Enough is Enough

Hey Andy...how those points taste?


P.S.-THAT'S an insult...based on the points you got...calling a woman fat isn't...keep that in mind next time and see if you can remember the difference... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I doubt the mods gonna give me any points for telling the truth.

I knew you were pussy enough to try to go hide behind "the rules". You just a sniveling little coward shit. No wonder you probably got beat up everyday as as a kid.

No, I ain't ever seen Busty Amy, just a blurred photo. What can you say: Some guys see Busty Amy, some people eat at McDonalds ... and like it. Go figure.
Wakeup's Avatar
I doubt the mods gonna give me any points for telling the truth.

I knew you were pussy enough to try to go hide behind "the rules". You just a sniveling little coward shit. No wonder you probably got beat up everyday as as a kid.

No, I ain't ever seen Busty Amy, just a blurred photo. What can you say: Some guys see Busty Amy, some people eat at McDonalds ... and like it. Go figure. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
Heh...I love ya man...I really do...I bet the mods love ya too...

So...does the coward say what he means, or does he/she hide behind a screen and say something else? Interesting question...
Silent mirth.
Here is "creative" for you..........AL, Eva called me and asked me to give you a message........."no"...... whatever that means.......she said you would understand. Originally Posted by dearhunter
I didn't know she knew how to use the phone.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
ExpertTip: Calling a woman beautiful is a compliment. Calling a woman fat and ugly is an insult, especially if you never met her and don't know her.

You too fucking stupid to understand
the difference. I ain't playing no semantic bullshit games that you always try to pull.

You an ugly, spastic fucking asshole. Plain and simple. End of Story. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
If the intent & outcome of your words could be visualized, it would look something like this.

Wakeup's Avatar
Can we add in a segment to that video where a guy comes in from the sidelines after the face plant and gives him a fine for violating the rule against being an idiot?
Adabear's Avatar
While I appreciate everyone's excitement at the topic, can we please refrain from the name calling. There is no need. If anything, it will hurt what we are trying to accomplish. The point is to communicate with people in a respectful and civil way. Don; let someone emotionally hijack you in order to derail us from the goal.

Back to topic - I will reiterate that while I understand the back and forth banter and drama that pops up, it is the uncalled for attacks that I take issue with on the site. When you post a nasty or mean comment just because you want to take a shot at someone (such as fat, stupid newbie, etc.), that is what I am referring to as being a bully. If someone is new to the boards, look at how active you are, or see the influence you may have then they may get intimidated by you. Thus the term bully.

I still do not see any reason for someone to take a cheap shot at someone else. Are they being entertained? Does it make them feel better about themselves? Are they just mean in general? Whatever the answer may be, I do not think we need it on our board.
Wakeup's Avatar
Too bad...you haven't figured this out yet?
While I appreciate everyone's excitement at the topic, can we please refrain from the name calling. There is no need. If anything, it will hurt what we are trying to accomplish. The point is to communicate with people in a respectful and civil way. Don; let someone emotionally hijack you in order to derail us from the goal.

Back to topic - I will reiterate that while I understand the back and forth banter and drama that pops up, it is the uncalled for attacks that I take issue with on the site. When you post a nasty or mean comment just because you want to take a shot at someone (such as fat, stupid newbie, etc.), that is what I am referring to as being a bully. If someone is new to the boards, look at how active you are, or see the influence you may have then they may get intimidated by you. Thus the term bully.

I still do not see any reason for someone to take a cheap shot at someone else. Are they being entertained? Does it make them feel better about themselves? Are they just mean in general? Whatever the answer may be, I do not think we need it on our board. Originally Posted by Adabear
Sir, are you currently under the care of psychiatric counselor? That polite enough for you.
Adabear's Avatar
I have my suspicions but, just because someone has a reason, does not make it right.
Adabear's Avatar
Actually, yes, much better.

BTW, you may not have noticed. I started this thread. I want people to be nicer. However, you going off on WU does not advance the goal. I was just chalking it up to getting caught up in the moment and trying to remind you that by snapping, you hurt the goal.

Other than that, thank you for the support.

Sir, are you currently under the care of psychiatric counselor? That polite enough for you. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
Wakeup's Avatar
Hey Andy...those points taste like chicken?
I knew you were pussy enough to try to go hide behind "the rules". You just a sniveling little coward shit. No wonder you probably got beat up everyday as as a kid. Originally Posted by AndyLattu
That right there is a violation of the posting guidelines , punishable by 2-5 points .
Highlighted is the word that causes the most problems .
Wakeup's Avatar
He knows...he already got the PM...

How's that "telling the truth" thing working out for you sweetie? Too easy...
He knows...he already got the PM...

How's that "telling the truth" thing working out for you sweetie? Too easy... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Stop trying to make everybody believe that you're special on here. Or did they you believe them when told you that in your Special Ed classes?