For those who need proof of election fraud....

.... Crikey! ... Wouldja look at that! ...

Surely looks like VOTING FRAUD to me! ...

... No doubt there will be MORE Investigations to follow! ...

### Salty
... Me good mate - Bambino - surely must be proud
at all the EVIDENCE on voter fraud that has come-out
in his thread here...

... Applause and Cheers for Everyone...

### Salty
If it's proof, why hasn't AZ done anything? Oh wait Salty, let me guess, it's because "insert name" isn't in power. Server logs are archived all the time, and the logs really aren't shit booboo, but I'm sure that's over the technical ability of anyone who believes the gatewaydimwit
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Server logs don't mean a fucking thing anyway. Not like you can change votes via a server.... These people a preying on the ignorant to try to cast doubt on an election. Originally Posted by royamcr
logs may not mean much to you. yes they are archived. if the logs are deleted at that time ln 2020, its done to delay discovery as long as possible.

however, that is not the point.

you had an unauthorized individual doing stuff he should not be doing on the server and do it without another person present.

from the looks of things, 4 people are in trouble for breaking state election regulations.
Do we know for sure he was deleting stuff or is it all made up bullshit like all the rest of the debunked election conspiracy crap? Has anyone testified under oath in front of judge and jury or congress??? If not they can make up anything they want to suit their agenda.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Do we know for sure he was deleting stuff or is it all made up bullshit like all the rest of the debunked election conspiracy crap? Has anyone testified under oath in front of judge and jury or congress??? If not they can make up anything they want to suit their agenda. Originally Posted by royamcr
according to the article, the server files were deleted in 2020. they didn't find out who did it until recently.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why not?
Jesus Christ. Gateway Pundit is a far-right fake news site. You are so brainwashed to believe that the stuff the post is real. I feel sorry for you. This site makes OAN look like a reputable news source.

Bombshell Presentation Reveals Identities Of Maricopa County Election Employees Who Deleted Files From Election Server BEFORE Maricopa County Audit

By Jordan Conradson
Published July 31, 2022 at 6:08pm

We The People AZ Alliance hosted an election security forum in Maricopa County on Saturday, featuring testimony from expert witnesses and state legislators.

This informational hearing, moderated by investigative journalist Lara Logan, presented evidence of fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election and addressed the concerns in the 2022 elections.

The hearing also featured a bombshell testimony revealing exactly who in Maricopa County deleted subpoenaed 2020 Election files before delivery to Arizona Senate auditors. The County was clearly hiding something.

As we reported earlier, Lara dropped a bomb on stage, revealing that the Biden regime is now giving social security numbers to illegals at the border.

Election investigator Matt Vanbibber also shared his discoveries from the Maricopa County Elections Department’s public footage. He finally revealed the identities of individuals who illegally deleted elections files from the Elections Management Server in April 2021.

This data was deleted before the voting machines were delivered to Senate auditors in compliance with a subpoena.

Federal law requires these files to be kept for 22 months.

Maricopa County officials previously admitted that these files were “deleted” in a Congressional hearing but later walked it back and said that the files were “archived.”

This was one of the many law violations discovered by the Arizona audit and other Maricopa County’s 2020 Election investigations.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported on footage of the individuals deleting the files, but their identities were redacted from the public to maintain confidentiality.

On Saturday, it was revealed by Vanbibber that Maricopa County election Database Administrator Brian Ramirez was granted unauthorized entry to the server room on multiple occasions, and he deleted the files.

Ramirez does not have the required credentials to access the server room. However, Vanbibber discovered that he falsely used the identities of individuals who were authorized access.

Vanbibber matched the server room entry logs to the video footage and found Brian Ramirez using others’ cards to access the room.
Vanbibber: So basically, you have Brian entering the server room, and remember I told you he does not have badge access. We The People actually collected server room logs from Maricopa. So I went through all this video footage and matched it with the logs. What you see is Brian has Passarelli’s card in the server room, and he also has Charles Cooley’s badge as well.

Logan: So, Brian is accessing the server room using the identities and cards of other people.
Maricopa County policies also require two people in the server room whenever someone is using the keyboard video monitor, however, Brian was alone on multiple occasions.

Page 33 of Maricopa County’s rebuttal

In the photo below, Ramirez is alone in the server room, violating County elections policy. The Gateway Pundit previously reported on this violation by an unidentified individual.

Vanbibber then played the video of Brian Ramirez accessing the server room after he was let in by Assistant Elections Director Kristi Passarelli, at the same time that the server logs were deleted.

Ramirez was also alone in the server room again.
Vanbibber: Here she is letting Brian into the server room at that time, and here he is getting on the console. And then you guys know the rest of the history.
Support We The People Alliance’s election integrity efforts and investigations here.

These individuals must resign and be prosecuted before the 2022 elections. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Anyone who still believes the election was stolen is just a cry baby loser who can't get over the fact that more people hated your golden god Trump than loved him. Sad. Very sad.
tiger2me's Avatar

YouTube taken down by Ministry of Truth
offshoredrilling's Avatar
any updated ????
bambino's Avatar
any updated ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
BIG👉 The US Supreme Court has overturned the 2020 Election

👆 The Shadow Docket is the use of emergency orders and summary decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States without oral argument. The term was coined in 2015 by University of Chicago Law professor William Baude. The Shadow Docket is a break from ordinary procedure. Such cases receive very limited briefings and are typically decided a week or less after an application is filed.

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Via American Patriot
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Anyone who still believes the election was stolen is just a cry baby loser who can't get over the fact that more people hated your golden god Trump than loved him. Sad. Very sad. Originally Posted by HobbyJohn2020
We are quickly closing in on 2 years removed from the 2020 election and as of this point in time not one claim of voter fraud has been substantiated. Not one.
bambino's Avatar
Phil: Yesterday Charlie Ward told his followers that YES, the SCOTUS, over turned the 2020 election. So, basically YOU WERE 100% RIGHT ON! You told us first, and that made me so proud!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Calling bullshit on the bullshit.