NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

However please be aware that since Tom Brady was drafted NO QB taken lower than the third round has succeeded Originally Posted by BigLouie
Ut oh, apparently "The Media" has now decided that Savage will not make it as a NFL QB because he was "taken lower than the third round."

Damn "Media," they screw everything up!
bambino's Avatar
Please be aware that several Heisman trophy winning 1st round QBs have been busts also. I know this because I read it in the media.

Fuckin Louie
BigLouie's Avatar
Note that no one on that list was drafted after 2000. Tom Brady was drafted in 2000. Since then NO ONE drafted lower than the third round has succeed in the NFL which means that Savage has long odds. His odds maybe better with the Texans because the other QBs we have are so bad we may get a start by default.
Since then NO ONE drafted lower than the third round has succeed in the NFL which means that Savage has long odds. Originally Posted by BigLouie
I would think that Russell Wilson also faced similar "long odds" for being a 3rd round draft choice that would soon become a Super Bowl winning QB following year 2 of his NFL career.

BL, despite your repeated attempts to make the NFL into a cookie cutter organization, there are exceptions to every rule.

You need to learn to roll with the flow!
bambino's Avatar
Note that no one on that list was drafted after 2000. Tom Brady was drafted in 2000. Since then NO ONE drafted lower than the third round has succeed in the NFL which means that Savage has long odds. His odds maybe better with the Texans because the other QBs we have are so bad we may get a start by default. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Savage has the same odds that every other QB that was drafted this year. He'll have the opportunity to compete for the staring job. He's bigger and throws it better than who the Texans have right now. In today's NFL, you don't have to sit years to start. If he picks up the offense quickly, BOB will put him in there. He has better odds than Garopolo.
boardman's Avatar
I'll be surprised if Savage starts. Most likely it will be Fitz. If he does well he keeps the job as starter for this year. If not, Savage comes in for mop up when Fitz is stinking up the joint or a possible injury to get acclimated to the actual game speed and intensity. He will be named starter soon after.

As far as Andre goes, Why would the Texans cut him and take that cap hit for nothing in return? I just don't see it happening. A trade, maybe but not cut. I'm hopeful Andre will come around. It's been a week and I don't think he has said anything else. I think he just needed to vent some frustration.
bambino's Avatar
Note that no one on that list was drafted after 2000. Tom Brady was drafted in 2000. Since then NO ONE drafted lower than the third round has succeed in the NFL which means that Savage has long odds. His odds maybe better with the Texans because the other QBs we have are so bad we may get a start by default. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Tony Romo is not on that list. Undrafted FA, 2003.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Fitz numbers aren't much better than Keenum's.


TD INT QB rating
106 93 77.5


TD INT QB rating
09 06 78.2
boardman's Avatar
Fitz numbers aren't much better than Keenum's.


TD INT QB rating
106 93 77.5


TD INT QB rating
09 06 78.2 Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Except Fitz has 60 more starts than Keenum and is considered a seasoned veteran. I think that experience is what they wanted. Keenum may very well be a better quarterback, I'm not arguing that point at all.
Keenum had some success in the first couple of starts but quickly got frustrated with the blitzes that were thrown at him. It may even have shaken his confidence a bit.
I could easily be wrong but I just don't think the Texans brought in Fitz with the intentions of him holding a clipboard for Keenum.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
My guess is they brought in Fitz as the backup for the starter....whoever the fuck that's going to be....not too sure they have that guy yet.
carkido45's Avatar
Coach Bill OBrien has been successful at every level when it came to coaching a new QB
BigLouie's Avatar
Coach Bill OBrien has been successful at every level when it came to coaching a new QB Originally Posted by carkido45
Working with what we have for QBs will tell you how good he is.
bambino's Avatar
My guess is they brought in Fitz as the backup for the starter....whoever the fuck that's going to be....not too sure they have that guy yet. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
Winner winner, chicken dinner.
I would think that Russell Wilson also faced similar "long odds" for being a 3rd round draft choice that would soon become a Super Bowl winning QB following year 2 of his NFL career.

BL, despite your repeated attempts to make the NFL into a cookie cutter organization, there are exceptions to every rule.

You need to learn to roll with the flow! Originally Posted by bigtex
Working with what we have for QBs will tell you how good he is. Originally Posted by BigLouie
What? Why was there no acknowledgement that Russell Wilson also fell into the "cookie cutter" quarterback category?

I suppose in BL world, if he chooses to ignore the facts, they will eventually go away.
bambino's Avatar
What? Why was there no acknowledgement that Russell Wilson also fell into the "cookie cutter" quarterback category?

I suppose in BL world, if he chooses to ignore the facts, they will eventually go away. Originally Posted by bigtex
And remember, no QB drafted later than the 3rd round has become a starter in the NFL since 2000. (Brady) Ooops, Romo on 2003, Tyrelle Pryor, and Mike McGloin. Tyler Bray? Ryan Griffin? There are others, but you get the picture.