Open Challenge: If you think you can sue me... Please do

Pimp was released last Friday. Any apparent posts since that date by !VI! here or elsewhere should not be trusted. Originally Posted by sean rider
Oh wow. They let a dangerous, human trafficking, felon-on-the-run, kidnapper out of jail???


He must not have proven to be as much of a threat as the news story made him out to be.
Crzytxn's Avatar
Ive not read but bits and pieces of this but....
1. A convicted felon buying a gun, is another felony. Punishable by up to 10 years in federal prison.
2. If the guy broke Parole, and had a Blue Warrant issued. There would be no bond. Unless he was reinstated by the parole board. And after buying a gun, that aint gonna happen. So how did he get outof jail?
TinMan's Avatar
They realized they don't have a case?
killswitch321's Avatar
Great, the same dead horse is not rotting because everybody still beats it. Oh, what's the use.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
The guns were probably her wanna be military asses and not the poor guy she used as a scapegoat because he started to date another chick. She said herself that she can and will use her white privalige when she threatened to blame this whole thing on him. I believe her words were who are they gonna believe me a little white girl from a good family or him?

Hard to believe this man was a gorilla pimp when there's a picture online of him smiling with her whole family.

If true I hope the guy did get out of jail because all it takes is a little bit of digging to find out the truth.
The guns were probably her wanna be military asses and not the poor guy she used as a scapegoat because he started to date another chick. She said herself that she can and will use her white privalige when she threatened to blame this whole thing on him. I believe her words were who are they gonna believe me a little white girl from a good family or him?

Hard to believe this man was a gorilla pimp when there's a picture online of him smiling with her whole family.

If true I hope the guy did get out of jail because all it takes is a little bit of digging to find out the truth. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Not even going to bother with this as all of your White Knights will step forward to defend you, the same WK's who get nothing in return for their defense other than making complete fools of themselves.

!VI! is 110% not responsible for anything that she has said or done for the past 4 years. When this comes to trial we will all find out the truth you claim that someone will be digging for soon.
sean rider's Avatar
The guns were probably her wanna be military asses and not the poor guy she used as a scapegoat because he started to date another chick. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
From the actual charging document that is online, but I can't link to because that would violate rules about linking to real-world identities...I think...

"A search of <redacted>'s bedroom yielded a Springfield Armory XDS-45ACP, semi-automatic .45 ACP pistol, Serial Number (S/N): S3214072 and Springfield Armory XDS-9 semiautomatic 9mm pistol, S/N: S3949330. Both firearms were found next to the bed on the floor in close proximity to <redacted>'s wallet, which contained his driver's license and social security card. In addition, agents located numerous rounds of .45 ACP, 9mm and .380 caliber ammunition, among other items, in the living room of the home.

Following his arrest, <redacted> waived his Miranda rights, and agreed to be interviewed by DHS HSI Special Agent's (SA's) Allison M. Schaefer and Mark Adair. During the recorded interview, <redacted> admitted he was currently on state felony probation, and while on probation, he got a friend to purchase several firearms for him. <Redacted> stated he was not able to purchase the firearms himself because he was on probation. He stated he obtained the following firearms while on probation: two .380 caliber pistols, a .45 ACP pistols and a 9mm pistol."

She said herself that she can and will use her white privalige when she threatened to blame this whole thing on him. I believe her words were who are they gonna believe me a little white girl from a good family or him? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
But you assume the person posting on !VI!'s account was the young woman in question. The same one who, immediately after breaking away from her pimp, supposedly outted herself here, ran ads saying she would see clients at her *parents* real world address again spelled out right in the ad, and posted x-rated sex videos of herself on a major porn site with her actual real-world name.

So your theory is she massively outted herself and invited clients to her parent's house. And said the above.

My theory is her pimp outted her when she broke away, and posted the above as her on here.

Which seems more likely?

If true I hope the guy did get out of jail because all it takes is a little bit of digging to find out the truth. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
On the federal online system ( ) I found the following record, and then the next one a few days later.

Name: <redacted>
Register Number: <redacted>
Age: 28
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Release Date: UNKNOWN
Located At: FCI Fort Worth

Name: <redacted>
Register Number: <redacted>
Age: 28
Race: Black
Sex: Male
Released On: 06/24/2016

What I can't tell is whether this means he is free now, or if he was released from the Federal system and sent back to the State system.
sean rider's Avatar
Also, let's not lose track of the fact that this same guy pimped "Eevee" before he pimped !VI!. And he outted Eevee when she left him. Just like he did to !VI!.
a Springfield Armory XDS-45ACP, semi-automatic .45 ACP pistol, Serial Number (S/N): S3214072 and Springfield Armory XDS-9 semiautomatic 9mm pistol, S/N: S3949330 Originally Posted by sean rider
Good guns! I used to own a Springfid XD.45 ACP semi-automatic pistol that held 13 + 1 rounds. To stay on topic, !Vi! Yadda yadda yadda pimp yadda yadda yadda........
What the hell is
Also, let's not lose track of the fact that this same guy pimped "Eevee" before he pimped !VI!. And he outted Eevee when she left him. Just like he did to !VI!. Originally Posted by sean rider
he's free now, so obviously our justice system had mercy on his stupid ass for dealing with these bat shit crazy whores.....and they are instead of locking up the victim, ( the alleged pimp) ...they release him......looks like he was played,
sean rider's Avatar
He's been released from Federal holding. I'm not sure he's on the street. He may have been moved back to the Texas system. Or he may be on the street pending trial. Bail?

Hard to believe they would take a *confession* of breaking parole, and a *confession* of buying 4 guns illegally while on parole, and simply choose to not prosecute for anything at all.

The charging document closes with:

"<redacted> committed violations of the United States Criminal Law, to wit, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 922(n), Illegal Receipt of a Firearm While Under Indictment."

Even if they dropped this charge, would they also continue his parole?

I think our friend <redacted> has yet to hear the other shoe drop.
He's been released from Federal holding. I'm not sure he's on the street. He may have been moved back to the Texas system. Or he may be on the street pending trial. Bail?

Hard to believe they would take a *confession* of breaking parole, and a *confession* of buying 4 guns illegally while on parole, and simply choose to not prosecute for anything at all.

The charging document closes with:

"<redacted> committed violations of the United States Criminal Law, to wit, Title 18 U.S.C. Section 922(n), Illegal Receipt of a Firearm While Under Indictment."

Even if they dropped this charge, would they also continue his parole?

I think our friend <redacted> has yet to hear the other shoe drop. Originally Posted by sean rider
I thinck hes released because hes innocent , except for being played by not one but two bat shit crazy whores......I feel for him and if I could i'd offer him a job or some money on his books.....he's obviously the victim, and that's why he's a free man....even the miserable prosecutor felt his pain that's why he's free......
sean rider's Avatar
So even though they found guns in his possession, and even though he confessed to having bought them illegally, he's innocent?

And note that Eevee *never* did anything against him. Except drop him as a pimp. And he outted her on the internet in revenge.

There's a ton of facts here that you're ignoring. I think you are making an emotional assessment based on your personal feelings rather than rational logic.

You, of course, have a right to do that. But it doesn't make you correct.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I think, maybe, you're to close to the situation, js