The Bills : )

Zollner's Avatar
The Jersey game should be a good one.

buffalomw10's Avatar
Bills 34 Jets 17
lilylivered's Avatar
Dont care if they win by 1 point on a last second field goal.
But its the fuckin Jets. I must have went to 20 Jets games in the olden days.
Always hated those guys
My favorite was when fat Freddie blocked the kick for the win. Great day
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Bills 11 point odds fav as of last night but still moving

Love the Meadowlands stadiums. I still remember the Giants/Eagles 12/28/02 game there in the prior stadium and call that the nightmare game with multiple turnovers for each.
lilylivered's Avatar
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm easily inside the point spread.
CryptKicker's Avatar

The Drummer's Avatar
No great surprise.

I took the Jets with the points -- didn't think they'd win outright though.

I knew the Jets were no joke. Their defensive front is powerful, line-backing corp quick and they field a solid secondary.

Zach Wilson, through the course of his development, should become an excellent QB as he works through his growing pains as Josh Allen has.
lilylivered's Avatar
Points and home is usually a good bet Originally Posted by lilylivered
Next week : )
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Next week : ) Originally Posted by lilylivered
Vikings eh
buffalomw10's Avatar
Josh Allen has been mediocre the last two games and the Bills need him to play better to win. He's admitted that he's sucked lately.
lilylivered's Avatar
yea, but even on an off day, he is better than what we had here for years and years and years.....
buffalomw10's Avatar
Don’t get defensive of some light criticism on Josh. It’s obvious that he’s the best quarterback we’ve had since Jim Kelly but he’s got to play up to his standards for Bills to reach the SB. He’s still being flavored to be the MVP this season ,he’s our leader. Josh Allen’s poster made my man cave for a reason, I believe he’s the one.
lilylivered's Avatar
Yep, dont care if hes the best in the league or not, just happy he is here : ).
Its hard to win in the NFL. I expect them to lose 5-6 games.
Just hopefully not in the playoffs
Allens head swelled up and he let some ego escape to the outside of his helmet. I think hes pro enough to tuck it back in and play better. Them interceptions are his stupidest plays hes made in a couple years. A mid season slap down is always a good thing for ego checks.