For those who need proof of election fraud....

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's great watching you babble. When you have nothing to say and you should STFU, you can't.

"If you say so" is the loser's chant.
Keep saying it.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

it's simple. even a dull bulb like you can understand. it was stolen. the media stole it. and the democrats.

Poll: One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media

Media’s suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop was election interference

Had Biden voters known of scandal, election would've tipped to Trump &lpg=PT154&dq=many+democrats+w ouldn%27t+have+voted+for+biden +if+they+knew+about+scandals&s ource=bl&ots=beYX9QqWwZ&sig=AC fU3U1YpBK2l94MJRMA2CoQbaEy0KGC Yg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF0ty t-p73AhWRnWoFHd-KBz4Q6AF6BAgxEAM#v=onepage&q=m any%20democrats%20wouldn't%20h ave%20voted%20for%20biden%20if %20they%20knew%20about%20scand als&f=false

any DA NILES on the laptop now?

Washington Post, New York Times finally admit Hunter’s laptop is real — but only to protect Joe Biden some more

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally News Fit to Print

or you can believe the american public if they knew the truth really would have voted for this idiot

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A few ballot forging and stuffing episodes caught on tape in the 11 min video, the stuff starts at the 2:45 minute mark and is contained lower in the article URL provided. (Can't embed so a Rumble video Link here)

DETROIT: The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up Release Stunning Footage Of Woman Signing Multiple Ballots Before Dropping Them Into Absentee Ballot Dropbox

The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up were able to provide footage from the drop boxes in Detroit to True the Vote to be used in the “2000 Mules” movie.

Thanks to the hard work and commitment of the Michigan Citizens For Election Integrity (MC4EI) and their team, who poured over hours of dropbox footage, we are able to begin sharing with our readers some of the stunning footage we showed during our interview with Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips.

In Michigan, according to M.C.L.A. 168.764a: An immediate family member or household member may deliver a ballot to the clerk for the voter.

In the video below, a woman, who is the passenger in a silver sedan, can be seen pulling up to the Farwell Recreation Center at 2711 E. Outer Drive in Detroit, MI. The camera catches her leaving the parked vehicle and walking with a stack of ballots in her hand to the absentee ballot dropbox. As she approaches the dropbox, a person behind her pulls up, rolls down the window, and appears to hand her a ballot (or ballots?) to drop in the box. She appears to take the ballot (or ballots?) and places it (them) into the dropbox for the person in the vehicle behind her. Next, she looks down at her stack of ballots and realizes they have not been signed. She takes the ballots back to the vehicle and fishes for a pen. Once she locates a pen, she begins to sign each individual ballot and stack them on the dashboard. When the video is slowed down, the pen she is signing the ballots with is visible to the camera.

After she’s signed all four ballots, she positions them in a neat pile (likely so it’s not obvious to the camera observing the dropbox that she’s carrying more than one ballot) and walks back to the dropbox and inserts them into the slot, and walks away...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
A few ballot forging and stuffing episodes caught on tape in the 11 min video, the stuff starts at the 2:45 minute mark and is contained lower in the article URL provided. (Can't embed so a Rumble video Link here) Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Great info from even greater sources.


What truth do you think you know? Only dull bulbs, liars and morons (Trumpys) think it was stolen. The courts may have tossed numerous suits for "technicalities" but if the "proof" they had was real they would have refiled. The Texas lawsuit was my favorite. Trying to tell other states how to run their elections. What assholes. They just confirmed that some of the emails were from Biden's account a year after the election.
When the story came out, there was no proof of any wrong doing. How about a link to any proven crime? The laptop was grabbed because of the taxes and such information, not for possible other things. And good luck using a laptop with no clear chain of possession. It was intended to smear Biden at the last possible moment. And because you're Trumpys, you fucked that up too. If he had turned in the laptop in June, July, or given more time to check it out....but then that would have given more time to find issues too.
Here are a few of the many reasons the story was a nothing burger when first reported.
What really gets me is all the people who need no proof to believe all the Trumpy bullshit. The russia, russia, russia is one of favorites.
The Russia investigation started in July 2016. The Steele dossier wasn't given to the FBI until Sept of 2016. The Mueller report listed numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians. There wasn't enough evidence for charges to be filed.

The FBI is still investigating the laptop.
Since Giuliani wouldn't let anyone look at the original HD, the person who wrote the Post story wouldn't let his name to be used on the story, the story was offered to everyone.
Both Fox and the WSJ passed on the story because they couldn't verify it. They had the HD in April and didn't do a story until Oct. They gave over a pdf of an email instead of the email itself. Files were added after the laptop wasn't in Biden's possession. The WaPo verified some of the emails that emails came to the laptop. No hint on what was sent from the laptop.
it's simple. even a dull bulb like you can understand. it was stolen. the media stole it. and the democrats.

Poll: One In Six Biden Voters Would Have Changed Their Vote If They Had Known About Scandals Suppressed By Media
What you're saying is that the loaded survey questions got a response you wanted.
Here is one of the "censored" stories that the poll included as a suppressed story. It's a typical Trump type story. It talks about an "incredible" economic recovery. The economy was still 4% below the end of 2019 at the end of 2020. The economy was reported by everyone.
It wasn't worth gushing over.

Media’s suppression of Hunter Biden’s laptop was election interference
This is total bullshit. Both the WSJ and Fox news (both owned by Murdoch as is NY Post) passed on the story
Had Biden voters known of scandal, election would've tipped to Trump &lpg=PT154&dq=many+democrats+w ouldn%27t+have+voted+for+biden +if+they+knew+about+scandals&s ource=bl&ots=beYX9QqWwZ&sig=AC fU3U1YpBK2l94MJRMA2CoQbaEy0KGC Yg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiF0ty t-p73AhWRnWoFHd-KBz4Q6AF6BAgxEAM#v=onepage&q=m any%20democrats%20wouldn't%20h ave%20voted%20for%20biden%20if %20they%20knew%20about%20scand als&f=false

any DA NILES on the laptop now?

Washington Post, New York Times finally admit Hunter’s laptop is real — but only to protect Joe Biden some more

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Finally News Fit to Print

or you can believe the american public if they knew the truth really would have voted for this idiot

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-21-2022, 01:44 PM
What truth do you think you know? Only dull bulbs, liars and morons (Trumpys) think it was stolen. The courts may have tossed numerous suits for "technicalities" but if the "proof" they had was real they would have refiled. The Texas lawsuit was my favorite. Trying to tell other states how to run their elections. What assholes. They just confirmed that some of the emails were from Biden's account a year after the election.
When the story came out, there was no proof of any wrong doing. How about a link to any proven crime? The laptop was grabbed because of the taxes and such information, not for possible other things. And good luck using a laptop with no clear chain of possession. It was intended to smear Biden at the last possible moment. And because you're Trumpys, you fucked that up too. If he had turned in the laptop in June, July, or given more time to check it out....but then that would have given more time to find issues too.
Here are a few of the many reasons the story was a nothing burger when first reported.
What really gets me is all the people who need no proof to believe all the Trumpy bullshit. The russia, russia, russia is one of favorites.
The Russia investigation started in July 2016. The Steele dossier wasn't given to the FBI until Sept of 2016. The Mueller report listed numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and the Russians. There wasn't enough evidence for charges to be filed.

The FBI is still investigating the laptop.
Since Giuliani wouldn't let anyone look at the original HD, the person who wrote the Post story wouldn't let his name to be used on the story, the story was offered to everyone.
Both Fox and the WSJ passed on the story because they couldn't verify it. They had the HD in April and didn't do a story until Oct. They gave over a pdf of an email instead of the email itself. Files were added after the laptop wasn't in Biden's possession. The WaPo verified some of the emails that emails came to the laptop. No hint on what was sent from the laptop.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical
That is way too logical for our Trumpets to follow!

States adjusted their voting procedures because of Covid.

Trump kept telling his dipshits to vote in person. Trump was his own worst enemy.

Even the Justices Trump appointed, d.c. I'd not agree with his argument.

Yet will still have these numbnuts believing in voter fraus and the tooth fairy.
.... Surely sound like you sore-sports are crying and whining
about things again. ... 'Cause the American people KNOW that
Biden has been a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER.

And that the Dems are surely gonna get a SCHELLACKING come November.

### Salty
.... Surely sound like you sore-sports are crying and whining
about things again. ... 'Cause the American people KNOW that
Biden has been a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER.

And that the Dems are surely gonna get a SCHELLACKING come November.

### Salty
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The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

The FBI is still investigating the laptop.
Since Giuliani wouldn't let anyone look at the original HD, the person who wrote the Post story wouldn't let his name to be used on the story, the story was offered to everyone.

the FBI has had the actual laptop and hard drive for how long now? you do know that a FBI official in Information Security testified under oath he didn't know who in the FBI had the laptop?

Both Fox and the WSJ passed on the story because they couldn't verify it. They had the HD in April and didn't do a story until Oct. They gave over a pdf of an email instead of the email itself. Files were added after the laptop wasn't in Biden's possession. The WaPo verified some of the emails that emails came to the laptop. No hint on what was sent from the laptop. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

what are they waiting for? the End Times?

FLASHBACK: FBI Had Hunter Biden's Laptop for Almost a Year -- NOTHING WAS DONE!

they were told to sit on it and they did. the fact that the FBI knew copies had been made is the only reason they didn't erase it.

Files were added after the laptop wasn't in Biden's possession. The WaPo verified some of the emails that emails came to the laptop. No hint on what was sent from the laptop. Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

Correcting people like you is a job that's never done. It's easily done but you guys lie a lot.
And talk about whining and being a poor sport.
The election was almost a year and a half ago. Trump got beat by a landslide (his description of the spread). GET OVER IT.

"Here’s how the U.S. has been performing since President Joe Biden assumed office:

The economy regained 7.9 million jobs, getting within 1.6 million of the peak employment before the pandemic.
Unemployment fell to 3.6%; unfilled job openings surged, with 1.8 slots for every person seeking work.
Inflation roared back to the highest level in over 40 years. Consumer prices are up 9.7%. Gasoline alone rose nearly 72%.
Wages rose briskly, by 6.5%. But after adjusting for inflation, “real” weekly earnings went down 3.8%.
The economy grew 5.7% last year — the highest rate of growth since 1984.
The monthly average number of migrants apprehended at the border with Mexico over the last year increased by 309% compared with the average during President Donald Trump’s final year.
The percentage of Americans without health insurance dropped by 1.4 points from the last quarter of Trump’s presidency to the third quarter of Biden’s.
The U.S. admitted 18,766 refugees in Biden’s first 14 full months in office — lagging far behind his goal of 125,000 refugees a year.
Annual corporate profits increased last year for the first time since 2018, topping $2.6 trillion and setting a new record.
Homicides in U.S. big cities were up 6.2% from 2020 to 2021.
The U.S. trade deficit grew by more than 34% and is on pace for a new record high.
Crude oil production has increased by nearly 1%, with larger gains projected for this year.
Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson became the first Black woman confirmed to the Supreme Court.
The public debt rose another 10%, although federal deficits are on the decline.
Stock prices are up since Biden took office, but have fallen since the start of the year.

As our regular readers know, we have been tracking the nation’s progress — or lack thereof, in some cases — since October 2012, when we introduced “Obama’s Numbers,” which we updated on a quarterly basis. We did the same for Trump.

This is our first quarterly update of “Biden’s Numbers,” which debuted in January.

Here we include the latest statistics from authoritative sources on the state of the nation’s economic and social well-being. We don’t assign blame or credit, knowing full well that opinions will differ on that.

We should note that some statistics are not available at this time. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has yet to release either an interim or final report on 2021 gun manufacturing data. We also won’t have Census Bureau poverty and household income figures for 2021 until September. We’ll cover those and more in quarterly updates to come."

"Trump's final numbers.

The statistics for the entirety of Donald Trump’s time in office are nearly all compiled. As we did for his predecessor four years ago, we present a final look at the numbers.

The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%.
Paychecks grew faster than inflation. Average weekly earnings for all workers were up 8.7% after inflation.
After-tax corporate profits went up, and the stock market set new records. The S&P 500 index rose 67.8%.
The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 40.5% from 2016.
The number of people lacking health insurance rose by 3 million.
The federal debt held by the public went up, from $14.4 trillion to $21.6 trillion.

Home prices rose 27.5%, and the homeownership rate increased 2.1 percentage points to 65.8%.
Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 16.7%. Carbon emissions from energy consumption dropped 11.5%.
Handgun production rose 12.5% last year compared with 2016, setting a new record.
The murder rate last year rose to the highest level since 1997.
Trump filled one-third of the Supreme Court, nearly 30% of the appellate court seats and a quarter of District Court seats.
In the fall of 2020, we published a preelection update to our quarterly “Trump’s Numbers” series, and on President Joe Biden’s inauguration, we examined several statistical indicators on what he inherited. But as we noted then, the books weren’t yet closed on the Trump presidency.

It takes several months for some of the data to be finalized. While it’s likely some numbers will be revised in the future, we now have measures for Trump’s complete time in office.

Some of these figures, notably the net job loss and gross domestic product, were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which struck in Trump’s final year in office, becoming a defining issue of his tenure. Scientists quickly developed very effective vaccines, two of which were authorized for emergency use in the U.S. while Trump was still president in December 2020. But by the day Trump left office, 401,000 people had died from the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, and the economic fallout was far from over.

Some data points appeared to weather the economic impact: After-tax corporate profits and crude oil production rose, and the stock market, after taking an initial hit, continued to set records. Other statistics run counter to claims or promises Trump made: For instance, illegal immigration, the trade deficit and the federal debt — measures he vowed to lower — went up instead, rising even before the 2020 global pandemic began.

As we’ve often said, readers may find these statistics to be good, bad or neutral, and opinions differ on how much credit or blame a president should get for what happens while he is in office. We leave those judgments to others."

.... Surely sound like you sore-sports are crying and whining
about things again. ... 'Cause the American people KNOW that
Biden has been a sad ABSOLUTE DISASTER.

And that the Dems are surely gonna get a SCHELLACKING come November.

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What are you asking me for?
Just make something up like you usually do.
what are they waiting for? the End Times?

FLASHBACK: FBI Had Hunter Biden's Laptop for Almost a Year -- NOTHING WAS DONE!
See? I knew you could make something up. Nothing done? How do you know that? You don't so STFU.

they were told to sit on it and they did. the fact that the FBI knew copies had been made is the only reason they didn't erase it.
Total bullshit. You, of course, would think copies are the same as the original. It's not.
And the FBI grabbed it because of the tax information evidence on it needed for the investigation (into tax issues) launched during Obama's administration.

If they were told to sit on it then it was Trump that told them to do it. Like I said, Giuliani may have fucked up the use of the laptop as evidence for both investigations because of him shattering the chain of possession of the evidence. We'll have to wait and find out.
Once again you're talking out of your ass.

And finally, yes I know what the FBI guy testified to. He said he didn't know where the actual, exact location of the laptop was at. He didn't say it was lost.

"Trumpy jr claimed the laptop was lost on a facebook video.
The post was labeled false. Plus The video was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

Here is the exchange:

Gaetz: "So, where is it? The laptop?"

Vorndran: "Sir, I’m not here to talk about the laptop. I’m here to talk about the FBI’s cyber program."
Gaetz: "You are the assistant director of FBI cyber. I want to know where Hunter Biden’s laptop is. Where is it?"

Vorndran: "Sir, I don’t know that answer."

A few moments later, Gaetz says, "I’m holding the receipt from Mac’s Computer Repair, where in December 2019 they turned over this laptop to the FBI, and now you’re telling me right here, that as the assistant director of FBI cyber you don’t know where this is after it was turned over to you three years ago?"

Vorndran: "Yes, sir, that’s an accurate statement."

After Gaetz grills him further, Vorndran says the questions are not "in the purview of his investigative responsibilities."

We could find no credible reports about the FBI losing or misplacing the computer. A March 30 Washington Post story that details how the newspaper analyzed a copy of the laptop’s hard drive places it in the FBI’s possession."

I knew you wouldn't know the whole story. You didn't look and no one would tell you about it (in your circles).

I see you got tired getting beat up for your "if you say so" line that shows you can't refute.

I don't think using Putin instead of your "debate strategy" was a smart move. He is more full of shit than you.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
They altered/edited? the video. They admitted that fact.
They also lied and said she put a mask on while at the car "signing" ballots. T
She is clearly wearing a mask when she approached the box the first time.
What is it with Trumpys? They love to play with videos they plan to use as evidence. Why did they speed up that one part? Who cares. It's nothing at this point. It's just proof they'll do anything.
Did they lie about something you could see in the video? Yes. Did they alter the footage? Yes, they admitted it.
The only reason y'all aren't asking to see the raw footage is because the doctored version supports your bullshit.

A few ballot forging and stuffing episodes caught on tape in the 11 min video, the stuff starts at the 2:45 minute mark and is contained lower in the article URL provided. (Can't embed so a Rumble video Link here) Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Precious_b's Avatar
I don't know why people are arguing about voter fraud/theft/etc on a hooker board where it does no good instead of cashing in those *facts* for a cool mill.

Love that the repubs are sweetening the pot to bring forward those facts with fat cash rewards.

How many years is it now and nobody wants to take those easy pickings greenbacks?
Precious_b's Avatar
I don't know why people are arguing about voter fraud/theft/etc on a hooker board where it does no good instead of cashing in those *facts* for a cool mill.

Love that the repubs are sweetening the pot to bring forward those facts with fat cash rewards.

How many years is it now and nobody wants to take those easy pickings greenbacks?