nothing reply anything you want

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Thank you for that enlightening explanation of photosynthesis, which most of us have been aware of since our 6th grade science class.

Following his logic, those who put carbon into the the air should be paying him for taking carbon dioxide out of the air. So rather than using our tax dollars to reimburse him, we might look for West Texas millionaires to take responsibility. Originally Posted by brasil
DM's looking for a e tax ????
jokacz's Avatar

It’s difficult to say how much oil would be used to produce the equivalent amount of power/electricity in an oil fueled power plant vs a windmill.

Oil fueled power plants are basically a thing of the past. Less than 1% of electricity is generated by oil fueled power plants in this country. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Well excuse the fuck out of me, substitute fossil fuel power plant for oil fueled.

BTW there are 4 electric charging stations in the crappy Convenient Food Mart around the block from me.

Every time I have to deal with MAGAT morons I feel the need to take a shower to get the stench off of me, So carry on in blissful ignorance. Out.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Someone forgot e-waste
EV batteries are not easily recycled, and Lithium must be mined, usually in huge strip mine pits.

Btw, there's not an EV built, that can pull loaded trailers 1,130 mile from Syracuse to Kansas City with only a few refuel take a leak stops of 15 min each.

At best, 4 door sedan is less than 400 miles which then needs an entire overnight to recharge.

And yes there should be an EV tax per mile as they do use the roads.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Can we blame EV's for echoes?

The link is there for your viewing pleasure. Feel free to dissect those numbers and facts for yourself anyway you see fit.

But as you can see, approximately 60% of electricity in our country is generated by fossil fuels. Windmills on the other hand, well…you can see for yourself there’s quite a difference in production.

Carry on…
Someone forgot e-waste
EV batteries are not easily recycled, and Lithium must be mined, usually in huge strip mine pits. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Excellent point UC. I was going to bring this up, but I didn’t want to confuse the issue with the discussion about oil fired power plants.

The hate and anger can tend to blind a person from the truth and all the facts that go into a complicated discussion such as energy. It’s not simple, we can’t just flip a switch and walk away from fossil fuels.

Oops, looks like I quoted you before you were finished lol

It’s not simple, we can’t just flip a switch and walk away from fossil fuels.

I fully agree. It will be a long and difficult transition. However, we must start taking the first steps. But Trump has made it clear that the steps he will take will be steps backward.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
Flair4Drama's Avatar

It’s not simple, we can’t just flip a switch and walk away from fossil fuels.

I fully agree. It will be a long and difficult transition. However, we must start taking the first steps. But Trump has made it clear that the steps he will take will be steps backward. Originally Posted by brasil

I say as soon as Chiyna and Russia Russia Russia starts worrying about it.... we can too. There is no reason to be the "leader" on this. The more we cut back the more they forge ahead.... Have your diminished leader give Chiyna a kick in the ass.... oh that's right... he doesn't know how to do something that requires a spine....
elghund's Avatar
Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
That’s funny as hell!


offshoredrilling's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Wait more than a decade here.....

After several years and more than 4,900 posts later, maybe I finally understand osd.

His thread title: nothing reply anything you want

is a similar to one of Parmenides theories
(Greek philosopher 5th century BC)
where he stated:
"To speak of a thing, one has to speak of a thing that exists"
Thus, Parmenides argued that "nothing cannot exist, if it is discussed"

And yes, there's a new bottle of whiskey on the bar.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Sigh, two bottles
winn dixie's Avatar
Freaking philosophers.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Wait more than a decade here.....

After several years and more than 4,900 posts later, maybe I finally understand osd.

His thread title: nothing reply anything you want

is a similar to one of Parmenides theories
(Greek philosopher 5th century BC)
where he stated:
"To speak of a thing, one has to speak of a thing that exists"
Thus, Parmenides argued that "nothing cannot exist, if it is discussed"

And yes, there's a new bottle of whiskey on the bar. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
mmmmmm not a mod now, whew may not need game change