People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. Changing your habits, will change your life! Originally Posted by ZenoviaI love this

People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future. Changing your habits, will change your life! Originally Posted by ZenoviaI love this
She records everthing,get on her shit list you may be next for shake down,do go ahead and laugh,she talks alot when lit up and she stays that way . Originally Posted by Post apocalyptic lvrDon’t forget, she also will text you bs from “anonymous numbers” to try to get under your skin. I actually have empathy for those types of people, and I really do wish them well!
I've often wondered why someone would need multiple accounts on here. I'm me take it or leave it. Originally Posted by BaconmanI like you being you BaconMan, no filter, and definitely no fakeness about you! I am sure we both know why some have multiple accounts on here… to keep up with their fuckery