Music "six-degrees of separation"

cookie man's Avatar
Gotta go with Sly on this one
It's A Family Affair

His voice has a Lou Rawls quality to it.
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 01-05-2012, 10:04 PM
Rick Springfield - Affair of the Heart
(you are sooooo welcome)

  • PT4ME
  • 01-05-2012, 10:05 PM
Damn you Davo!!! LOL.....

This chick is baaaad!!
cookie man's Avatar
Leave the light on is wasting
Default...Wasting My Time
  • PT4ME
  • 01-05-2012, 10:36 PM
scooterpie's Avatar
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 01-05-2012, 11:15 PM
^^^^^ is from "Stop Making Sense"
Widespread Panic - Makes Sense To Me

  • PT4ME
  • 01-06-2012, 04:49 AM
bojulay's Avatar
One of the most infamous songs
Never learn not to love

Dennis Wilson was hanging out with Charles Manson and
the Manson girls, getting sex from the girls. It's said that
they were kind of uninhibited sexually, anyway they moved
in with Dennis and soon started stealing his stuff and causing
problems in general, so he finally kicked them all out.

Charlie had dreams of being a music star (every young man likes to dream)
and thought Dennis could help him reach that goal.
Charlie had written a song called (Cease to exist)
that Dennis really liked, so Dennis stole it from him
to make up for the loss of his stuff, and the Beach Boys
later changed the title of the song and recorded it.

Charlies music carer didn't pan out, so naturally
the next step for him was to create a murdering
death cult. And I think Dennis was on the list somewhere.

Cease To Exist

Funny thing is that Charlies version of the song
is a lot better than the Beach Boys.
If you listen to the lyrics though you can hear
a thinly veiled description of Charlies desire to
turn his girls into mindless followers.
(Lyric:Submission is a gift go on give it to your brother)

If only Charlie had written Rhinestone Cowboy or something.
He would probably be a celebrity judge on American Idol
right now. And Squeaky. Well Squeaky would probably
still just be Squeaky.
  • PT4ME
  • 01-06-2012, 10:12 AM
...... I just got hip to this cat, and he is pretty tough!!

  • PT4ME
  • 01-06-2012, 10:17 AM
I have been "listening him up" for the last couple of days. So far this is my favorite of his....

Go white boy, go white boy!!

Linda Ronstadt and the Stone Ponys - Different Drum

cookie man's Avatar
Mike Nesmith wrote that song...another version
The Lemonheads

Can you imagine the pain Roman Polanski went through losing Sharon Tate the way he did. No doubt a troubled soul, but a great director.
davo1's Avatar
  • davo1
  • 01-06-2012, 01:51 PM
cookie man's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^awesome drummer^^^^^^^^^^^

Court of the Crimson King...King Crimson King