In god we trust was put on the money in the 1950s, you ignorant cunt. Did I say america was toxic and poisonous? No, but those are the words you have to put in my mouth in order to make your case.

Why would I want to be a womb? That doesn't even make fucking sense.

You really need a lesson in anthropology and human nature. We treat each other the way we want to be treated, for the most part. We are social animals. We have developed moral behavior over thousands and thousands of years of being together. We don't need a god in order to have moral behavior.

"If the only thing keeping a person decent, is the expectation of divine reward, then brother that person is a piece of shit."

"What does it say about life, you have to get together and tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe, just to get through the goddamn day?" Originally Posted by WombRaider
" ....We are social animals. We have developed moral behavior over thousands and thousands of years of being together. " So you're " being social " by working the glory holes there woomby ? !!! And now you've established that for thousands and thousands of years you and your type have ignored the MORALS that we as a society have established against you fudge packers. Tell me, did they have glory holes in the caves where YOUR inbred blood line crawled out of ? Bet your tribe was shunned back them too, for trying to always have a wang in their mouth when they weren't trying to be elitist SOBs and spewing their dreck !!
And since you say you say you can't separate the message from the messenger, how do you square his penchant for sex with women other than his wife? I think that's a perfect example of separation being necessary in order to understand that he's human. You just argued against that.
You must really want me to suck your dick. You are the one that started with the glory hole thing and you won't let it die. All I can conclude is you really want a bj from a dude. It ain't me Originally Posted by WombRaider
Once again your "selective memory", or is it early onset Alzheimer's, is showing woomby. I told you before that I'd never let your lips or any other guys lips touch my package, since I'm 1 million percent into women, as GOD created me !!! So once again, you're too late with your accusation of who REALLY is gay here. But nice try at transference AGAIN !! " THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE " wooby ! OWN your gayness !! You all can come out of the closet now, woomby !! Next it will be those of you into bestiality and other issues that can't be mentioned on this site !
" ....We are social animals. We have developed moral behavior over thousands and thousands of years of being together. " So you're " being social " by working the glory holes there woomby ? !!! And now you've established that for thousands and thousands of years you and your type have ignored the MORALS that we as a society have established against you fudge packers. Tell me, did they have glory holes in the caves where YOUR inbred blood line crawled out of ? Bet your tribe was shunned back them too, for trying to always have a wang in their mouth when they weren't trying to be elitist SOBs and spewing their dreck !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're a fucking riot. You literally can't go one post without spewing homophobic drivel. You're a test case. There's no moral reason to be against gays BTW. Dude, you're gay. You might not even consciously be aware of it but I'd bet the house on it.
Once again your "selective memory", or is it early onset Alzheimer's, is showing woomby. I told you before that I'd never let your lips or any other guys lips touch my package, since I'm 1 million percent into women, as GOD created me !!! So once again, you're too late with your accusation of who REALLY is gay here. But nice try at transference AGAIN !! " THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE " wooby ! OWN your gayness !! You all can come out of the closet now, woomby !! Next it will be those of you into bestiality and other issues that can't be mentioned on this site ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
1 million percent, huh? The only person who feels the need to proclaim their heterosexuality in that way, is a person not sure about it. I've said it before, if I were gay, I'd just say I was.
Ninjas is gonna be ninjas. That's why they drink Hennessy, that's why they smoke Menthols, because they's ninjas. They don't need a reason to fuck shit up.
Budman's Avatar
Your mistake is thinking morality comes from religion. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your mistake is thinking that being religious makes you immoral and stupid.

You are and apologist for the liberal cause whatever it may be.

You are a racist and a liar and that's the troof.
Your mistake is thinking that being religious makes you immoral and stupid.

You are and apologist for the liberal cause whatever it may be. Originally Posted by Budman
I don't believe I ever said that being religious made you immoral. I think it is stupid, however. I mean, you're confronted with scientific fact and you choose to deny it in favor of a book written by goat herders over 2K years ago. That's not ignorance. That's stupidity.

I'm guessing you meant 'an' apologist. No, I'm not an apologist for liberalism. No system is inherently perfect. I simply believe it's better than conservatism. The way you phrased it is interesting, though. You don't even know what true liberalism is and yet you scream about how it sucks. You only know what you've heard from Fox or whomever else you listen to. They don't encourage you to find out for yourself what it really means. And you're not really interested enough to find out anyway.

PS - guess you went back and added that last little bit.
Budman's Avatar
I don't believe I ever said that being religious made you immoral. I think it is stupid, however. I mean, you're confronted with scientific fact and you choose to deny it in favor of a book written by goat herders over 2K years ago. That's not ignorance. That's stupidity.

I'm guessing you meant 'an' apologist. No, I'm not an apologist for liberalism. No system is inherently perfect. I simply believe it's better than conservatism. The way you phrased it is interesting, though. You don't even know what true liberalism is and yet you scream about how it sucks. You only know what you've heard from Fox or whomever else you listen to. They don't encourage you to find out for yourself what it really means. And you're not really interested enough to find out anyway.

PS - guess you went back and added that last little bit. Originally Posted by WombRaider
I did add that last line. Using your own logic you must be racist. If hennessy and nikes are racist then so is "troof".

Holy shit you found another typo. Does that make you feel superior?

You are such a hypocrite. Because I don't believe that the liberals have the best plans for the country I must not be informed. I must be brainwashed. You however are completely informed of all aspects of any discussion and have made the only intelligent decision.
I did add that last line. Using your own logic you must be racist. If hennessy and nikes are racist then so is "troof".

Holy shit you found another typo. Does that make you feel superior?

You are such a hypocrite. Because I don't believe that the liberals have the best plans for the country I must not be informed. I must be brainwashed. You however are completely informed of all aspects of any discussion and have made the only intelligent decision. Originally Posted by Budman
I could say the same thing for you. And your point would be?


Conservatism, by definition, is largely against any radical social change. Forget republican or democrat, I'm talking about conservatism as a political philosophy. The preservation of the status quo is a stated goal. Conservatism feels that change is not something that should be a revolutionary goal, but something that happens organically. Conservatives are not who formed the basis of the people who liberated this country from the shackles of England. Those people were liberals. They favored radical, revolutionary change. And they weren't afraid to fight for it. Radical, revolutionary change is not in the conservative doctrine, never has been. Breaking away from England was not the action of conservatives, but of liberals. Conservatism favors tradition. Not change.
Budman's Avatar
I could say the same thing for you. And your point would be?


Conservatism, by definition, is largely against any radical social change. Forget republican or democrat, I'm talking about conservatism as a political philosophy. The preservation of the status quo is a stated goal. Conservatism feels that change is not something that should be a revolutionary goal, but something that happens organically. Conservatives are not who formed the basis of the people who liberated this country from the shackles of England. Those people were liberals. They favored radical, revolutionary change. And they weren't afraid to fight for it. Radical, revolutionary change is not in the conservative doctrine, never has been. Breaking away from England was not the action of conservatives, but of liberals. Conservatism favors tradition. Not change. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Do you honestly think that the people who revolted against England have anything in common with the modern day liberal? You can't be serious. Conservatives wanting thing to stay the same is complete bullshit. We want smaller government. We want to live our lives with less government intrusion. We certainly are not happy with the current trend in this country. We believe in personal responsibility. We believe in working hard and earning ones keep.Liberals on the other hand can't have enough government as long as the program is pushed for by a democrat. Liberals are always looking to play the victim card.

You are still a racist and a hypocrite based on your own description.
Do you honestly think that the people who revolted against England have anything in common with the modern day liberal? You can't be serious. Conservatives wanting thing to stay the same is complete bullshit. We want smaller government. We want to live our lives with less government intrusion. We certainly are not happy with the current trend in this country. We believe in personal responsibility. We believe in working hard and earning ones keep.Liberals on the other hand can't have enough government as long as the program is pushed for by a democrat. Liberals are always looking to play the victim card.

You are still a racist and a hypocrite based on your own description. Originally Posted by Budman
Conservative doctrine favors tradition and the maintaining of the status quo. I love how you try to concentrate the two parties down into neat little bite-size descriptions. You are simply parroting what your republican overlords have told you. If I were to believe you, which I don't, no democrat believes in working hard or personal responsibility. Those are solely the arena of the republican, if I'm going by your summation. Republicans SAY they want smaller government, but I've never seen one actually do anything to bring it about. As for the founding fathers and whether they have anything in common with modern liberals, we still aren't afraid of radical change. Republicans, by their very nature, reject change of any kind. As evidenced by their lack of compassion for minorities. As evidenced by their need to treat women like it's 1850. If calling me a racist makes you feel better, have at it. I know what I am and I know what I'm not.
Budman's Avatar
Conservative doctrine favors tradition and the maintaining of the status quo. I love how you try to concentrate the two parties down into neat little bite-size descriptions. You are simply parroting what your republican overlords have told you. If I were to believe you, which I don't, no democrat believes in working hard or personal responsibility. Those are solely the arena of the republican, if I'm going by your summation. Republicans SAY they want smaller government, but I've never seen one actually do anything to bring it about. As for the founding fathers and whether they have anything in common with modern liberals, we still aren't afraid of radical change. Republicans, by their very nature, reject change of any kind. As evidenced by their lack of compassion for minorities. As evidenced by their need to treat women like it's 1850. If calling me a racist makes you feel better, have at it. I know what I am and I know what I'm not. Originally Posted by WombRaider

You are so full of shit. You claim I want to put all libs into the same box and howI am only parroting my overlords. This is how hypocritical you are. You then state that Republicans reject any change and lack compassion for minorities. That Republicans treat women like it is 1850. Can you not see the hypocrisy?

As far as me calling you a racist I am only following your lead. We're only waiting for you to say "my black friend" and it will remove any doubt. Again, can you not see how much of a hypocrite you are? Why don't you go back to the "troof" thread and explain yourself? Are you a coward?
You are so full of shit. You claim I want to put all libs into the same box and howI am only parroting my overlords. This is how hypocritical you are. You then state that Republicans reject any change and lack compassion for minorities. That Republicans treat women like it is 1850. Can you not see the hypocrisy?

As far as me calling you a racist I am only following your lead. We're only waiting for you to say "my black friend" and it will remove any doubt. Again, can you not see how much of a hypocrite you are? Why don't you go back to the "troof" thread and explain yourself? Are you a coward? Originally Posted by Budman
Generalizations are not hypocritical when actions back them up.

These are your words:

Conservatives wanting thing to stay the same is complete bullshit. We want smaller government. We want to live our lives with less government intrusion. We certainly are not happy with the current trend in this country. We believe in personal responsibility. We believe in working hard and earning ones keep.Liberals on the other hand can't have enough government as long as the program is pushed for by a democrat. Liberals are always looking to play the victim card.

I don't have to say what it is you think about Liberals. You've done it for me. Conservatives DO treat women like inferior objects. This is not a generalization, it's a fact that becomes evident when you look at their actions. They believe that a woman should not have complete control or say over her own body. They have no problem with women making less than men for the same job. (Obama is guilty of this as well).
Generalizations are not hypocritical when actions back them up.

These are your words:

Conservatives wanting thing to stay the same is complete bullshit. We want smaller government. We want to live our lives with less government intrusion. We certainly are not happy with the current trend in this country. We believe in personal responsibility. We believe in working hard and earning ones keep.Liberals on the other hand can't have enough government as long as the program is pushed for by a democrat. Liberals are always looking to play the victim card.

I don't have to say what it is you think about Liberals. You've done it for me. Conservatives DO treat women like inferior objects. This is not a generalization, it's a fact that becomes evident when you look at their actions. They believe that a woman should not have complete control or say over her own body. They have no problem with women making less than men for the same job. (Obama is guilty of this as well). Originally Posted by WombRaider
“Never, we will submit to Islam!” “Respect our culture, our traditions, our values and my country, otherwise leave it!”