LexusLover's Avatar
I think he should admit defeat and move his circus act elsewhere. Originally Posted by DSK

He's got no where else to pitch his tent. You just saw the reasons why.

His only option is to change his handle and reapply, again.

When he requested to be called "stupid" when he actually posted something "stupid," .... it was the "handwriting on the wall" for him.

Now, THE HILLBILLY is coming to his defense by responding to posts ..

.. see below. Shameless is right behind him ... figuratively speaking, of course!
Budman's Avatar
Because religion is toxic and poisons everything it touches. It teaches you not to question. To inhibit your own logic and reason. It tells you that some magic sky daddy knows better than you do. The 10 commandments? The first 4 are about himself. How fucked up is that? The problem is that people don't just go to church and live a good life. That's not how religion works. They are commanded to bring others to the faith. This leads to all manner of bullshit. It seeps into our laws. Laws that govern people who do not share this faith. Following the tenets of that faith is a horrible thing. You don't need religion to be a moral, upstanding person. That's a lie. Originally Posted by WombRaider
It does nothing you claim. Are there pushy hypocritical assholes in religion. Of course. Trying to bring others into their faith is done with the best of intentions. Think about it, if you believe that there is a heaven and hell and you have a path to heaven why would you not try and convince others to follow the same path? If you don't want to have the discussion with them just say so. You have the control of whether or not to participate. Why wouldn't you take the opportunity to convince them that there isn't a god? After all you don't seem to have a problem arguing and trying to convince others of your point of view. Are you just scared that they may be right?
LexusLover's Avatar

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--"

A Man of God .... the Reverend Martin Luther King ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Because religion is toxic and poisons everything it touches. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Dr. King was ... "toxic" and "poisonous" .... ????

Is that what you told your so called GF before she booted your ass out?

The United States of America is ... "toxic" and "poisonous"????

"In God We Trust"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually ... YOU, WANT-A-BE-A-WOMB, are "toxic" and "poisonous"!!!!!

You are a blight on society and a BLIGHT on this board.
Damn, undercunt... you make this so easy... let's look at this thread first... how many times hath I handeth thee thy ass? Let me count the ways....

Post #216 – You were handed your ass regarding the number of jobs linked to the Keystone XL pipeline, the relative safety of pipelines versus railcars, and the pipeline's impact on Bakken crude...

Post #218 – You were handed your ass when I walked you through simple algebra and explained how it contradicted your own argument...

Post #235 – You were handed your ass when you tried to distance yourself from your own cherry-picked study....

Post #275 – You were handed your ass when you said it was racist for the African-American Mayor of Baltimore to use the word “thugs”....

Post #391 – You were handed your ass when you cited a study (by Hodson and Busseri) which was discredited for its bias and misuse of statistical data...

Posts #404 – You were handed your ass when you provided a link to a study (by Dr. Noel Carl) refuting your claim that democrats are smarter than republicans...

And I'm just warming up... There are dozens of other examples here on eccie where you had your ass handed to you! All I've done is dig up a few in this thread alone!

. Originally Posted by lustylad
The world needs ditch diggers. At least you've got work, unlike the construction workers on the pipeline once it's done.
It does nothing you claim. Are there pushy hypocritical assholes in religion. Of course. Trying to bring others into their faith is done with the best of intentions. Think about it, if you believe that there is a heaven and hell and you have a path to heaven why would you not try and convince others to follow the same path? If you don't want to have the discussion with them just say so. You have the control of whether or not to participate. Why wouldn't you take the opportunity to convince them that there isn't a god? After all you don't seem to have a problem arguing and trying to convince others of your point of view. Are you just scared that they may be right? Originally Posted by Budman
Let's dispense with this straight away; I have no fear of them being right. Absolutely none. Getting from a prime mover to that prime mover being a carpenter from jerusalem is simply a bridge too far and no one has crossed it yet. There's even good cases made for the fact that jesus didn't even exist. It is absolutely poison. It tells you that you aren't good enough without him. That you can't succeed without him and that you don't know what's best for yourself. How is that in any way a positive message? If shit doesn't work out, it wasn't his plan. If shit works out it's praise his name. Bullshit. Why wouldn't I try and persuade them there is no god? Have you ever tried to argue with an apologist? They're brainwashed, in a way. They can be confronted with absolute facts and still refuse to believe. I'm not sure what someone can do in that situation. You can show absolute proof the earth is much older than 6K years, they don't want to hear it or they doubt the science. You can explain evolution to them, they don't want to hear it or they doubt the science. Honestly, I don't have time for people who deny scientific fact. Unlike them, my belief doesn't require me to try and bring others with me. And these good intentions you speak of, are bullshit. It's not good intentions. It's presumptuous on their part. Often, I know more about the bible than they do. They know the flowery, good parts. Not the parts where it says to take slaves and rape the virgins. Look, all it would take is one piece of real evidence and I would at least look at it and consider changing my mind, but there is no evidence at all, of any kind.

Don't you think, if god was as good and loving as they say he is, that to get his only message out to as many people as he could, in a clear and concise manner, he could have chosen a better vessel than tribes of backward goat herders in the bronze age middle east? He is supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful and yet he had to flood the world in an epic do over. Did he not see that one coming? He impregnated his mother, with himself, so that he himself could sacrifice himself and go back to the sky, to be with himself? C'mon man. It absolutely does what I said. It poisons everything it touches.
Dr. King was ... "toxic" and "poisonous" .... ????

Is that what you told your so called GF before she booted your ass out?

The United States of America is ... "toxic" and "poisonous"????

"In God We Trust"!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually ... YOU, WANT-A-BE-A-WOMB, are "toxic" and "poisonous"!!!!!

You are a blight on society and a BLIGHT on this board. Originally Posted by LexusLover
In god we trust was put on the money in the 1950s, you ignorant cunt. Did I say america was toxic and poisonous? No, but those are the words you have to put in my mouth in order to make your case.

Why would I want to be a womb? That doesn't even make fucking sense.

You really need a lesson in anthropology and human nature. We treat each other the way we want to be treated, for the most part. We are social animals. We have developed moral behavior over thousands and thousands of years of being together. We don't need a god in order to have moral behavior.

"If the only thing keeping a person decent, is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit."

"What does it say about life, you have to get together and tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe, just to get through the goddamn day?"
Budman's Avatar
Let's dispense with this straight away; I have no fear of them being right. Absolutely none. Getting from a prime mover to that prime mover being a carpenter from jerusalem is simply a bridge too far and no one has crossed it yet. There's even good cases made for the fact that jesus didn't even exist. It is absolutely poison. It tells you that you aren't good enough without him. That you can't succeed without him and that you don't know what's best for yourself. How is that in any way a positive message? If shit doesn't work out, it wasn't his plan. If shit works out it's praise his name. Bullshit. Why wouldn't I try and persuade them there is no god? Have you ever tried to argue with an apologist? They're brainwashed, in a way. They can be confronted with absolute facts and still refuse to believe. I'm not sure what someone can do in that situation. You can show absolute proof the earth is much older than 6K years, they don't want to hear it or they doubt the science. You can explain evolution to them, they don't want to hear it or they doubt the science. Honestly, I don't have time for people who deny scientific fact. Unlike them, my belief doesn't require me to try and bring others with me. And these good intentions you speak of, are bullshit. It's not good intentions. It's presumptuous on their part. Often, I know more about the bible than they do. They know the flowery, good parts. Not the parts where it says to take slaves and rape the virgins. Look, all it would take is one piece of real evidence and I would at least look at it and consider changing my mind, but there is no evidence at all, of any kind.

Don't you think, if god was as good and loving as they say he is, that to get his only message out to as many people as he could, in a clear and concise manner, he could have chosen a better vessel than tribes of backward goat herders in the bronze age middle east? He is supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful and yet he had to flood the world in an epic do over. Did he not see that one coming? He impregnated his mother, with himself, so that he himself could sacrifice himself and go back to the sky, to be with himself? C'mon man. It absolutely does what I said. It poisons everything it touches. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Quite often. You and most liberals fit that bill perfectly. You're an apologist for Obama and Clinton. There is nothing they can do that you won't defend or excuse.

You seem extremely angry about this religion thing. Get a grip. Maybe WE can pray for you.

PS: How come you haven't replied to the thread where I pointed out your blatant racism. Are you afraid to admit the troof?
LexusLover's Avatar
In god we trust was put on the money in the 1950s, you ignorant cunt. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And you point is? Other than you searching for an opportunity to call someone a name .... and thereby try to demonstrate your self-proclaimed superior intellect ...

..... when all you've done is call Dr. King ... "toxic" and "poisonous"????

In 1950 ... this country (our government) thought it appropriate to place ...

.."In God We Trust"!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... on the money of this country.

Our founding fathers thought it appropriate to include God in our lives.

So did Dr. King.
Quite often. You and most liberals fit that bill perfectly. You're an apologist for Obama and Clinton. There is nothing they can do that you won't defend or excuse.

You seem extremely angry about this religion thing. Get a grip. Maybe WE can pray for you.

PS: How come you haven't replied to the thread where I pointed out your blatant racism. Are you afraid to admit the troof? Originally Posted by Budman
I'm not an apologist for Obama. I know he's not perfect. He's the lesser of two evils, nothing more.
And you point is? Other than you searching for an opportunity to call someone a name .... and thereby try to demonstrate your self-proclaimed superior intellect ...

..... when all you've done is call Dr. King ... "toxic" and "poisonous"????

In 1950 ... this country (our government) thought it appropriate to place ...

.."In God We Trust"!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... on the money of this country.

Our founding fathers thought it appropriate to include God in our lives.

So did Dr. King. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I never called Dr King toxic, firstly. Our founding fathers were deists, at best. Thomas Jefferson wrote his own version of the bible. god is never mentioned in the constitution except in ONE place; when they write the year of our lord in the date. That's it. No mention of him being for us or part of this country or any such bullshit.

As for the founding fathers, maybe you should read Article 11 of the treaty of tripoli:

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen [Muslims]; and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan [Muslim] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries
Quite often. You and most liberals fit that bill perfectly. You're an apologist for Obama and Clinton. There is nothing they can do that you won't defend or excuse.

You seem extremely angry about this religion thing. Get a grip. Maybe WE can pray for you.

PS: How come you haven't replied to the thread where I pointed out your blatant racism. Are you afraid to admit the troof? Originally Posted by Budman
And he still hasn't denied that he works the glory hole at the local truck stop !
LexusLover's Avatar
I never called Dr King toxic,... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Literally, you are correct. Substantively, you did. He did believe in God, and preached respect for God and God's direction. My impression of the man was, and is, that his message was "faith based" and his philosophy in social matters was founded upon Christian principles. You call them "toxic" and "poisonous."

At least your behavior in this forum demonstrates your desire and effort to tie the messenger's characteristics to his or her message in order to discredit their point of view. One of your tactics is to assault the message to marginalize the messenger to that end.

Perhaps you failed to realize, or simply don't want to acknowledge, that you cannot discriminate among messages and messengers, and then try to separate them in order to cover your butt when you unwittingly assault someone who you have no justification to attack by your ridiculous beliefs.

"Thou shall not steal" ... is "toxic" and "poisonous"?

I think I understand you now:

I believe it would it would be a fair assessment that Dr. King would not.
And he still hasn't denied that he works the glory hole at the local truck stop ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You must really want me to suck your dick. You are the one that started with the glory hole thing and you won't let it die. All I can conclude is you really want a bj from a dude. It ain't me
Literally, you are correct. Substantively, you did. He did believe in God, and preached respect for God and God's direction. My impression of the man was, and is, that his message was "faith based" and his philosophy in social matters was founded upon Christian principles. You call them "toxic" and "poisonous."

At least your behavior in this forum demonstrates your desire and effort to tie the messenger's characteristics to his or her message in order to discredit their point of view. One of your tactics is to assault the message to marginalize the messenger to that end.

Perhaps you failed to realize, or simply don't want to acknowledge, that you cannot discriminate among messages and messengers, and then try to separate them in order to cover your butt when you unwittingly assault someone who you have no justification to attack by your ridiculous beliefs.

"Thou shall not steal" ... is "toxic" and "poisonous"?

I think I understand you now:

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your mistake is thinking morality comes from religion.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Have you two cocksuckers got a room yet? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You're a delusional SOB if you imagine anyone would share a room with your homeless, street-walking ass, Ekim the Inbred Chimp.