a music thread for a break. post away.

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Redhot1960's Avatar
some hatefull MF's make a brother go thru that bullshit to post a video...
Redhot1960's Avatar
Some how I ain't mourning for P-Diddy... WTF
Redhot1960's Avatar
love it when they fuck around... fuckers
HoHound's Avatar

Yes. Jesus and God are political topics.
Right wing rap is getting better and better. Yeeeaahhh. Gotta love it.
Staff Edit - Moved to Sandbox - Biomed1
HoHound's Avatar

I thought for 30 years that the first song above was the true, original version. I had no idea that the 2'nd song above was the true, original version that the media didn't want me to know about. I didn't even know it existed until a friend told me about it. When he told me, I thought "no way." You're gonna have to prove it to me. So he did. I think the original is actually better and funnier. This exemplifies perfectly the media matrix we all live in. The corporate/government media, through lies, deceptions, edits, and omissions wants to control what you think and believe. They've been doing this for decades. The media will almost never hand you the truth on a silver platter. The truth is like buried treasure. You have to investigate. Do your own homework. Hunt for it, and possibly dig in multiple locations before you find it. And when you finally find it, you might be shocked or horrified. You might even deny it and get Stockholm syndrome. But the truth will set you free. I hope you like the anology. Happy hunting.