NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Solemate62's Avatar
This may be like when a hooker has a baby, not knowing what color it will be when it pops out or whose dna. Originally Posted by Hawkeye9
Getting ruthless,now!
Damn, by the size of that stomach it looks more like it could be Duane Brown or Derek Newton' baby. That bitch is stuffed!!! I guess Foster got all of that one with a huge nut!!
boardman's Avatar
For all you homos wondering about JFF's cock.

It's a real lawsuit but it's funny as shit!!!!
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
For all you homos wondering about JFF's cock. Originally Posted by boardman
"Sugar" Daddio was the first homo in line for JFF's cock.
BT, you are the only fucker infatuated with JFF's cock. You seem to bring it up all the time. You would think Dopey would have given you all the cock you could handle but obviously you still burn with desire for more hot dog!!! Why don't you do a review, oh that's right you only suck cock and there is not forum on this board for gaywads. Stop jacking off to your Michael Sam poster and get out of the house for once and see an actual lady.
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
BT, you are the only fucker infatuated with JFF's cock. You seem to bring it up all the time. You would think Dopey would have given you all the cock you could handle but obviously you still burn with desire for more hot dog!!! Why don't you do a review, oh that's right you only suck cock and there is not forum on this board for gaywads. Stop jacking off to your Michael Sam poster and get out of the house for once and see an actual lady. Originally Posted by Daddio
In case you're looking for ol' Sug', he and his trusty ol' cock measuring stick are out on the ledge again!

I was referring to his measurements at the combine. BT, I'm sure you can give us all a report on his size by opening your pie hole and saying about this big.

BT, How are your love letters to Michael Sam coming along? Have you moved to St. Louis yet to spoon him? I know you like being the bitch in a relationship, even old Dopey's cross eyed bitch.
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
I was referring to his measurements at the combine. Originally Posted by Daddio
Let me make sure I understand your latest distorted interpretation.

You now are trying to divert attention by making a fraudulent claim that you were only "referring to his measurements at the combine."

Ok, let's break down your exact words. Shall we?

You clearly stated the following: "Have they measured his cock yet?" Do we have a dispute yet?

Apparently not!

The word "his" was clearly a reference to JFF. You also specifically referenced JFF, didn't you?

The answer is a clear and emphatic YES!

Now that we have established that you clearly made that exact statement, let's define exactly what you meant when you stated the following: "Have they measured his cock yet?"

Is the "cock" that you were referring to a football drill? No!

Is it a speed test? No!

Could it be an endurance test? No!

Perhaps it is an agility test? No!

Was it a hand/eye coordination test? No!

Or is the "cock" a taste preference test for 'Sugar' Daddio? Bingo!

I think we have found the answer to 'Sugar' Daddio's taste preferences!

Tuthfully 'Sug', there is only one way to to interpret "have they measured his cock yet." It is clear that you were interested in either the length and/or the circumference of JFF's cock. There is absolutely no other way to interpret the statement.

Hey, if that is what floats your boat, it is none of my business.

'Sugar' Daddio, I sincerely hope that you were completely satisfied with the length and/or circumference of JFF's cock and that it exceeded your wildest fantasy's and/or expectations.
BT you are so fucking weak and pathetic, frankly you are just a little bitch boy cum guzzling butt plug Dopey loving black hole Michael Sam swallowing faggot Fucktard with no fucking nuts balls or cohones except for the ones that permanently rest on your chin as you swallow 'Matt schaubies jizz and squirm in Your panties like bill Cosby after a bite of cum flavored jello pudding you cross dressing Vienna sausage little dick fat pasty fuck of a woman. In fact your dad should be pecker slapped by all the faggots in San Francisco for letting the shitty little retarded sperm that made you escape the homo cum guzzlers your daddy obviously ran with before he met the infected snatch of your mom who was so desperate to get a jizz in her diseased pussy prior to turning 68 years old to belch a fart and shit stain of a son like you from her asshole. Your mom should have done us all a favor and just flushed your stinky ass down the toilet with your turd twin.

Damn that is just mother fucking poetry right there!!

Nuff said!!!
BT you are so fucking weak and pathetic..................Nuff said!!! Originally Posted by Daddio
It is back to the ledge for 'Sugar' Daddio and his faithful measuring stick!

Be sure to let us know how Eccie's 'ignore' feature works!
carkido45's Avatar
It is back to the ledge for 'Sugar' Daddio and his faithful measuring stick!

Be sure to let us know how Eccie's 'ignore' feature works! Originally Posted by bigtex
Dang BigTex you sure know how to push Daddio's buttons
Seriously leave Daddio alone his postings are sad and pathetic and not worth the trouble of picking on him .
It's as if you're in High School bigtex and daddio is in kindergarten're looking like a big ole bully bigtex cmon leave the little guy alone
Dang BigTex you sure know how to push Daddio's buttons
Seriously leave Daddio alone his postings are sad and pathetic and not worth the trouble of picking on him .
It's as if you're in High School bigtex and daddio is in kindergarten're looking like a big ole bully bigtex cmon leave the little guy alone Originally Posted by carkido45
Awww come on now, I feel quite certain that "Sugar" Daddio is much more intellectually challenged than most, if not all, of those in kindergarten.

But I might be able to agree with Pre K!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-23-2014, 10:03 PM
Daddio, that was one of the most outrageous fucking rants I have ever read. LMMFAO! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:roflma o:
outrageous fucking rants Originally Posted by seedman55
It is more commonly referred to as an "epic meltdown."
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 05-24-2014, 05:43 AM
It is more commonly referred to as an "epic meltdown." Originally Posted by bigtex
Nah, I would not categorize that as a meltdown at all. Daddio is one of the funniest fuckers here, his stuff is fucking classic. Lmao