Wow rambro it's very surprising to me that you and LL are lap dogs for the same hoogar. Tara is either the second coming or the anti-Christ.
Ps- when's the last time the Cowboys or Yankees were on top??
You don't need to be on top to get haters, as a matter of fact you can suck and get tons of haters and I don't mean suck in a good way.
Originally Posted by blowmypop23
I've never seen so much effort go into hating on one person. It's borderline mind boggling. Here we have a bunch of 'adults', literally PILING ON, instigating, playing grade school games, doing the ol 'Let's all not like her...together!' tactics.
Seriously. If anything, you'd think 'adults' would try to separate themselves from the PILE ON. It literally looks like 'World War Z' the way you all go after her. Even if she has her imperfect ways (who doesn't), what does it make EACH OF YOU look like to be part of the World War Z Pile on??