Open Challenge: If you think you can sue me... Please do

So this seems to be drawing to a close. Unless I find something dramatic I'll probably not have much else to say on this. (Is that cheering I hear in the background? )

Because I didn't follow this string of dramas over the years I probably have the benefit of a retrospective view not skewed by confirmation bias.

I can't be certain of the past. It seems clear to me that her pimp was in control of all of her accounts and posts at the end. What is unclear is whether he took those accounts over, or whether she in fact *never* had control of the accounts and he did all of the posting. That's certainly the kind of control a pimp would often demand...even if he presented to her as a big favor he was doing saving her the trouble, and her benefiting from his vast "experience."

It's interesting that at the time folks thought she was posting as herself and her biggest white knight. Many intuited that they were the same person. But it wasn't her posting as both of them. I believe it was *him* posting as both of them. If you reread those old disputes with that in mind, suddenly things make a lot more sense. Originally Posted by sean rider
I can't see the ML thread you linked, so I'm not getting the whole story concerning why you think what you think.

I will say again though, that I traveled down the same thoughtful road you're on regarding her never having been in control of her account in the first place and him making things look a certain way on social media as opposed to how they really were. It's an intriguing story. But it's just that. A story.

It's more appropriate to believe she was a victim than to think she did all this herself with her accomplice who she later threw under the bus. But I think that's exactly what happened. Which is why the media isn't taking an interest in the story anymore. They have access to info that we don't. After they got more info about the "victim" they dropped the story. If it was legit we'd have heard about it for weeks because it IS such an intriguing story. If it bleeds, it leads an this shit stopped bleeding the day after his arrest.
Kitty just like a text message any thing here could have been written by a pimp. I know for a fact that one lady has her adds written by her pimp. I have always wanted a telephone call from the lady rather than a text. Don't for a minute think that all that is posted here is written by the person using the handle.
sean rider's Avatar
Things we know about the pimp with high certainty:

* He used multiple accounts and identities to promote 2 providers and himself in the cos-play world.
* When both providers quit the business he tried to ruin them with outing posts.
* To do this the pimp had to have control of their accounts
* The pimp bought illegal handguns, at least two purchases for a total of four guns
* The pimp has made multiple online threats of murder, including against the "bloodline" of the entire related family
* He's been guilty of other felonies for some time
* Both of the providers he victimized were barely legal and, let's say, psychologically fragile

So we know this guy did abuse these women non-physically. And his physical threats would have to be taken seriously.

The fact that there is no news about this case is likely because the justice system moves slowly and there is nothing new to report. The pimp is in jail and if he's smart he's not talking. The prosecution and police are chasing down evidence. Everyone is waiting for court dates. Given the pimp already broke parole he's a flight risk. Getting bonded out will be difficult at best. And so far as I know !VI! hasn't communicated with anyone since late January let alone the press.
sean rider's Avatar
Wtf is that? Would you mind screenshotting or copy and pasting please? Some of us don't click on links.
Wtf is that? Would you mind screenshotting or copy and pasting please? Some of us don't click on links. Originally Posted by THN
I clicked on it and am not sure the relevance to the topic of conversation. It's a commissary shopping list for the commissary in Ft Worth. Not sure what the point of it is.
sean rider's Avatar Originally Posted by sean rider
Pimp was released last Friday. Any apparent posts since that date by !VI! here or elsewhere should not be trusted.
Damn dude, let it go!!! No one in their right mind has trusted anything posted by V in years. We really don't need your updates.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I wish this thread would be locked.
I wish this thread would be locked. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
sean rider's Avatar
If you don't want to read this thread, then stop reading this thread.

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-27-2016, 05:27 PM
If you don't want to read this thread, then stop reading this thread.

Simple. Originally Posted by sean rider
Your obsession is just fucking creepy.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
It's funny that that link was for a commissary list
Some time ago I ordered food from a group named Peapod. It looks like the cons in jail have it now. I don't think we can out pimps on here.
If you don't want to read this thread, then stop reading this thread.

Simple. Originally Posted by sean rider
Agreed. You are posting important updates that many people are interested in, nothing wrong with that at all.