Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

I B Hankering's Avatar
And you bow to your leader, kiss his feet while he pisses on your head and has you convinced it’s raining. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Your Cranial Rectumitis has you existing in a delusional world of piss and shit. You imagine hildebeest and Pelosi to be "beautiful" and Schitty to be the fount of "truth". Sane and rational people know better than you.
Really, the majority of the polls are calling you a liar. Exactly which poll is swinging the trumptards way? Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Nothing is calling me a liar. The numbers are shifting back and forth with depending on the exact question Trump being impeached. I've said he probably gets impeached in the public eye and even the House vote on articles they can't yet come up with, but certainly will manufacture.

He's not getting ejected from office and I'm about 50/50 on whether this is actually helping him in his re-election.

All of your next day gotcha's and prattling remain laughable as the next "big" thing. They each get torn down to nothing and the Dems remain in their crazy "impeach at all costs" mode. It's laughable at face value.

But enjoy each day's gotcha and subsequent disappointment as it's not the "one".
Chung Tran's Avatar
the phony news conference that just ended, will not advance Trump's impeachment defense. lifting Turkey sanctions, allowing Putin to gain dominance in the region. Trump keeps saying "Russia hoax" over and over, but keeps supplying ammunition to his detractors.

cease fire holding, ISIS prisoners recaptured.. bullshit.
  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2019, 11:37 AM
the phony news conference that just ended, will not advance Trump's impeachment defense. lifting Turkey sanctions, allowing Putin to gain dominance in the region. Trump keeps saying "Russia hoax" over and over, but keeps supplying ammunition to his detractors. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Trump would have won without Russia, but as you say, he needs to accept that Russians did interfere on his behalf and just move on. Calling it a "Russia hoax" is, as you say, ammunition for his detractors.

For example, take the whole Crowd Strike thing, the conspiracy theory that Ukrainians aided the Democratic Party in falsely implicating Russia for hacking its servers. Trump's refusal to face reality, that the Russians hacked the servers, is one of the main reasons he's in the mess he's in now with the alleged Ukrainian quid pro quo.
I B Hankering's Avatar
the phony news conference that just ended, will not advance Trump's impeachment defense. lifting Turkey sanctions, allowing Putin to gain dominance in the region. Trump keeps saying "Russia hoax" over and over, but keeps supplying ammunition to his detractors.

cease fire holding, ISIS prisoners recaptured.. bullshit.
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Hungary called the American lame-stream media "Fake News".

Trump would have won without Russia, but as you say, he needs to accept that Russians did interfere on his behalf and just move on. Calling it a "Russia hoax" is, as you say, ammunition for his detractors.

For example, take the whole Crowd Strike thing, the conspiracy theory that Ukrainians aided the Democratic Party in falsely implicating Russia for hacking its servers. Trump's refusal to face reality, that the Russians hacked the servers, is one of the main reasons he's in the mess he's in now with the alleged Ukrainian quid pro quo.
Originally Posted by Tiny

Precisely what part of the hildebeest operative named Steele employed Russian assets connected to the Kremlin do you not understand? Explain how the Steele Dossier helped Trump win a damned thing. And while you're at it, look up the name Alexandra Chulpa (fuck her disingenuous, self-serving denials) and learn what the fuck she did for the DNC -- and Mueller -- in the Ukraine.
  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2019, 01:36 PM

Precisely what part of the hildebeest operative named Steele employed Russian assets connected to the Kremlin do you not understand? Explain how the Steele Dossier helped Trump win a damned thing. And while you're at it, look up the name Alexandra Chulpa (fuck her self-serving denials) and learn what the fuck she did for the DNC -- and Mueller -- in the Ukraine.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Parts of the Steele Dossier were ridiculous and leaking it was a way to try to smear Trump. Alexandra Chulpa may indeed have been hired by Democrats to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort, kind of like Giuliani was encharged with digging up dirt on Biden.

That's all beside the point. Face it, the Russians were in social media, hacking computers, and otherwise trying to influence the election in favor of Trump. We undoubtedly try to influence elections, with dirty tricks and otherwise, too. That's one of the main reasons Putin interfered, as pay back to Hillary Clinton because she helped his opposition in the 2012 Russian election.

That said CrowdStrike and Joe Biden getting Shokin fired to help his son don't add up. If you're going to go after Democrats, at least go after them with something real. Otherwise you're just asking for trouble. Trump actually believes this stuff. If he'd rely on U.S. intelligence instead of Alt Right media and Rudy Giuliani he never would have gotten into this mess.
Jaxson66's Avatar
. Impeachment probe deposition under way following Republicans storming hearing room

Impeachment probe deposition under way following the political stunt by the Russian sympathizers and Racists group known as the Freedom caucus.

Fixed it for them
I B Hankering's Avatar
Parts of the Steele Dossier were ridiculous and leaking it was a way to try to smear Trump. Alexandra Chulpa may indeed have been hired by Democrats to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort, kind of like Giuliani was encharged with digging up dirt on Biden.

That's all beside the point. Face it, the Russians were in social media, hacking computers, and otherwise trying to influence the election in favor of Trump. We undoubtedly try to influence elections, with dirty tricks and otherwise, too. That's one of the main reasons Putin interfered, as pay back to Hillary Clinton because she helped his opposition in the 2012 Russian election.

That said CrowdStrike and Joe Biden getting Shokin fired to help his son don't add up. If you're going to go after Democrats, at least go after them with something real. Otherwise you're just asking for trouble. Trump actually believes this stuff. If he'd rely on U.S. intelligence instead of Alt Right media and Rudy Giuliani he never would have gotten into this mess.
Originally Posted by Tiny

The Russians played both sides against the middle. Claiming it was something more than that is dishonest.

Something the hildebeest crowd has never explained is the absence of evidence that Russia did anything to help Trump defeat seventeen other Republicans. Where is that piece of this "RUSSIA!" story? If Russia supported Trump throughout his run, where is the evidence showing that Russia worked against the seventeen other Republicans?

A defense lawyer seeking evidence to defend his client against fraudulent charges is substantively different than a politico seeking dirt to damage a political rival.

The only part of the Steele Dossier that was remotely correct was that the Russians were maliciously involved in the 2016 election -- Russians wrote the Steele Dossier.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Defense Department official Laura Cooper to testify in impeachment inquiry about military aid to Ukraine

I’m thinking her opening statement is going to be more damming than Taylor’s. I believe Mulvaneys name will be prominent in her testimony.

Happy testimony day Originally Posted by Jaxson66

you thinck too much.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I’ve not seen any evidence at all that implicates Russia, just talk. Rosenstein put out a bunch of indictments, but when a Russian company wanted their day in court they delayed and delayed and it never happened. I’m not convinced, even a little bit, that the ‘OMFG RUSSIANS’ has any truth to it whatsoever.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2019, 04:30 PM
you thinck too much. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Something you'll never be accused of...

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-23-2019, 04:35 PM
Trump would have won without Russia, but as you say, he needs to accept that Russians did interfere on his behalf and just move on. Calling it a "Russia hoax" is, as you say, ammunition for his detractors.

For example, take the whole Crowd Strike thing, the conspiracy theory that Ukrainians aided the Democratic Party in falsely implicating Russia for hacking its servers. Trump's refusal to face reality, that the Russians hacked the servers, is one of the main reasons he's in the mess he's in now with the alleged Ukrainian quid pro quo. Originally Posted by Tiny

  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2019, 04:47 PM

The Russians played both sides against the middle. Claiming it was something more than that is dishonest.

Something the hildebeest crowd has never explained is the absence of evidence that Russia did anything to help Trump defeat seventeen other Republicans. Where is that piece of this "RUSSIA!" story? If Russia supported Trump throughout his run, where is the evidence showing that Russia worked against the seventeen other Republicans?

The only part of the Steele Dossier that was remotely correct was that the Russians were maliciously involved in the 2016 election -- Russians wrote the Steele Dossier.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yes they did play both sides against the middle, among other things. Yes, a lot in the Steele Dossier is incorrect. Did the Russians try to help Trump beat other Republican candidates? I have no idea. If so you'd suspect they didn't try very hard because until late in the campaign they wouldn't have figured he'd win the nomination.

However, the evidence is clear:

The Russians tried to help Trump by hacking Democrats' computers and planting stories in social media. So what, this is pretty tame stuff. We've had presidents and presidential candidates in other countries knocked off. Trump won the election, and Democrats maintaining he did it because of the Russians is just sour grapes. You're probably right, Hillary Clinton's campaign did pull a lot more dirty tricks on Trump than vice versa.

That said, Trump needs to learn he can't change the truth by denying it. It makes him look stupid and hard headed.

A defense lawyer seeking evidence to defend his client against fraudulent charges is substantively different than a politico seeking dirt to damage a political rival. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I'm not sure whether Giuliani is the defense lawyer or the politico, but either way that's not what this looks like. It looks like the lawyer is trying to engage the State Department, the Justice Department, and a foreign government to help investigate laughable claims about his clients' political opponents. And the client offered a reward (face to face meeting) and was contemplating making a threat (withholding aid) to induce the cooperation of the foreign government.

And this doesn't make you question the man's judgement?
  • Tiny
  • 10-23-2019, 04:57 PM
alleged? Originally Posted by WTF
Was William Taylor lying through this teeth? It's a possibility. It will be interesting to see whether Tim Morrison, who apparently was privy to a couple of problematic conversations between Trump and Sondland, corroborates Taylor or Sondland. It's probably not premature though to believe there was a quid pro quo between Ukraine signing off on an investigation into Burisma and a face-to-face meeting between the Ukrainian President and Trump.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yes they did play both sides against the middle, among other things. Yes, a lot in the Steele Dossier is incorrect. Did the Russians try to help Trump beat other Republican candidates? I have no idea. If so you'd suspect they didn't try very hard because until late in the campaign they wouldn't have figured he'd win the nomination.

However, the evidence is clear:

The Russians tried to help Trump by hacking Democrats' computers and planting stories in social media. So what, this is pretty tame stuff. We've had presidents and presidential candidates in other countries knocked off. Trump won the election, and Democrats maintaining he did it because of the Russians is just sour grapes. You're probably right, Hillary Clinton's campaign did pull a lot more dirty tricks on Trump than vice versa.

That said, Trump needs to learn he can't change the truth by denying it. It makes him look stupid and hard headed.

I'm not sure whether Giuliani is the defense lawyer or the politico, but either way that's not what this looks like. It looks like the lawyer is trying to engage the State Department, the Justice Department, and a foreign government to help investigate laughable claims about his clients' political opponents. And the client offered a reward (face to face meeting) and was contemplating making a threat (withholding aid) to induce the cooperation of the foreign government.

And this doesn't make you question the man's judgement?
Originally Posted by Tiny

You're quoting Wiki?

You failed to show where the Russians supported Trump against any of the Republican challengers; so, your claim that the Russians "supported Trump" is false.

RE: the hildebeest campaign, I'd wager that the Russians would have done the same damn thing regardless of who the Republican candidate was; therefore, saying the Russians "supported Trump" is bogus as hell. The truest statement is that the anti-hildebeest part of the Russian gambit was simply "anti-hildebeest". But Trump didn't have a damn thing to do with that.

Meanwhile, hildebeest actually -- 100% -- employed Russian operatives.

Your notion that anything in the Steele dossier has proved to proved to be true is fallacious. The Steele dossier was almost entirely false, and it was ENTIRELY the product of FOREIGN agents two of whom worked for the KREMLIN.

Guiliani is the defense lawyer. He was in Ukraine preparing a defense BEFORE Mueller delivered his report founded on dirt dug-up by a DNC operative supporting the hildebeest campaign.