Are we headed for a world wide meltdown?

Not really a destruction, but a reset. Remember back 1-2 years ago. Workers with the upper hand, businesses having to raise pay. People doing the Financially Independent Retire Early thing (FIRE).

Power structure wants to regain the upper hand. Make savers next eggs worthless, drive the stock and bond portfolios down. Make em pay 200 to fill up the truck. That will make em get their asses back to work, and they'll like it!

Who is purposely destroying the economy? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
... Russia and China get richer and America gets poorer.
Great Plan!

#### Salty
Chung Tran's Avatar
Not really a destruction, but a reset. Remember back 1-2 years ago. Workers with the upper hand, businesses having to raise pay. People doing the Financially Independent Retire Early thing (FIRE).

Power structure wants to regain the upper hand. Make savers next eggs worthless, drive the stock and bond portfolios down. Make em pay 200 to fill up the truck. That will make em get their asses back to work, and they'll like it! Originally Posted by Submodo
I was hoping for a serious response.

The ''power structure'' is losing much more than the Proletariat when the Market plunges.
No, the Power Structure sells first, and sells big, driving down the prices. You think all the Joe six-packs with their 401ks can cause 4% daily market swings? The Power Structure has access to information that the Proletariat does not. Thats how they keep in Power.
Chung Tran's Avatar
No, the Power Structure sells first, and sells big, driving down the prices. You think all the Joe six-packs with their 401ks can cause 4% daily market swings? The Power Structure has access to information that the Proletariat does not. Thats how they keep in Power. Originally Posted by Submodo
I'll buy some of that. But the most recent selling has been on light volume. From the Proletariat. Granted you could say the Power Money sold earlier this year. I would partially buy that.
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  • WTF
  • 06-17-2022, 10:53 AM
I'd say Jamie Diamond was in the know a couple weeks back when he said there was a Hurricane on the way!

I wish I'd paid more attention, that's for sure!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'd say Jamie Diamond was in the know a couple weeks back when he said there was a Hurricane on the way!

I wish I'd paid more attention, that's for sure! Originally Posted by WTF

I just bought Apache and Devon Energy.. Oil stocks have cratered the past 2 weeks. Granted so have others, but I held my breath buying, wondering if someone knows something I don't.

I think they will bounce hard next week. After options expire today, and assuming recent sellers were simply taking sizeable profits.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, the Power Structure sells first, and sells big, driving down the prices. You think all the Joe six-packs with their 401ks can cause 4% daily market swings? The Power Structure has access to information that the Proletariat does not. Thats how they keep in Power. Originally Posted by Submodo

Chung has some interesting views on the markets. he seems to think a billionaire getting several billions shaved off his net worth while still being a billionaire is the same as John WorkerBee seeing his entire portfolio crash to pennies on the dollar.
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  • WTF
  • 06-17-2022, 11:10 AM

I just bought Apache and Devon Energy.. Oil stocks have cratered the past 2 weeks. Granted so have others, but I held my breath buying, wondering if someone knows something I don't.

I think they will bounce hard next week. After options expire today, and assuming recent sellers were simply taking sizeable profits. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
A couple more dollar drop and I'll be down to even!

If my energy stocks drop below a certain target...I'll buy some more! If I can get a steady 9-10% dividend, I won't pay to much concern on the stock price....though it was much nicer when it was up!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-17-2022, 11:12 AM
Chung has some interesting views on the markets. he seems to think a billionaire getting several billions shaved off his net worth while still being a billionaire is the same as John WorkerBee seeing his entire portfolio crash to pennies on the dollar. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Both lose in percentages....

But you're right, one may feel much more pain at a pittance of lose compared to the billionaire.
lustylad's Avatar
No, the Power Structure sells first, and sells big, driving down the prices... The Power Structure has access to information that the Proletariat does not. Thats (sic) how they keep in Power. Originally Posted by Submodo
Hmm... help me out here, subbrain. Who are the members of your so-called Power Structure? Got a list of names? Do I need a referral to get in? Is there some kind of double-secret initiation ceremony for new members?

If I get in, do I receive an automatic exemption from the Insider Trading Laws? I mean, I like the part about having "access to information that the Proletariat does not" but I don't think I want to go to jail.

And are you sure all the members of this so-called Power Structure always buy and sell together in unison? I mean, how do you explain it when some of the Big Dogs are busy buying while others are busy shorting the market or a stock at the same time?

Was Ivan Boesky a member of your so-called Power Structure? That asshole sure had better "access to information" than I did. Whatever happened to him? I don't seem to recall him "keeping in power". Did the Power Structure kick him out? There are lots of examples like Ivan Boesky out there. Please explain it to us, subbrain.

I'll buy some of that... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yeah, I do believe you're stupid and gullible enough to buy it, chungy.

Here's an idea - Maybe you and subbrain should launch a "hedge fund for the proletariat" together. Good luck!
texassapper's Avatar
Who are the members of your so-called Power Structure? Ya got a list of names? Originally Posted by lustylad
You can start with both houses of Congress, The Executive Branch, SCOTUS, Select members of the General and Flank rank military, CEO's of fortune 500 companies
Do I need a referral to get in? Is there some kind of double-secret initiation ceremony for new members? Originally Posted by lustylad
No, but your expected to hold certain values as well as subscribe to the idea that you know better than the masses because, well, Look at your station in life. Think of them as an aristocracy that isn't necessarily dependent on birth and heritage. You can have a lot of money and still not be part of the "club" (see Trump, Donald J.) beloved by Dems until he held different views... ex-communicated from the club.
If I get in, do I receive an automatic exemption from the Insider Trading Laws? Originally Posted by lustylad
Well if you're a member of Congress yeah. LOL.
I mean, I like the part about having "access to information that the Proletariat does not" but I don't think I want to go to jail. Originally Posted by lustylad
Well that's what the words prosecutorial discretion exist for. We know tat sometimes other club members get caught and occasionally we have to sacrifice one to the masses, but generally, club members are cleared after the club investigates itself. And rarely if ever does anyone from the club go to jail for perjury. See Clinton, William J.
And are you sure all the members of this so-called Power Structure always buy and sell together in unison? I mean, how do you explain it when some of the Big Dogs are busy buying while others are busy shorting the market or a stock at the same time? Originally Posted by lustylad
There is hierarchy even within the membership. Some animals are more equal than others afterall. Not ALL the members of the club are privy to the same info... some have expertise in some areas while others have information on different topics.
Was Ivan Boesky a member of your so-called Power Structure? That asshole sure had better access to information than I did. Whatever happened to him? I don't seem to recall him "keeping in power". Did the Power Structure kick him out? There are lots of examples like Ivan Boesky out there. Originally Posted by lustylad
See the above... Maybe Boesky was maybe he wasn't. Regardless, sloppy members lose their privileges. And just because there is a subtle membership that benefits from confidential info, doesn't mean their aren't petty thieves like Boesky attempting to do the same.
Here's an idea - Maybe you and subbrain should launch a "hedge fund for the proletariat" together. Good luck! Originally Posted by lustylad
I believe it's called an index fund.
lustylad's Avatar
Not bad, sappy. Mostly tongue-in-cheek, but funny.

Too bad neither subbrain nor chungy is intelligent enough to respond as you did.
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  • WTF
  • 06-17-2022, 12:34 PM
Not bad, sappy. Mostly tongue-in-cheek, but funny.

Too bad neither subbrain nor chungy is intelligent enough to respond as you did. Originally Posted by lustylad
Too bad you think it was mostly tongue in your cheek!

Where do you think these Fed Chairs come from...the middle class? Or the JPMorgan's of the world?

Jesus son, get a grip.
lustylad's Avatar
Too bad you think it was mostly tongue in your cheek!

Where do you think these Fed Chairs come from...the middle class? Or the JPMorgan's of the world?

Jesus son, get a grip. Originally Posted by WTF
You're the idiot who needs to get a grip.

Have you noticed CaptainMidnight has been posting lots of Fed analyses lately? It seems those Fed Chairs don't always speak with one voice or agree on the most appropriate course of action, as would be befitting if they were all members of the same like-minded so-called Power Structure. Maybe you ought to try reading the minutes of their meetings sometime.

As to where they come from, anytime there is a Fed vacancy the lib-retards have a knack for nominating the most woke, progressive, far-left idiots they can find, many of whom have little experience in banking and hate the JP Morgans of the world.