NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

jstone420's Avatar
Get use to it clowney will be a texan
BigLouie's Avatar
One draft service is now reporting that the Rams will take Manziel second! WTF
I keep checking this thread for breaking news about a trade. I suspect we won't trade until the 6th pick is on the clock. If we like who is available at that time we will trade with Atlanta.

I also keep checking this thread to see if Big Louie pecker slaps BT like he deserves!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Not worth the time. BT is like most if the posters on the Political section. They don't try a rebuttal they just name call
Chris Mortenson of ESPN said the Rams worked out Manziel, Evans and Mathews last week and the primary focus was Johnny Football. He said the Rams no longer had any guaranteed money invested in Sam Bradford so the interest is real. Taken with a grain of Salt as pre draft fodder but Bradford has been very shaky. I think they could use Evans or Mathews more but who knows. If he is drafted by the Rams that division would have JFF, Russell Wilson and Kaepernick in the same division. Arizona will probably draft a QB as well, probably Carr or Bridgetitty.

This is a question for all of you guys that have some football knowledge(BT this question obviously isn't for you!!!) What are your odds that Johnny Football becomes a star in the NFL? What are your odds he will flop like Jemarcus Russell?

Mine are star 25% chance, Flop 40% chance. Time will tell, I just hope we don't have to play him twice each year!!

And BT I know I know, you just want JFF to flop it on your chin a few times!!! Like the good ol days with Dopey!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Reports are surfacing of the Rams trading Sam to the Vikings
Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
I also keep checking this thread to see if Big Louie pecker slaps BT like he deserves!!! Originally Posted by Daddio

Does anyone other than me notice the constant references from 'Sugar' Daddio about cock sizes and pecker slaps.

Ol' 'Sugar' just can't get the size of his favorite cocks and peckers off of his warped mind!

At least 'Sugar's constant fantasy's about the size of JFF's cock, keeps him from jumping off of the ledge!

The Dude is a basket case!
Solemate62's Avatar
Reports are surfacing of the Rams trading Sam to the Vikings Originally Posted by BigLouie
Looks as if another Heisman winner is gonna bite the bag soon!!
BT is getting grumpier every day. His mayo jar of jizz dopey left him must be empty. Move to Oakland BT(aka Grumpy)and give dopey your black hole to cheer yourself up!! Grumpy loves Dopey!!!
bambino's Avatar
Chris Mortenson of ESPN said the Rams worked out Manziel, Evans and Mathews last week and the primary focus was Johnny Football. He said the Rams no longer had any guaranteed money invested in Sam Bradford so the interest is real. Taken with a grain of Salt as pre draft fodder but Bradford has been very shaky. I think they could use Evans or Mathews more but who knows. If he is drafted by the Rams that division would have JFF, Russell Wilson and Kaepernick in the same division. Arizona will probably draft a QB as well, probably Carr or Bridgetitty.

This is a question for all of you guys that have some football knowledge(BT this question obviously isn't for you!!!) What are your odds that Johnny Football becomes a star in the NFL? What are your odds he will flop like Jemarcus Russell?

Mine are star 25% chance, Flop 40% chance. Time will tell, I just hope we don't have to play him twice each year!!

And BT I know I know, you just want JFF to flop it on your chin a few times!!! Like the good ol days with Dopey!! Originally Posted by Daddio
I got JFF about the same as you. He'd be lucky falling in the draft to a better team. That would help him. I doubt he's ready to step in and be a star, especially with a bad team. Then, he's a flop.
Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
Mine are star 25% chance, Flop 40% chance. Time will tell, I just hope we don't have to play him twice each year!! Originally Posted by Daddio
This is 'Sugar' Daddio's way of saying that he was dissatisfied with the length of JFF's cock. Ol' 'Sug' likes 'em long and wide!

Get use to it clowney will be a texan Originally Posted by jstone420
I suspect that you are correct. It is intriguing to have JC line up opposite JJ on the Texans Defensive line. By the same token, the same is true a KMack. If anything KMack might be a slightly better fit for Romeo's defensive scheme than JC.

I am still holding out hope for a trade down situation but if that does not materialize, either JC or KMack should be an excellent choice for the Texans at #1.
carkido45's Avatar
This is 'Sugar' Daddio's way of saying that he was dissatisfied with the length of JFF's cock. Ol' 'Sug' likes 'em long and wide!

I suspect that you are correct. It is intriguing to have JC line up opposite JJ on the Texans Defensive line. By the same token, the same is true a KMack. If anything KMack might be a slightly better fit for Romeo's defensive scheme than JC.

I am still holding out hope for a trade down situation but if that does not materialize, either JC or KMack should be an excellent choice for the Texans at #1. Originally Posted by bigtex
Kmack can drop into coverage and Clowney looks lost in the few times he was used to drop into coverage and to play standing up .

Clowney is a natural Defensive lineman his explosive first step is better utilized from the DE position he is also better when moved along the D-line .
If you think his foot doesn't have bone spurs then watch the Georgia game with 6 minutes left in the 3rd quarter he tries too limp off the field but doesn't make it in time and he cost his team a substitution infraction giving Georgia a first down he had problems with his right foot the rest of the game and he didn't get a sack the rest of the season.
BigLouie's Avatar
I am still holding out hope for a trade down situation but if that does not materialize, either JC or KMack should be an excellent choice for the Texans at #1. Originally Posted by bigtex
If this was a draft with little talent then a trade up by Atlanta would be do-able but because this draft is so talented Atlanta cannot give up the starting talent in the way of picks that Houston will want. They are way short on depth now. The Texans will not want to drop below 6th because they will miss out on all of the elite players in the draft. I do agree that KMack would be excellent and I feel their best option. The stories of the Rams taking Manziel are really heating up with reports of the GM flying to meet with his college coaches and the head coach and OC have extended session with Manziel this past week.

This draft is so deep in talent there are already a few reports that the number of trades this year will be way down from normal.
bambino's Avatar
I think the NFL should push the draft back a week. The media isn't done with their analysis yet.
Solemate62's Avatar
So, getting down to crunch time and so, let's get you fellow whoremongers on the record: EXACTLY WHAT WILL HOUSTON DO WITH THEIR VERY FIRST PICK?

I'm gonna go against prevailing 'wisdom' and say they will draft your local boy, JFF!