nothing reply anything you want

Haven’t had a chance yet, still trying to work my way thru elg’s link he posted. Which if I do say so myself, has some excellent info regarding the border issue we’re currently dealing with. Might wanna take a look at it, it’s very informative. But, feel free to Google Kamala’s flip flops on her stance on her issues. There’s plenty to watch where she is now contradicting herself.

My goodness, do I need to supply everything for you fellas to educate yourself? You know they’re out there, go take a look see.

I’ve been a bit busy actually getting laid. Two new reviews and juggling two sugar babies the last few days. But, I’ll get to those videos when I’m done fucking pussy.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Well. I tried to Google Kamalas flipflops. But every time I started to type in the word flipflop I got buried by links to how many times Trump has done it. And Vance.

So never mind. You don't need to post them. If your whole thing is that a political candidate flipflopped on an issue, well that doesn't really say anything. THey all do. Doesn't mean shit.

I'm glad you are getting laid. Me too. Lots on here lose what is really important.
Seems to be reliable, so far. The info presented is accurate, and not filtered, so that is a bonus.

It’s always amazing how easy this stuff is to assimilate once you remove all of the ranting, raving and name calling that is used to mask the truth….

elg……. Originally Posted by elghund
Definitely think the info is accurate, and thanks again for finding it. It’s info like this we all need to make informed decisions.

And I agree, I’m guilty of ranting, raving and name calling. I’m doing my best going forward to refrain. It’s not doing any of us any good, so my apologies to anyone I’ve offended.

Just the facts…
Well. I tried to Google Kamalas flipflops. But every time I started to type in the word flipflop I got buried by links to how many times Trump has done it. And Vance.

So never mind. You don't need to post them. If your whole thing is that a political candidate flipflopped on an issue, well that doesn't really say anything. THey all do. Doesn't mean shit.

I'm glad you are getting laid. Me too. Lots on here lose what is really important. Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt
Thanks for letting me off the hook for doing the Kamala flip flop research. Much appreciated. Maybe start your search with Kamala instead of flip flop, it might bring you better results.

Back to my regularly scheduled program…sports talk on FS1

Edit/Add: Took one simple one second search…see link below…

And yes, the videos of Kamala are out there. It may not mean shit to you, but it does to me. Kamala is extremely radical and will say anything to get herself in a position of power she’s extremely unqualified for.
elghund's Avatar

But, feel free to Google Kamala’s flip flops on her stance on her issues. There’s plenty to watch where she is now contradicting herself.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Dude, unlike a few of the posters on this board, you are better than this.

First, intelligent people have the ability to evolve their opinions as the world changes.

Second, circumstances can dictate that opinions and stances may need to, or have to, change.

Lastly, I sure don’t see any GOP supporters railing on Trump or Vance by saying they flip flopped. There are plenty of changed opinions with them.

This whole “flip flop” thing is political nonsense.

twice as hot as it should be... Originally Posted by lilylivered
easily. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter

not quite yet

1952 our area record 32 days above 90

this year so far a whopping 8 above 90

we are cooling but whatever moves the narrative
it is summer btw
it is summer btw
Dude, unlike a few of the posters on this board, you are better than this.

First, intelligent people have the ability to evolve their opinions as the world changes.

Second, circumstances can dictate that opinions and stances may need to, or have to, change.

Lastly, I sure don’t see any GOP supporters railing on Trump or Vance by saying they flip flopped. There are plenty of changed opinions with them.

This whole “flip flop” thing is political nonsense.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Maybe I am better than that, or maybe I’m not. That’s not my place to say. That’s for others to judge. But, I appreciate the vote of confidence.

Of course intelligent people have the ability to change their opinions as the world changes and circumstances can dictate those changes to their opinions and/or stances on certain subjects. I agree 100%.

But, I find it quite exceptional that VP Harris changed her views within 24 hours after Biden’s decision of dropping out of the race. As well as the Lib Media heading up the cleansing and scrubbing of her previous statements that are all on video on the same Lib Media. Again, it’s a matter of them telling us not to believe our lying eyes.

People generally evolve over time, over many years, not over a 24 hour time period because you’ve suddenly become the presumptive Dem nominee for President and have to cover your ass from your previous extreme left stances. Kamala has done this switch to try and win, not because it’s truly what she believes. She hasn’t had some sudden epiphany and woken up a different person overnight. She’s a phony politician that has zero experience at any single thing that we the people of this country need to lead us. Whether it’s domestic or foreign policy.

As far as Trump’s flip flops, the only one I’ve seen is his change from being a Democrat to Republican, which happened over a long period of time. Vance also changed his opinion of Trump, but that didn’t happen in a matter of 24 hours either. But, as you stated, it’s ok for intelligent folks to change their opinion on many different aspects and views. So, not sure why you find it necessary to bring up Trump/Vance, other than the fact that you don’t actually have a fact based backup of why Kamala has changed her views in a matter of hours.

In case any of you missed my previous post, here ya go…

It’s all out there for you to see for yourself. A flip flop on one or two issues is one thing, but on every single issue is another. Which is what Kamala is doing.
Any of you have daughters that are athletes? Are you ok with the Biden/Harris changes to Title IX? Ok with biological men competing in your daughter’s sports? In their changing rooms?

Well, these changes went into effect today. As a former college athlete, this makes me sick.
elghund's Avatar
Maybe I am better than that, or maybe I’m not. That’s not my place to say. That’s for others to judge. But, I appreciate the vote of confidence.

Of course intelligent people have the ability to change their opinions as the world changes and circumstances can dictate those changes to their opinions and/or stances on certain subjects. I agree 100%.

But, I find it quite exceptional that VP Harris changed her views within 24 hours after Biden’s decision of dropping out of the race. As well as the Lib Media heading up the cleansing and scrubbing of her previous statements that are all on video on the same Lib Media. Again, it’s a matter of them telling us not to believe our lying eyes.

People generally evolve over time, over many years, not over a 24 hour time period because you’ve suddenly become the presumptive Dem nominee for President and have to cover your ass from your previous extreme left stances. Kamala has done this switch to try and win, not because it’s truly what she believes. She hasn’t had some sudden epiphany and woken up a different person overnight. She’s a phony politician that has zero experience at any single thing that we the people of this country need to lead us. Whether it’s domestic or foreign policy.

As far as Trump’s flip flops, the only one I’ve seen is his change from being a Democrat to Republican, which happened over a long period of time. Vance also changed his opinion of Trump, but that didn’t happen in a matter of 24 hours either. But, as you stated, it’s ok for intelligent folks to change their opinion on many different aspects and views. So, not sure why you find it necessary to bring up Trump/Vance, other than the fact that you don’t actually have a fact based backup of why Kamala has changed her views in a matter of hours.

In case any of you missed my previous post, here ya go…

It’s all out there for you to see for yourself. A flip flop on one or two issues is one thing, but on every single issue is another. Which is what Kamala is doing. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
The answer about Harris is simple…..she supported the Presidents position, as his VP……but didn’t agree with him totally.

Now, she is free to advance her position as she transitions to the nomination. I would expect some additional distance from the Biden Administration as she formulates what she would potentially do as President.

lilylivered's Avatar

not quite yet

1952 our area record 32 days above 90

this year so far a whopping 8 above 90

we are cooling but whatever moves the narrative Originally Posted by JONBALLS
The twice part came from the echo
I guess I give poeple too much credit for brain power....
The twice part came from the echo
I guess I give poeple too much credit for brain power.... Originally Posted by lilylivered
yah and the "narrative " part came from the "narrative "part

and never give you too much credit for brain power
Any of you have daughters that are athletes? Are you ok with the Biden/Harris changes to Title IX? Ok with biological men competing in your daughter’s sports? In their changing rooms?

Well, these changes went into effect today. As a former college athlete, this makes me sick. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Someone just said you were better than this. Are you trying to destroy that idea for good? Why would you believe this hag? She is lying and you fell for it. Here is what the NY Times said:

"The rule sidestepped one of the most contentious topics in educational policy by not mandating whether transgender athletes must be allowed on sex-separated sports teams."

But even the NY Times doesn't get it quite right. The new rules specifically exempt living facilities and athletic teams. Here's a link to a DOE Fact Sheet if you want to learn some actual facts:

Sorry for singling you out. But I've been cruising around the site posting about this kind of thing lately. I have LGBTQ in my family. They are some of the very best people I know. They are being victimized by Conservatives looking to rile people up and it really sucks. Please stop spreading this kind of stuff. Because I believe you actually are better than this.
elghund's Avatar
Any of you have daughters that are athletes? Are you ok with the Biden/Harris changes to Title IX? Ok with biological men competing in your daughter’s sports? In their changing rooms?

Well, these changes went into effect today. As a former college athlete, this makes me sick. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
As usual, there are simple solutions to these politically created cultural issues around Transgender people.

First, get rid of Men’s/Women’s rest rooms…….reconfigure to individual unisex rooms with doors.

Second, create Trangender sports categories. Let the Transgender play in those leagues.

There are always compromises that work when the extremists are kept away from making sensible decisions.

And, for the record, I do not approve of or care to watch Trans athletes. It’s creepy.

As usual, there are simple solutions to these politically created cultural issues around Transgender people.

First, get rid of Men’s/Women’s rest rooms…….reconfigure to individual unisex rooms with doors.

Second, create Trangender sports categories. Let the Transgender play in those leagues.

There are always compromises that work when the extremists are kept away from making sensible decisions.

And, for the record, I do not approve of or care to watch Trans athletes. It’s creepy.

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Not sure I agree that these solutions would be simple. But they would be a hell of a lot better than repeating and spreading LIES.