NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

boardman's Avatar
Andre is putting BOB in a no win situation. BOB needs Andre to buy in and accept a role as a leader in the locker room and on the field. Other players, especially younger ones are looking at this situation to see how BOB handles it. If he takes a hard line then he will lose Andre and quite possibly other veterans like Cushing, Myers and Reed If he loses those guys they will have to be dealt which will make the rebuilding process much longer. If Andre takes a hard line he will force a trade and there's no guarantee that he'll go to a winner.
Consider that Pete Carroll almost completely turned over his roster in 2010. He cleaned house and got all new young guys in there that were "his" guys.
If flipping the Texan's roster meant we could have a competitive team in 2 years and a Super Bowl Champ in 4 I would be all for wishing Andre good luck in New England.
It would be tragic for Andre to go to the HOF in any jersey other than a Texan jersey but he has just as much to do with that as anyone. I get his frustration. He showed it when he walked off the field at the end of the game when Shaub came in for Keenum. It's difficult to show frustration in the direction of your team and NOT be a destructive force. I think Andre has managed to do that as well as he could without doing it in a press release.
He's real and genuine and the guy just wants to win. That's the kind of passion we need on the team. BOB needs to embrace that passion and use it to his advantage. This will be a major test for him as an NFL head coach.
My prediction, based on Andre's reputation as a man and a teammate, is that he will come around and fully support BOB and be one of the best receivers in the NFL, again, for the Texans
Solemate62's Avatar
Boardman, not throwing up the whole quote but just a snippet: if Johnson goes to NE, I do not wish him luck but will do so if he goes anywhere else. Second only to DED, I despise NE and collectively as a team they've been blessed with more than enough 'luck', IMO! What you hardcore Houstonians better be wary of, the off chance that he ends up with a team in your division, then scorches your team twice per year!
boardman's Avatar
I seriously doubt they would trade him within the division.
Solemate62's Avatar
I seriously doubt they would trade him within the division. Originally Posted by boardman
Yeah but some dudes have theorized he might get cut, dropped....whatever! Indy would scoop him up because Reggie Wayne is old and coming off that bad injury from last year! I know they're not dumb enough to trade him within division....I think!
Yeah but some dudes have theorized he might get cut, dropped....whatever! Indy would scoop him up because Reggie Wayne is old and coming off that bad injury from last year! I know they're not dumb enough to trade him within division....I think! Originally Posted by Solemate62
If Dre were cut or dropped as you claim, Indy would be the last team (and least likely) in the AFC South to have a shot at him.

With all of that said, I don't believe Dre is going anywhere. He may decide to hold out for a short while but when the money is on the line, he will suit up and play. I predict Dre will be wearing a Texans uniform in 2014 and probably beyond.
Solemate62's Avatar
If Dre were cut or dropped as you claim, Indy would be the last team (and least likely) in the AFC South to have a shot at him.

With all of that said, I don't believe Dre is going anywhere. He may decide to hold out for a short while but when the money is on the line, he will suit up and play. I predict Dre will be wearing a Texans uniform in 2014 and probably beyond. Originally Posted by bigtex
For the sake of accuracy, I made no claim that he would be cut or dropped - I simply re-stated the opinions several others have made in earlier comments on the subject, and, as to what may or may not happen, guess we will wait and see!
bambino's Avatar
Here's my next prediction, Savage will start sooner rather than later. He's the most talented QB on the roster. I haven't been wrong yet. I'm on a roll.
Here's my next prediction, Savage will start sooner rather than later. He's the most talented QB on the roster. Originally Posted by bambino
I hope you're right!

For obvious reasons, I would have preferred that Case was our #1 QB moving forward. Admittedly, that was wishful thinking on my part (Scarlet Red blood runs extra thick in my household)! I am now convinced that neither Case or Yates will be the long term solution so I am ready to move on to Savage. Let's see what he can do!

I do not believe that Savage will be the starter on opening day but I suspect that he will have an opportunity for significant playing time during the 2014 NFL season. At least I hope so! I believe that the Texans brain-trust will need to know whether Savage is a QB that they can build the offense around going forward.

If not, the Texans will be forced to look toward the 2015 NFL Draft for our QB of the future! That is certainly not the best solution but it is the (grim) reality of the situation.

I am hopeful that in 2014, Savage will prove to be THE Texans QB of the future! That's my story and I am sticking to it. (At least for now!)
carkido45's Avatar
The reports out of the Texans rookie training camp on Savage have been positive .
Savage has one of the strongest arms they have seen in a long time , he has thrown with good accuracy and their is a noticeable pop when his receivers catch the ball
jstone420's Avatar
It's going to be a long season if they play this savage kid over Fitzpatrick. This dude couldn't even stand up to a good Florida State team throwing one touchdown. Yeah he may have a big arm an have the size for a Qb but this dude can't play red flags all over more of a project
carkido45's Avatar
It's going to be a long season if they play this savage kid over Fitzpatrick. This dude couldn't even stand up to a good Florida State team throwing one touchdown. Yeah he may have a big arm an have the size for a Qb but this dude can't play red flags all over more of a project Originally Posted by jstone420
Texans have said many times already they are starting Fitzpatrick and are developing the new QB
It's going to be a long season if they play this savage kid over Fitzpatrick. This dude couldn't even stand up to a good Florida State team throwing one touchdown. Yeah he may have a big arm an have the size for a Qb but this dude can't play red flags all over more of a project Originally Posted by jstone420
I understand why you might say that but the reports I have read said that he was a big, tough QB with some mobility, who played behind a very poor offensive line. What's your take Bambino?

Personally, I believe it is worth taking a look. The worst that can happen would be that we used a 4th round draft choice on a QB who failed to make it in the NFL. If that should end up being the case we probably will have a high draft pick next year. And we should be able to use our #1 pick then.

Let's give it a shot and let the chips fall where they may. In the grand scheme of things, we don't have much to lose at this point in time.
bambino's Avatar
I understand why you might say that but the reports I have read said that he was a big, tough QB with some mobility, who played behind a very poor offensive line. What's your take Bambino?

Personally, I believe it is worth taking a look. The worst that can happen would be that we used a 4th round draft choice on a QB who failed to make it in the NFL. If that should end up being the case we probably will have a high draft pick next year. And we should be able to use our #1 pick then.

Let's give it a shot and let the chips fall where they may. In the grand scheme of things, we don't have much to lose at this point in time. Originally Posted by bigtex
Jonesy knows nothing about nothing. I was at the Pitt/FSU game. First thing I said to my buddie was FSU has an SEC roster. Big, fast and nasty. They only went undefeated and bitch slapped everyone they played except Auburn. Pitts OL was purely overmatched by FSU's D. Savage held up well and did the best he could. He wasn't intimidated, he stood in there and took a beating. I think he'll be fine. The Texans have a running game and good recievers if Johnson decides to play. We were thrilled to have Savage here.
BigLouie's Avatar
I expect Savage to play sooner rather than latter because all of our other QBs are god awful. Ryan's best year was about equal to Matt's worst year so I don't give him much hope.
BigLouie's Avatar
However please be aware that since Tom Brady was drafted NO QB taken lower than the third round has succeeded