For those who need proof of election fraud....

txdot-guy's Avatar
Is it recovered when it was never erased. The county recorder called bullshit on the erased allegation as soon as it was made.

Trump followers truly are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Trump supporters are the dumb ones? Look in a mirror, bruh.

He stated that he “recovered those deleted files” aka they deleted them and were either too stupid, too rushed, or both to do an overwrite. Deleted files are not really deleted, only the space made available to be overwritten by new data, and if this hasn’t happened, the old data can be pulled back up by any first year com-sci student.

Dummies should’ve borrowed Hilda’s copy of BleachBit. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Incorrect again. The files were never deleted. The "Cyber Ninjas" just jumped the gun on their allegations. First they didn't reconstruct the raid array correctly and assumed the data was deleted. Then when that fact was pointed out to them they were able to correctly see the data. If they had kept their mouths shut and simply asked the county IT staff about the issue they would not have had to retract their statement. In my opinion that makes them dumb-asses.
bambino's Avatar

It’s so easy, it’s so easy......
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Whom are you quoting there, Randy?

In four years, you’ll get your chance to see Trumpism crushed yet again.

Safely, sanely, solidly and LEGSLLY! Again. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Actually I researched it very carefully. Supposedly published as an opinion published in a Czech newspaper. Investigation showed it had appeared before, with Obama, lol imagine that.
The statement is so true it's scary. The battle goes on here everyday, and it's remarkable how the media has brain washed you Biden fans. His record is right out for everyone to see, he's a "loser" but you continue to defend him. I haven't seen any 'trump fans" brag about Trumps personality. It stunk! Big mouth always on Twitter. And yes he could have handled the pandemic better. But Biden totally mishandle H1N1, lucky for him and Obama it wasn't as deadly but they had years of advanced notice and still 60 million people were infected. Three (3X) time the covid infection.
Maybe 70 million US citizens thought the election was based on performance(Trump), while 80 million thought it was a popularity contest (Biden)
For years citizens have talked "term limits" Biden is a "term limits" poster boy. All the things in government people complain about. 47 years Biden was there to correct, were are his accomplishments. In 4 years, in spite of his personality, Trump put America First. Immigration, Trade Deals, Europe paying their fair share of NATO, peace agreements in the middle east. Show me/us were Biden has out performed Trump during his 47 years of living off the taxpayers of this country. YOU CAN'T.
The media, especially CBS continues to poison this country both news and entertainment wise with there constant inuendos about racial discrimination, while ignoring Bidens lack of performance. NBC, ABC and of course the losers like CNN are no better.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Actually I researched it very carefully. Supposedly published as an opinion published in a Czech newspaper. Investigation showed it had appeared before, with Obama, lol imagine that.
The statement is so true it's scary. The battle goes on here everyday, and it's remarkable how the media has brain washed you Biden fans. His record is right out for everyone to see, he's a "loser" but you continue to defend him. I haven't seen any 'trump fans" brag about Trumps personality. It stunk! Big mouth always on Twitter. And yes he could have handled the pandemic better. But Biden totally mishandle H1N1, lucky for him and Obama it wasn't as deadly but they had years of advanced notice and still 60 million people were infected. Three (3X) time the covid infection.
Maybe 70 million US citizens thought the election was based on performance(Trump), while 80 million thought it was a popularity contest (Biden)
For years citizens have talked "term limits" Biden is a "term limits" poster boy. All the things in government people complain about. 47 years Biden was there to correct, were are his accomplishments. In 4 years, in spite of his personality, Trump put America First. Immigration, Trade Deals, Europe paying their fair share of NATO, peace agreements in the middle east. Show me/us were Biden has out performed Trump during his 47 years of living off the taxpayers of this country. YOU CAN'T.
The media, especially CBS continues to poison this country both news and entertainment wise with there constant inuendos about racial discrimination, while ignoring Bidens lack of performance. NBC, ABC and of course the losers like CNN are no better. Originally Posted by randy.creed77

rexdutchman's Avatar
Term limits never gonna happen with the entrenched elites in dc
bambino's Avatar

UPDATE 1115 EST - Judge orders ballots unsealed. Parties to appear at ballot storage location 10am May 28th. Ballots will be scanned at 600 dpi or higher. Protocol to be determined.
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
A theory.

Trump and Pompeo timestamps are telling us to "Follow the Pen", or to re-read Trump's Executive Orders. The date on the drops and timestamps is a delta (+1 day), May 19th. May 19th is also one of the milestones in Executive Order 13984 (120 days from January 19th, 2021) "with Respect to Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities".

In conjunction with Executive Order 13848 and the supplemental 1 year extension of the Emergency Order on Foreign Interference in an Election, this would prohibit foreign IaaS entities and products (cloud services) from being used. United States IaaS services are not impacted.

China bought Dominion in October 2020 with 75% stake in the company. They fall under this Executive Order. General Flynn timestamp connects to the Maricopa County Dominion contract that was unveiled yesterday. Once Arizona information gets out, particularly that the internet was used for a crime, legally introduced evidence can begin to be formed. Dominion will be banned from functioning in America.
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bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Another audit coming;


With a GA judge ordering the audit of 145,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County it is important to remember how events transpired on Nov. 3.

There were over 106,000 ballots adjudicated in Fulton County.

Video footage shows everyone cleared out of the State Farm Arena on election night, but 4-people stayed behind & continued to count ballots in private from around 10:30 pm until 1:00 am.

This included scanning the same sets of ballots multiple times.

In GA, Biden received 98% of a 23,487 batch of votes at 12:18 am.

The largest & most anomalous vote update happened at 1:34 am on Nov. 4, with 136,155 votes going to Biden and 29,115 votes going to Trump.

A statistical analysis of 8,954 vote updates, categorized this specific 1:34 am update as one of the top four most anomalous in the country.

There are nine witness affidavits testifying to stacks of unusual mail-in ballots with "pristine sheets, no creases, and perfect bubbles" that went "all for Biden".

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rexdutchman's Avatar
Meanwhile corporate media brilliance don't ask any questions