanding Trumpism is remembering why he was elected.

What do I mean? Voters chose Donald Trump as an antidote to the growing inflammation caused by the (OK, deep breath...) prosperity-crushing, speech-inhibiting, nanny state-building, carbon-obsessing, patriarchy-bashing, implicit bias-accusing, tokey-wokey, globalist, swamp-creature governing class—all perfectly embodied by the Democrats’ 2016 nominee. On taking office, Mr. Trump proceeded to hire smart people and create a massive diversion (tweets, border walls, tariffs) as a smokescreen to let them implement an agenda of tax cuts, deregulation and originalist judges.

Those reforms have left the market free to do its magic and got the economy grooving like it’s 1999. The daily Trump hurricane—like the commotion over the Chiefs from Kansas—makes the media focus on the all-powerful wizard while ignoring the policy makers behind the curtain.

Alfred Hitchcock called this kind of distraction a “MacGuffin”—something that moves the plot along and provides motivation for the characters, but is itself unimportant, insignificant or irrelevant. It can be a kind of sleight of hand, a distraction, and Mr. Trump uses his own public persona as a MacGuffin in precisely that way. The mobs decked in “Resist” jewelry fall for it every time.

For example, Sen. Bernie Sanders used his remarks during the Senate impeachment trial to point out that the media had documented some 16,200 alleged lies by President Trump. The MacGuffin worked! Mr. Sanders and his peers are focused on the president’s words, while most voters see the real plot unfolding in America—millions of jobs and rising wages.

The president’s success comes from his ability to shrug off critics. My son went to college in the early days of the social justice power grab. He recalls heated discussions in which someone would interrupt him to say, “Sorry, but you don’t get a say—you have white privilege.” My son would shoot right back: “Yeah, I don’t believe in that,” and resume his argument. That’s what Mr. Trump does. Rather than cower at the criticism he faces from the mobs, he probably smirks and thinks to himself, “Yeah, I don’t believe in that” and tweets away.

That’s the only reaction that can withstand today’s far left, which has become increasingly self-righteous. The very word “woke” asserts a kind of rebornness—as if those on their side have awakened and become holier than thou. It’s religion on the cheap. The movement takes “diversity” to mean people who see the world exactly as they do, only with different surface characteristics: race, class and gender identity. There’s no room for diversity of expression, let alone diversity of thought. (I’ve confirmed this at Silicon Valley cocktail parties.)

Mr. Trump was elected as an antibody against this swampy disease. He’s the antidote to the snake bite of correctness. He’s a white (privileged?) blood cell fighting the coronavirus of the culture.

I spent the 1980s in New York and got familiar with his annoyingness before much of the country did. But I’ve learned to appreciate Mr. Trump’s theater of chaos and Hitchcockian plot device, which help him get things done. Like what? Well, he’s moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, installed competent originalist Supreme Court justices who don’t see penumbras and emanations whenever they want, sent Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani to the terrorist netherworld, and don’t forget that he got those UCLA basketball players out of Chinese prison. I’m still waiting on a real free-trade agreement.

To say the least, full freedom of expression has yet to be restored. But the engines of progress are running high and are set to continue—no matter how many speeches Nancy Pelosi tears up.

The president’s staff behind the curtain have engineered boom times, despite grounded Boeing 737s and the self-inflicted harm of tariffs. A deregulatory bonanza and corporate tax cuts have unleashed the economic beast. Unemployment is hitting 50-year lows and record lows for minority groups. The Dow Jones and Nasdaq are near record highs. Do you even know what’s happening at the Education, Energy, Agriculture or Commerce Departments? Me neither, but every so often one hears snippets of the reforms taking place behind the flashpots of Trumpiness.

President Trump’s potential opponents running in the Democratic primaries claim he is the disease and they are the cure. They’re missing the ways his MacGuffin game plan is working. The socialist wing wants to raise taxes and give stuff away, which would derail the economy and whack the 96.4% of labor-market participants who already have jobs. Tough sledding. As Yogi Berra might say, this election “ain’t over ’til it’s over.” But as long as the economy hums along—coronavirus notwithstanding—there’s a good chance voters will give the antibody more time to cure the country’s actual disease.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Moot point. I don't watch videos for news. I look at transcripts of entire speeches.

It gives douche-bags less chance to alter the info or the context comments are made under.

Has Obama ever lied? I'm sure he has but he is nowhere near trump's total or percentage.
But you know that.

And you know neither trump or Obama have anything to do with falsehood fred's attempt at lying about the definition of the word "lie" or your endorsement of that definition.


Hmmmm.... so did odumbo lie when he said illegal immigrants would not be covered by odumbocare? Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
Moot point. I don't watch videos for news. I look at transcripts of entire speeches.

How long did it take you to scotch-tape Nancy P's copy of the SOTU speech back together so you could read it?

It gives douche-bags less chance to alter the info or the context comments are made under.

That happens to you a lot, doesn't it munchy? Maybe if you stop calling everyone douche-bag, they wouldn't pick apart your lame, feckless arguments all the time.

Has Obama ever lied? I'm sure he has but he is nowhere near trump's total or percentage.

If you say so.

And you know neither trump or Obama have anything to do with falsehood fred's attempt at lying about the definition of the word "lie" or your endorsement of that definition.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hmmmm... Methinks your attempt to deny the legal definition of lying (look up perjury) is part and parcel of the left's campaign to deny due process to all patriotic Americans who don't obediently fall in step with the libtard agenda. No need to prove those slippery little things like knowledge, motive, bad faith or intent. If you disagree, you're a liar, end of story.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Wrong answers.

An opinion piece that references a term from a director in Hollywood.
A position you would attack because of where he worked. Except, in this case, it happened to back his 700-900 word trump ass-lick op-ed.

So a guy who gets paid for his content and tries to explain away 16,000+ lies as "a management style".

You obviously weren't told how to answer the questions I asked. Just admit you can't answer the questions and get over it.

Nothing wrong with Kansas. I was stationed there for a while at Ft. Riley.

Remind me. What branch of the military were you in?

Wrong questions, munchy!

What you really should be asking yourself is.... "Oh dear! How will I ever get back to Kansas?"

President Donald J. MacGuffin

His wild persona is a device that baits enemies and clears space for his agenda.

By Andy Kessler
Feb. 9, 2020 2:55 pm ET

Is he a disease or a cure? Like him or hate him, there’s tons of spilled ink trying to assess President Trump’s governing style. To me, the key to understanding Trumpism is remembering why he was elected.

What do I mean? Voters chose Donald Trump as an antidote to the growing inflammation caused by the (OK, deep breath...) prosperity-crushing, speech-inhibiting, nanny state-building, carbon-obsessing, patriarchy-bashing, implicit bias-accusing, tokey-wokey, globalist, swamp-creature governing class—all perfectly embodied by the Democrats’ 2016 nominee. On taking office, Mr. Trump proceeded to hire smart people and create a massive diversion (tweets, border walls, tariffs) as a smokescreen to let them implement an agenda of tax cuts, deregulation and originalist judges.

Those reforms have left the market free to do its magic and got the economy grooving like it’s 1999. The daily Trump hurricane—like the commotion over the Chiefs from Kansas—makes the media focus on the all-powerful wizard while ignoring the policy makers behind the curtain.

Alfred Hitchcock called this kind of distraction a “MacGuffin”—something that moves the plot along and provides motivation for the characters, but is itself unimportant, insignificant or irrelevant. It can be a kind of sleight of hand, a distraction, and Mr. Trump uses his own public persona as a MacGuffin in precisely that way. The mobs decked in “Resist” jewelry fall for it every time.

For example, Sen. Bernie Sanders used his remarks during the Senate impeachment trial to point out that the media had documented some 16,200 alleged lies by President Trump. The MacGuffin worked! Mr. Sanders and his peers are focused on the president’s words, while most voters see the real plot unfolding in America—millions of jobs and rising wages.

The president’s success comes from his ability to shrug off critics. My son went to college in the early days of the social justice power grab. He recalls heated discussions in which someone would interrupt him to say, “Sorry, but you don’t get a say—you have white privilege.” My son would shoot right back: “Yeah, I don’t believe in that,” and resume his argument. That’s what Mr. Trump does. Rather than cower at the criticism he faces from the mobs, he probably smirks and thinks to himself, “Yeah, I don’t believe in that” and tweets away.

That’s the only reaction that can withstand today’s far left, which has become increasingly self-righteous. The very word “woke” asserts a kind of rebornness—as if those on their side have awakened and become holier than thou. It’s religion on the cheap. The movement takes “diversity” to mean people who see the world exactly as they do, only with different surface characteristics: race, class and gender identity. There’s no room for diversity of expression, let alone diversity of thought. (I’ve confirmed this at Silicon Valley cocktail parties.)

Mr. Trump was elected as an antibody against this swampy disease. He’s the antidote to the snake bite of correctness. He’s a white (privileged?) blood cell fighting the coronavirus of the culture.

I spent the 1980s in New York and got familiar with his annoyingness before much of the country did. But I’ve learned to appreciate Mr. Trump’s theater of chaos and Hitchcockian plot device, which help him get things done. Like what? Well, he’s moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, installed competent originalist Supreme Court justices who don’t see penumbras and emanations whenever they want, sent Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani to the terrorist netherworld, and don’t forget that he got those UCLA basketball players out of Chinese prison. I’m still waiting on a real free-trade agreement.

To say the least, full freedom of expression has yet to be restored. But the engines of progress are running high and are set to continue—no matter how many speeches Nancy Pelosi tears up.

The president’s staff behind the curtain have engineered boom times, despite grounded Boeing 737s and the self-inflicted harm of tariffs. A deregulatory bonanza and corporate tax cuts have unleashed the economic beast. Unemployment is hitting 50-year lows and record lows for minority groups. The Dow Jones and Nasdaq are near record highs. Do you even know what’s happening at the Education, Energy, Agriculture or Commerce Departments? Me neither, but every so often one hears snippets of the reforms taking place behind the flashpots of Trumpiness.

President Trump’s potential opponents running in the Democratic primaries claim he is the disease and they are the cure. They’re missing the ways his MacGuffin game plan is working. The socialist wing wants to raise taxes and give stuff away, which would derail the economy and whack the 96.4% of labor-market participants who already have jobs. Tough sledding. As Yogi Berra might say, this election “ain’t over ’til it’s over.” But as long as the economy hums along—coronavirus notwithstanding—there’s a good chance voters will give the antibody more time to cure the country’s actual disease. Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
Wrong answers.

An opinion piece that references a term from a director in Hollywood.
A position you would attack because of where he worked. Except, in this case, it happened to back his 700-900 word trump ass-lick op-ed.

So a guy who gets paid for his content and tries to explain away 16,000+ lies as "a management style".

You obviously weren't told how to answer the questions I asked. Just admit you can't answer the questions and get over it.

Nothing wrong with Kansas. I was stationed there for a while at Ft. Riley.

Remind me. What branch of the military were you in?

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Ah, yes. The ad hominem attack. Always a good look for you.

The point is you're being played. Even after someone points it out to you, you STILL go bonkers over everything trumpy says. I don't really care, but if I had to guess I would say you have a vested emotional interest in hating trumpy that obliterates your waning ability to think rationally or strategically about anything. Keep it up, munchy. No ruby slippers for you.
lustylad's Avatar
You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are "Ivy Leaguer"....

Ivy League my ass.... Originally Posted by friendly fred
Dickmuncher is an Ivy Leaguer? You must have misunderstood him. I think he said he had a bad case of Poison Ivy once.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I know you're full of shit.
We're not talking about a "legal definition". Deny due process? Perjury?


Your diversion attempt is just that.

How long did it take you to scotch-tape Nancy P's copy of the SOTU speech back together so you could read it?

That happens to you a lot, doesn't it munchy? Maybe if you stop calling everyone douche-bag, they wouldn't pick apart your lame, feckless arguments all the time.

If you say so.

You mean you wouldn't alter videos if I didn't call the cocksuckers "douche-bags"?
You know your tape comment was stupid.
As is the idea Obama lied anywhere near as often as trump.

Maybe I should put a comment in my signature reminding the douche-bag brigade it doesn't matter if you agree with me or not.
If you could factually refute me you would.

Below is the statement you can't seem to comprehend. It shows the scope of my statement about the word "lie". No legal definition required.

And you know neither trump or Obama have anything to do with falsehood fred's attempt at lying about the definition of the word "lie" or your endorsement of that definition.

Hmmmm... Methinks your attempt to deny the legal definition of lying (look up perjury) is part and parcel of the left's campaign to deny due process to all patriotic Americans who don't obediently fall in step with the libtard agenda. No need to prove those slippery little things like knowledge, motive, bad faith or intent. If you disagree, you're a liar, end of story. Originally Posted by lustylad
Always the victim. Wahhh.

Hopefuly that's the end of your projecting bullshit.

If all those little terms really meant anything to trumpys ( knowledge, motive, bad faith or intent), trump would be living in New York right now.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Isn't it just like a trumpy to whine about ad hominem attacks when most of her posts contain one?

Sorry. I've never mentioned either in reference to myself.

You putting, "I think", in there is an attempt to dodge me calling you a liar. You saying, "I think", is the lie.

Dickmuncher is an Ivy Leaguer? You must have misunderstood him. I think he said he had a bad case of Poison Ivy once. Originally Posted by lustylad
lustylad's Avatar
I know you're full of shit....

Below is the statement you can't seem to comprehend. It shows the scope of my statement about the word "lie". No legal definition required.

And you know neither trump or Obama have anything to do with falsehood fred's attempt at lying about the definition of the word "lie" or your endorsement of that definition.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Look jagoff - I'm not going down that fucking rabbit hole with you because 1) you're hijacking the thread and 2) we already thoroughly debunked this nonsense 5 fucking years ago.

Besides, everyone already knows "lie" and "liar" are your all-time favorite go-to words. You spew them indiscriminately throughout every post you make as eagerly as you munch dick. You have nothing left to prove.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I'm a hell of a lot more clever than you. But that doesn't really mean much. Given your moron rating.

Good little trumpy. You are wrong but you continue to double down.

Sorry charlie, once again you prove you are full of shit.

I didn't include the line items that supported your point.
From my previous post:

Intent to deceive need not be present for a statement to be a lie. Saying intent has to be present is a lie.

Why would I, "super-smart-guy"? You included one that backed up your stupid point. You intentionally didn't include the line I did. Each line item is a stand-alone "smart-guy". They are "or" statements. Not "and" statements. (for the stupid people, that means you can use any one or more statements together)

You just demonstrated you don't have the 7th-grade skill of using a dictionary correctly. But that's a strength in your world, right?

As for the rest of your punk-ass claims, you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives 2 shits whether you live or die.
If you had balls you would post proof of your ass-pulled claims.

I've never said I went to an Ivy League school, even if you had asked, I would never agree to meet a cowardly, punk-ass-bitch, key-board warrior for a "beating", and finally you just admitted you don't know what the word "stalk" means.

Your projection skills seem good. Your claim I cherry-picked something after you previously had done exactly that proves that.

You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are "Ivy Leaguer" who stalks me and is too cowardly to show up at the time and place to get your beating.Ohh. You sound so scary!!!!
It sounds like there is at least one other person who shares my opinion of you. Your real "stalker".

You cherry picked Merriam-Webster (I added in the red that you intentionally omitted)

From the very same you used:

1. a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood.

2. something intended or serving to convey a false impression; imposture:
His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one. inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.

You do realize that the first two are conditional to the definition of the third one, don't you, genius?
Do you want to bet a year off the board on that? Bitch?
I knew you wouldn't.

You are busted by the very sources you used!

Ivy League my ass.... Originally Posted by friendly fred
Now trot your lying Cougar High ass off.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm a hell of a lot more clever than you. But that doesn't really mean much. Given your moron rating.

Good little trumpy. You are wrong but you continue to double down.

Sorry charlie, once again you prove you are full of shit.

I didn't include the line items that supported your point.
From my previous post:

Intent to deceive need not be present for a statement to be a lie. Saying intent has to be present is a lie.

Why would I, "super-smart-guy"? You included one that backed up your stupid point. You intentionally didn't include the line I did. Each line item is a stand-alone "smart-guy". They are "or" statements. Not "and" statements. (for the stupid people, that means you can use any one or more statements together)

You just demonstrated you don't have the 7th-grade skill of using a dictionary correctly. But that's a strength in your world, right?

As for the rest of your punk-ass claims, you have obviously mistaken me for someone who gives 2 shits whether you live or die.
If you had balls you would post proof of your ass-pulled claims.

I've never said I went to an Ivy League school, even if you had asked, I would never agree to meet a cowardly, punk-ass-bitch, key-board warrior for a "beating", and finally you just admitted you don't know what the word "stalk" means.

Your projection skills seem good. Your claim I cherry-picked something after you previously had done exactly that proves that.

Now trot your lying Cougar High ass off. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

not so fast munch. still waiting for you to prove me wrong here ..

Are you pretty stupid or what? That was a rhetorical question with an obvious answer.
Where the fuck do you get your information?

You don't read much, do you?

102 Million People in U.S. Have Pre-Existing Conditions, Study Says. Here’s Why That Figure Is Suddenly Important.

The Center for Consumer Information & Insurance Oversight
At Risk: Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect 1 in 2 Americans:
129 Million People Could Be Denied Affordable Coverage Without Health Reform

Okay, do it. Bray like a jackass for us.

Now don't forget.
Your total bullshit lie has been debunked. Don't use it again.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

oh my! what if i do? are ya gonna send the internet police over to Waco Manor and confiscate my keyboard?

let's see whom is debunked eh? and i'll use your own numbers against you to do it. first, 130 million people are NOT at risk to lose insurance for pre-existing conditions because the vast majority have insurance from their employer where this isn't an issue. next, this is only an issue currently for self-employed individuals. out of a workforce of full-time workers of 130 million, approximately 40 million are considered self-employed. and using your own numbers against you .. only half by statistics have a pre-existing condition, 20 million. and that's being liberal with what is considered a "self-employed" worker who works a typical 40 hours to meet the full-time standard.

so munch .. i said it was a small fraction. and it is. what's the percentage of 20 million out of a total of 130 million?


like i said, a small percent of the total.

thank yous valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Munchmasterman's Avatar
A link to a post by you about Bush? What a fucking loser. I'm not going down a hole to your house.
I pointed out a falsehood by a poster on this thread. You have not refuted a single statement I made.
You are adding trump and Obama to this. You're posting videos of Obama, Dem candidates, opinion pieces about trump, and links to your own posts about Bush.

That's hijacking the thread, jagoff.

You have no rebuttal to any of my statements except some diversions.
And then, right before you burst into tears, you scream I use the words "lie" and "liar" all the time.

That's probably the thing closest to the truth. You guys lie a lot.
Now to prove you aren't full of shit, produce some posts I call someone a liar who isn't and where I call something a lie that isn't.
Simple if I do it all the time.

Oh wait. Is there a wink and a grin involved? Hyperbole? An exaggeration?
Look jagoff - I'm not going down that fucking rabbit hole with you because 1) you're hijacking the thread and 2) we already thoroughly debunked this nonsense 5 fucking years ago.

Besides, everyone already knows "lie" and "liar" are your all-time favorite go-to words. Don't forget "douche-bag"You spew them indiscriminately throughout every post you make as eagerly as you munch dick. You have nothing left to prove.
Originally Posted by lustylad
You're finally right. I don't have anything to prove.

You on the other hand........
HedonistForever's Avatar
All economic indicators were up before Trump got elected too, it’s all because of President Obama. Trump takes office and starts screwing up so badly that republicans had to give away trillions in revenue to stimulate the economy that was going to start nose diving if Trump stayed in office. Now the news of his presidency being over and the predicted democratic wave coming in the elections this year is carrying the economy upward.

Think about it if Trump was considered a positive for the economy why would News of his presidency being effectively over cause the market to rise? It’s because he is a negative and there is hope that he will soon be gone. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

I know it's not nice to laugh at the mentally challenged but how are you not going to laugh at this guy? The trial is over, Trump is still President, his approval numbers are higher than ever and the stock market is higher than ever and going higher because he is STILL GOING TO BE PRESIDENT and Democrats are in meltdown mode that their savior Biden is going down the toilet and Sanders is scaring the Hell out of the few sane Democrats left.

I don't know how this could get any better! Oh, wait! I do know how it could get better! The billionaire that was going to drop in to take out Bernie just got burnt so bad by his own racism that he is probably done. Looks like a Sanders vs Buttigieg race with literally no Black support. I have to stop, my side is hurting from laughter.
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2020, 06:44 PM
+1 - HF