Enough is Enough

"I have seen him.......while he is not fat, he is an ugly fucker........I wouldn't pay to fuck him.....ijs But like MikiFine, I reckon if I were to want a free one, it would be with Wakeup."
Originally Posted by dearhunter

Fixed that for you.

Old Dingus
I have seen him.......while he is not fat, he is an ugly fucker........I wouldn't pay to fuck him......but, I wouldn't pay to fuck the fat hooktards either.......so, you may not want to take my word for it.....ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
Figures he's an ugly MF.

Yeah. And nobody has to pay to fuck a fat hooker unless they want to.

He's trying to make an excuse that just cause he looked at a Big Mac on the menu, he can say that McDonalds hamburgers ain't no good.

If you paid for it. Then you got the right to complain.

But don't gimme that bullshit that just cause you don't like the way it looks on the menu that you got the right to criticize it.

He's trying to make an excuse that just cause he looked at a Big Mac on the menu, he can say that McDonalds hamburgers ain't no good.
Originally Posted by AndyLattu
Naaaaa. He's too busy frenchin' the fries!

Old Dingus
dearhunter's Avatar
but but but.......McDonald hamburgers aren't any good
Wakeup's Avatar
Wait...is whatshisnuts saying that we're not allowed to have an opinion on something unless we pay for it first?

And here I thought his first argument was idiotic...

ProTip: if you make that argument, then you can't call a woman beautiful unless you paid for her too...
but but but.......McDonald hamburgers aren't any good Originally Posted by dearhunter
If so then you simply don't eat at McDonald's do you?

But you don't parade up and down the street wearing signs and screaming at all the people that going into McDonalds that their hamburgers ain't no good just because YOU don't like them. People think you crazy if you do that, won't they?

Same here telling ladies not to come to Houston cause you think they fat or ugly or whatever. If Busty Amy could get clients, well just about any woman could.
Wait...is whatshisnuts saying that we're not allowed to have an opinion on something unless we pay for it first?

And here I thought his first argument was idiotic...

ProTip: if you make that argument, then you can't call a woman beautiful unless you paid for her too... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
ExpertTip: Calling a woman beautiful is a compliment. Calling a woman fat and ugly is an insult, especially if you never met her and don't know her.

You too fucking stupid to understand the difference. I ain't playing no semantic bullshit games that you always try to pull.

You an ugly, spastic fucking asshole. Plain and simple. End of Story.
I'm with dh. Based on his looks alone I wouldn't give him a second glance.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
LOL well that's a creative way to insult someone AL....

I guess if you do it in a creative way rather than straight forward it ain't the same thing. BTW have you seen BA?
If Busty Amy could get clients, well just about any woman could. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
G*A*W*D D*A*M*N*I*T !*!*!

Now I'm startin' to like this guy.

Old Dingus
Wakeup's Avatar
Hey Andy...how those points taste?


P.S.-THAT'S an insult...based on the points you got...calling a woman fat isn't...keep that in mind next time and see if you can remember the difference...
chicagoboy's Avatar
Like I said, you probably one pathetic spastic MF. Anybody seen this clown in real life? He's ugly and all spastic ain't he? Originally Posted by AndyLattu
WU is ... um, errrrrr, sorta ... attractive.

But he's no NAN.

You an ugly, spastic fucking asshole. Plain and simple. End of Story. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
Andy forgot "Case Closed!"
dearhunter's Avatar
Here is "creative" for you..........AL, Eva called me and asked me to give you a message........."no"...... whatever that means.......she said you would understand.
Wakeup's Avatar