Clesed Thread Repository

MountainGoat's Avatar
Just don't call it informative... we don't need the scrutiny.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

thinking only of oneself, without regard for the feelings or desires of others; self-centered.
"their egocentric tendency to think of themselves as invulnerable"
synonyms: self-centered, egomaniacal, egoistic, egotistic, self-interested, selfish, self-seeking, self-absorbed, narcissistic, vain, self-important
"Ivy has finally outgrown her egocentric friends"

ijs. nice to be king on your own board.

Hows that working for you? you enjoying the fruits of other peoples work for that site?
Why wouldn't I be????
Another DD "Because I Said So" clesure....

Review: Lucy Purr is fun!

Folks ...


Maybe they will give him WOTS authorization soon....
Especially after he handed out some "Pussy Points" to task....
Chica Chaser's Avatar Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
It was under 2 years and she did make Paulie move! Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Thanks CC for placing your clesure here while Tiger is on vacation....
I see DD didn't get the memo though.....
Little Blue Helpers

DD -- did you miss the memo about Tiger's vacation???
Lil help??
Or just don't clese anything until he get's back... you know how I hate having to cover his shifts....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Thanks CC for placing your clesure here while Tiger is on vacation.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Just doing my part to help fill the staffing gaps.
Plastic Man's Avatar Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
an awesome ...thread that will go ...down the ...anals ...of classic discussions that be all bout yer world famous ...plastic man!

...fuck yeah it good ta be the ...king!

...fuck yeah it good ta be the ...king! Originally Posted by Plastic Man

But... but.... but... I thought you were away at Mayor School......
Review: Lauren a lingerie knockout

DD -- Please read your pm's
Party Time

If I can be allowed to be a negative nancy for a moment....
I do miss the bright red CLESED button on our clesed threads....
WTF DD??????????????????

Review: AMAZING Big Boobed Sex with Krista

You bump a review and then you clese it?????

Or did you find a bump... delete and then clese????
That would be WAY worse as I recall....

I've got time... I'll wait for the splaination.....
Moved from IPR's

Movin... clesin... deleting... you go dd....

Fuckin Tiger gonna be asking for a raise.....
merge with "respect" (ME) thrAD?