Ts Ladies Using Fake Pics

Ms./Mr TS Ashley. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the rules and guidelines of this site. You have been a member here since 2013. You have disgustingly broken more rules in your few posts spouting vitriolic bile than I have seen from anyone over the years here. Statements and threats as you have made are completely unacceptable by anyone on this board and will not be tolerated.

Points have been given and banning will commence if you can't behave like a Gentleman/Lady.

For your viewing pleasure. http://www.eccie.net/announcement.php?f=1394

#1 - Avoid cases of unprovoked rudeness to others. No place for it here. Yes, with the dynamic nature of the threads and topics, tempers will flare and things will become heated from time to time. You may often encounter individuals who become passionate or emotional when expressing one's opinion or point of view. That's all understood and perfectly acceptable within reason…….but, start slamming or bashing another member and be met with consequences.
#2 - Derogatory racial remarks are simply unacceptable, period. Disrespect another's ethnic background and you will most certainly regret it.
#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. We do not require that you have respect for us, but we do require that you treat us respectfully in the public forums. If you feel the need to vent, gripe, or blow off some steam regarding a staff member's action or decision, we ask that you keep it private. Email, RTM, or the PM system would be the appropriate avenue to take in such cases. In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
#7 - Threats of violence or physical harm will not be tolerated under any circumstances. There is no place for that on this board.
I see I got the attention of a moderator but still the post remains. You all are reprehensible and this board is completely discredited in my opinion.
I have looked back thru my records and based on what I have found is the original post made by Tom in May breaks no rules or guidelines. At this time there were issues in the eccie email system and if he emailed dallas@eccie.net it probably ended up with the hundreds of other mails lost in limbo at that time.

I have received no requests to remove any posts regarding this thread and based on what I see there is no reason to remove anything other than TS Ashley's nasty responses which I will leave as this is an information exchange for other men to see when it comes to the demeanor of Providers. Tom's posts were informative to make others aware of people using other pics and brought the members here to the attention of the change in handles as well as the inability to make contact with information thought current at the time.

This site is for the Men to exchange information and the information posted in this thread helps them Men of the board make decisions on who they wish to see.
I have looked back thru my records and based on what I have found is the original post made by Tom in May breaks no rules or guidelines. At this time there were issues in the eccie email system and if he emailed dallas@eccie.net it probably ended up with the hundreds of other mails lost in limbo at that time.

I have received no requests to remove any posts regarding this thread and based on what I see there is no reason to remove anything other than TS Ashley's nasty responses which I will leave as this is an information exchange for other men to see when it comes to the demeanor of Providers. Tom's posts were informative to make others aware of people using other pics and brought the members here to the attention of the change in handles as well as the inability to make contact with information thought current at the time.

This site is for the Men to exchange information and the information posted in this thread helps them Men of the board make decisions on who they wish to see. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
You have all the reason in the world to remove the posts because they are inaccurate and effecting my business. Tom never saw me and never even called me yet someone he knows that I'm a fake? I demand that you take these innacurate posts down immediately as they are negatively effecting my business. That is all! I am REAL 100% TS JORDAN (323) 682-1107!

WATCH MY PROOF VIDEO AND REMOVE THIS FALSE INNACURATE GARBAGE IMMEDIATELY!!! Why don't you go after some of my real impostors stealing my photos???



Like this black crossdresser beast.. But not you'd all rather attack the real girl.


4242624631 FAKE "TS KIMMY"
time4play's Avatar
TS Ashley I have read this thread and refrained from commenting until now. Your attitude is what is costing you business. You ranting on this thread isn't helping your situation. You have been given sound advice above how to remedy the situation. I will repeat it for you... If something in the original post is inaccurate and you can prove otherwise, email one of the mods at the top of this thread and provide them with accurate info. They will assist you in finding a remedy for the situation. Since you have also been told who the mods are and still can't figure it out, here is a list for this forum....( This forum is Moderated by: 11 people: Duke of G, Namssa, Lazrback, Bob Valdez, urhuckleberry, Torito, Matador, Von Spieler, Mojojo, geniusman, NYr .)

Now take this simple advice posted above and get a remedy for your situation. Your continual rants and threats are doing nothing but hurting your business and helping you accumulate points which will eventually ban you. Getting banned isn't going to help your business either. Your last post showing a backpage ad can't be fixed here. The mods work extremely hard here and don't have time to assist you in fixing backpage issues. In the upper right hand corner of the backpage ad is a report ad link, click it and get it removed. Complaining here won't help.

If you wish to go off again on another rant about my post, so be it. Everyone above has been nice and tried to help you. Sometimes you need to read what is posted instead of ranting.

Best of Luck !
TS Ashley I have read this thread and refrained from commenting until now. Your attitude is what is costing you business. You ranting on this thread isn't helping your situation. You have been given sound advice above how to remedy the situation. I will repeat it for you... If something in the original post is inaccurate and you can prove otherwise, email one of the mods at the top of this thread and provide them with accurate info. They will assist you in finding a remedy for the situation. Since you have also been told who the mods are and still can't figure it out, here is a list for this forum....( This forum is Moderated by: 11 people: Duke of G, Namssa, Lazrback, Bob Valdez, urhuckleberry, Torito, Matador, Von Spieler, Mojojo, geniusman, NYr .)

Now take this simple advice posted above and get a remedy for your situation. Your continual rants and threats are doing nothing but hurting your business and helping you accumulate points which will eventually ban you. Getting banned isn't going to help your business either. Your last post showing a backpage ad can't be fixed here. The mods work extremely hard here and don't have time to assist you in fixing backpage issues. In the upper right hand corner of the backpage ad is a report ad link, click it and get it removed. Complaining here won't help.

If you wish to go off again on another rant about my post, so be it. Everyone above has been nice and tried to help you. Sometimes you need to read what is posted instead of ranting.

Best of Luck ! Originally Posted by time4play
I'm just going to change my number again like I should have in the first place. I want nothing to do with this board at all. The mods aren't working hard at anything and you clearly haven't read the whole thread as I've been working hard for months to try and get it removed. The mod immediately jumped down my throat as soon as I used profanity and even admitted any emails that were sent regarding this probably got lost so too bad for me, yet did absolutely nothing to remove the post blatantly stating that I'm fake when I clearly am not.

Apparently when a girl wants to put mistakes like porn in her past guys NEED to know even after she's changed her name, email and phone. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for treating someone like me so poorly and so carelessly in regards to my name and business. I never did anything to any of you and I work extremely hard for what little I actually get in the end, so I am truly disgusted. This entire website is completely discredited in my estimation. I hope that you all continue to get ripped off by fakes, as you don't treat the authentic girls any better.
txexetoo's Avatar
I'm just going to change my number again like I should have in the first place. I want nothing to do with this board at all. The mods aren't working hard at anything and you clearly haven't read the whole thread as I've been working hard for months to try and get it removed. The mod immediately jumped down my throat as soon as I used profanity and even admitted any emails that were sent regarding this probably got lost so too bad for me, yet did absolutely nothing to remove the post blatantly stating that I'm fake when I clearly am not.

Apparently when a girl wants to put mistakes like porn in her past guys NEED to know even after she's changed her name, email and phone. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for treating someone like me so poorly and so carelessly in regards to my name and business. I never did anything to any of you and I work extremely hard for what little I actually get in the end, so I am truly disgusted. This entire website is completely discredited in my estimation. I hope that you all continue to get ripped off by fakes, as you don't treat the authentic girls any better. Originally Posted by TS_Ashley

When you threaten to slit someone's throat you go way beyond being frustrated an profane. I don't know Tom but he has been a valuable resource in exposing TS providers who use fake pictures. If you truly have 2 "names" and he mistakenly identified one a fake there are better ways to handle it. Considering your responses and current attitude do us all a favor and STFU an simply go away.
time4play's Avatar
TS Ashley I read the entire post and frequently read updates to this thread. You have only made sense once and it is in your latest post. Maybe it is time for you and your attitude to leave and look elsewhere for info. Apparently this place isn't for you. Too much drama involved with you. I love your change of attitude now. You have gone from threatening to Woe is me, everybody picks on sweet little old me. Horseshit ! As I said best of luck in the future and to finding a new home.

This whole thing could have been resolved with a simple email to a mod stating you no longer use the name posted ( Jordan I think it was, not going back to find out). You have changed your name and the pics posted are not of Jordan, but the pics are of Ashley. Such a simple fix that didn't need threats or your rants.
All-tied-up's Avatar
I'm just going to change my number again like I should have in the first place. I want nothing to do with this board at all. The mods aren't working hard at anything and you clearly haven't read the whole thread as I've been working hard for months to try and get it removed. The mod immediately jumped down my throat as soon as I used profanity and even admitted any emails that were sent regarding this probably got lost so too bad for me, yet did absolutely nothing to remove the post blatantly stating that I'm fake when I clearly am not.

Apparently when a girl wants to put mistakes like porn in her past guys NEED to know even after she's changed her name, email and phone. You all should be ashamed of yourselves for treating someone like me so poorly and so carelessly in regards to my name and business. I never did anything to any of you and I work extremely hard for what little I actually get in the end, so I am truly disgusted. This entire website is completely discredited in my estimation. I hope that you all continue to get ripped off by fakes, as you don't treat the authentic girls any better. Originally Posted by TS_Ashley

Might I suggest that when you do the new change that you get new photos to go along with it. I can not speak for Tom but I imagine that your new name and number came up in an ad somewhere in Texas with the same photos from your old name and number. When the photos are found on another known provider's ad the unknown will get flagged.

Simply put...

Same photos, different number, different name, different city, no explanation on your website, no aka or fka on your ad, will likely get you flagged as a fake again in the future. Avoid the hassle and get some new photos. Just my 2 cents, for what it is worth.
I don't know who the moderators are and I swear to god for all the stress you've caused me over this thread if I ever met you I'd slit your fucking throat. Originally Posted by TS_Ashley
I have reported my post per Von Spieler's instructions. So hopefully the issue will be resolved.
I think it would be wise to ask that your posts be removed as well.
I have edited the post. However, her posts will stay. She posted them, she received infractions for them, she owns them.
I have edited the post. However, her posts will stay. She posted them, she received infractions for them, she owns them. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Thanks VS,

Would you please remove the title of post 408 as well. I am reasonably sure that will continue to pop up in Google searches. I appreciate your help and instructions.
