Daughter of Random Thoughts

Laurenspencer's Avatar
People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. Changing your habits, will change your life! Originally Posted by Zenovia
I love this Zenovia please start a thread with positivity and love , bring your radiant energy to the board and your big boobies lol we all need good vibes
tuckahoe's Avatar
I love this Zenovia please start a thread with positivity and love , bring your radiant energy to the board and your big boobies lol we all need good vibes Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Yep! We need to build up and encourage one another. We gotta look out for each other!
Laurenspencer's Avatar
Yep! We need to build up and encourage one another. We gotta look out for each other! Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Agree ! That’s Why I adore you and our friendship you are always kind and positive about everything
CatMan4u's Avatar
Lauren I miss your positive comments also
Please get back to posting them
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
She records everthing,get on her shit list you may be next for shake down,do go ahead and laugh,she talks alot when lit up and she stays that way .
She records everthing,get on her shit list you may be next for shake down,do go ahead and laugh,she talks alot when lit up and she stays that way . Originally Posted by Post apocalyptic lvr
Shit list for shake downs goes along with spreadsheets for bullies.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
Yeah the bullies at her house that threated me and my family if i didnt come up with $700 you want to shovel shit with me FB bring it on I got a big shovel.
I've often wondered why someone would need multiple accounts on here. I'm me take it or leave it.
Post apocalyptic lvr's Avatar
The word right of her pimps mouth was there are worse things than death,they been posting doctored pictures online,I exspect that from this scum.
Post lovr, you need to chill. I don't pick up others shit nor extort. You must have me confused with the others
Exchequer's Avatar
For any Expanse fans out there, don't you feel we got a little robbed with only six episodes! Take it they were really good but I needed more...

Zenovia's Avatar
We need a thread like this...daily motivations.... Originally Posted by Johnsson
Yessss I agree Johnsson! We most definitely need you to post that daily motivational thread!! I’ll definitely participate.
Zenovia's Avatar
Wise words from a wise woman (who just happens to be sexy AF!) Originally Posted by Exchequer
Gracias mi amor
You, the apple of my eye, have managed to put a smile on my lips. Besos dahling
Zenovia's Avatar
She records everthing,get on her shit list you may be next for shake down,do go ahead and laugh,she talks alot when lit up and she stays that way . Originally Posted by Post apocalyptic lvr
Don’t forget, she also will text you bs from “anonymous numbers” to try to get under your skin. I actually have empathy for those types of people, and I really do wish them well!
Zenovia's Avatar
I've often wondered why someone would need multiple accounts on here. I'm me take it or leave it. Originally Posted by Baconman
I like you being you BaconMan, no filter, and definitely no fakeness about you! I am sure we both know why some have multiple accounts on here… to keep up with their fuckery