Trump legal going ons

i get it but the dems just needed a corrupt

easily blackmailed vegetable to do the

weekend at bernies

and even scarier is the population of brain dead veggetables

they work harder than the useless republicans and now have harvested some crops but

we have just 1 more chance and that guy is putting everything

he has on the table to try and save it .
although President Trump handed

them the STORE

on a silver platter with the covid BS

basically usered in the mail in ballot scemes

and created the "drop boxes"

and that turned into states passing illegal voting practices

against their own state constitutions {toilet paper to lawless demons) that coincidentally run all the precincts that had to be won in order to overcome the "deficiencies" after closing down voting early on election night .. but is what it is ... spilled milk

Like Trump or not, the man has all his faculties. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Happy Birthday President Donald Trump!

thank you for all the triggering as above

and that mess look like it took alot of time

and it will go totally unread as I know you are enjoying your day

a whole lot more!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
YES!!! God Bless you President Trump! Thank you for triggering JB into 7 posts in this thread just today!
although President Trump handed

them the STORE

on a silver platter with the covid BS

basically usered in the mail in ballot scemes

and created the "drop boxes"

and that turned into states passing illegal voting practices

against their own state constitutions {toilet paper to lawless demons) that coincidentally run all the precincts that had to be won in order to overcome the "deficiencies" after closing down voting early on election night .. but is what it is ... spilled milk Originally Posted by JONBALLS

BTW, didja hear the latest about "2000 Mules"? I mean, ya can't watch it any more because the distributor pulled it. And made a public apology to one of the people they accused of stuffing illegal votes. But it's a GREAT movie! Gonna change EVERYTHING!

Also, the dozens...maybe 1 HUNDO thousand! court cases THROWN the fuck out because there was zero proof of widespread fraud found. But no worries! Kari Lake will get to the bottom of this.

And how many people have been indicted for this fake elector stuff? Whew! I've lost count. Patriots all! How cool is it that DJT is helping them with their legal bills too! Oh...wait..

Like Trump or not, the man has all his faculties. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Tell that to the handful of people who watched him fall apart when his teleprompter took a shit at his Vegas rally.
Even Fox doesn't want to cover the blithering idiot anymore.

In fairness, this speech was before his 34 count conviction felony pre-sentencing interview so he probably had that on his mind.
The statement that there was “zero” proof of widespread voter fraud is incorrect. There was voter fraud during that election, and there was just another woman indicted for ballot stuffing. Just Google ballot stuffing. You’ll find plenty of articles to choose from.

Maybe not enough to change the election, but there was plenty of voter fraud that went on.

One of the biggest problems we have on both sides of the isle is folks speaking in full blown “absolutes”, when we all know it’s not true. It would serve us all better if we didn’t do the same. Absolutes are not reality.
Thank gawd for football season, maybe we can all get along then.

Btw, Trump at this moment is speaking in Fla to celebrate his 78th birthday. Sure doesn’t sound anything like Old Joe is possible of even speaking off the teleprompter.

Like Trump or not, the man has all his faculties. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Are you quite sure about that?
Are you quite sure about that? Originally Posted by brasil
What I am quite sure of is if you put the two together side by side in a split screen when they’re publicly speaking, there’s a huge difference between the two when you truly consider the issue of dementia. I may be getting old, but my eyes still see just fine.

Old Joe is in an extremely sad state of decline. And as I’ve mentioned before, as well as another in a different thread, his POS wife, Dr Jill, should be fucking ashamed of herself for still propping him up like he’s A OK.

If you look at how Old Joe stands…just when he’s simply standing, his arms are stiff, and take close note of his hands. See how stiff they are? How his thumbs are pointing outward? Almost like his hands are also trying to figure out wtf is going on.

My father had dementia, and died from full blown Alzheimer’s. It’s very hard to watch a person decline like that. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. If it was my father? He sure the fuck would not be running for POTUS…again! Christ, we took his driving license away from him when dementia first set in when he called from a pay phone downtown asking for help because he was lost and didn’t know how to get home.

Some of you fucks have such a hate for Trump it’s nauseating. I know he’s an asshole, but do you honestly think Old Joe can run the country for another 4 years? He’s not running the country now, wtf folks!

You can post all the asinine photoshopped pics of Trump you want, say all the hateful shit you want about Trump, and throw around big words that you don’t even know what the true meaning of them are. But, it certainly doesn’t change the truth about Old Joe and his extremely serious declining mental state.

Show me the fucking alternative to Old Joe and I’ll applaud all your ignorant asses. But, until then, face the reality of what we have in front of us and the choices we have.
Again, I understand the hate for Trump, but calling Trump delusional is beyond my ability to comprehend when we have a President that doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.

If all of you can’t watch Biden, in a serious manner and see how badly this man has deteriorated in just the last two years blows me away. Old Joe seems to be getting worse by the day, meandering around and having to be told where to stand and when is sad. His family (more importantly Dr Jill) and the Dems propping him up should be ashamed of themselves.

Want to bash Trump? Go for it! But, please come up with a better alternative for all of us than Old Joe. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
People who have actually interacted at a high level with Joe have a very different view than you.
Like the folks at the G7.
“I think that Joe Biden is someone who is very clear, who knows exactly what he is doing and who is one of the most experienced politicians in the world, especially when it comes to international politics,” Scholz said, praising the president’s presence at the G7 conference. “In a difficult situation like this, where a war is taking place right here in Europe, after Russia invaded Ukraine, where many, many other conflicts are raging around the world, this is an asset, a good thing, and therefore I can only say that this is a man who knows exactly what he is doing.” This from the German leader. If you are consuming the MAGA nonsense you will prefer Old Donald as your champion.
People who have actually interacted at a high level with Joe have a very different view than you. Originally Posted by brasil
Oh? Is that so? And who are we referring to? Other fucking Dems that fear losing power? The bureaucrats that are actually running this country? Or his POS wife?

Watch him for yourself! Come to your own conclusion! Think for yourself! Not what these so called “Other People” are saying. My gawd people….I know you’re not blind!


I’m sure you’re a good guy, and I myself is no Trump Lover For Life.

But did you watch Joe at the G7? How lost he looked? I could give a fuck what people say, I’m judging with my own eyes.

Don’t only listen…!

Jaysus! I fucking give up!
Oh? Is that so? And who are we referring to? Other fucking Dems that fear losing power? The bureaucrats that are actually running this country? Or his POS wife?

Watch him for yourself! Come to your own conclusion! Think for yourself! Not what these so called “Other People” are saying. My gawd people….I know you’re not blind!

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Our allies are horrified at the notion of madman Trump coming back to the White House. They are not blind, nor are we.

With Biden, let's not confuse physical frailties with intellectual ones. FDR could not walk, yet he led the U.S. out of the depression and through World War II.
FDR may have been in a wheelchair, but his mental capacity was at 100%. I’m talking about Biden’s mental decline. Not to mention, his ass has never been the sharpest crayon in the box. Comparing Biden to FDR is an insult to FDR.

Of course our allies are horrified Trump will be back in the White House. He held their asses accountable…on many fronts. Including the fact that if they want to continue getting “our” tax dollars, they gotta pony up.

Safe to assume you’re ok with our tax dollars being given to all these other countries while they’re not being held accountable for what they get from us? While we have American citizens that are homeless? Our Vets that are homeless? Young folks can’t afford to buy a house because interest rates are too high and their American dream is fading? You’re ok with all these POS fucks coming across the border unvetted? Or…maybe you enjoy cooking…are really good at it and are ok with Biden and his Green fucks coming for your gas stove? Cause anyone worth a fuck at cooking knows an electric stove isn’t worth a shit! Or….maybe YOU can afford an electric car, and are ok with them coming for your gasoline powered vehicle even tho we spent how many billions of dollars on charging stations and how many have been built since? Last I looked it was 7. Fucking 7!

Shall I continue? Because I certainly can! Or maybe you should do your homework and research before testing my knowledge of what is actually going on in this damn country.

Read! Research the numbers! Not just Fox! Not just MSDNC! The actual factual sites that report the true numbers. Ok?