What qualifies someone as a Diamond?

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  • 01-25-2011, 05:31 AM
Well well. I admit that this thread is far too long for me to read from start to finish. I just wanted to say that Valerie's showcase had me drooling like a Neanderthal and I'm sure she's quite intelligent. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
She prefers people not commenting about providers unless they have actually seen them!

You been MIA , MA, I hope all is well!
Well well. I admit that this thread is far too long for me to read from start to finish. I just wanted to say that Valerie's showcase had me drooling like a Neanderthal and I'm sure she's quite intelligent. Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius

Thank you, and for the record I don't mind ppl commenting on me,I simply wouldn't want someone reviewing me having not seen me

I haven't finished reading this thread and probably won't (sorry, but 12 pages takes more free time than I happen to have) but would like to add my .02 cents about the first few page anyway.

I call myself a "professional companion" because I believe it best describes what I do and yet I have no real issue with the term "provider" either.

I have a 3 hour minimum and yet one of the woman I respect most in this entire industry does 30 minute appointments. Knowing what I know about her and the way she works, I consider her a courtesan of the highest caliber and greatly admire her ethic, class and skills to no end.

I don't allow reviews. And while I have no opinion about those who do, I do take issue with those who suggest I'm untrustworthy because I don't.

Mainly, I feel an HDH has (among other things) a certain level of dignity, integrity and professionalism, coupled with an absence of defensiveness, condemnation and arrogance. In other words, repeatedly bragging about reviews, income, or education level, well... not so much, ya know?
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OK kids! That's enough. Thread Closed!!