Dorthy_Monroe's last points issued: an objective assessment.

The trolling by DM was about Kitty stating she was white
As for issuing any warnings/points on this thread, I will excuse myself from doing so since this thread is about an action I took. Originally Posted by NYr
then kitty claimed she was Cuban, asking for clairification is grounds for points how? your the mod here educate me....somebody claims to have two heritages..and somebody calls them on it does that equall points? or is it thread hijack? because the title dealt with BS on ECCIE, wouldn't faking your ethnicity be considered BS??its a pretty broad topic to be so particular in enforcement....unless you just want to shut up a hooktard you don't like.....or am I wrong and BS on ECCIE not the wide open topic I think it is??? educate me open to all opinions
we get that your motives in moderating are altruistic, because you work for free....but it seems if a mouthy whore makes you mad...poof!! shes gone because while you may not get paid you can fuck with her livelihood because you have the power...fuck her making a living....she needs to know who's boss....or am I wrong?....
Well the mod who pointed her has posted in your thread. He chose not to answer your question. Seems to me there IS no topic if he won't answer your accusation!!

What shall we talk about now? Originally Posted by corona
yeah we should all talk about blatant abuse of mod power, or his misogyny...but he seems to have gone silent. read my previous posts, its not about dorthy...its about a mod's ability to control his authority, when dealing with posters he hates.....and honestly shine a light on his misogynist decisions here....he hates dorthys smart ass whore attitude and arbitrarily points her to banville ...making him feel more like a man than his shitty life does in real life........or is my opinion wrong? trying to figure this "mod" out....
^^^^^^^^ Would not have defended anyone else that wasn't her GF,,,Let the whore quietly serve out her sentence with dignity.

Originally Posted by TheCat'sMeow
counting down the memes til you lose it and hit with the ban previously didn't make it past 50.....I know it must hurt when you cant but pussy in a Korean spa....I don't really cuz I don't do spas but if you have money and they tell you to kick rocks,,,,,ouch.......maybe find yourself a blowup doll and call her mamasan those Houston spa's are tough on weirdos and creeps, ijs maybe they have your number from Atlanta.......yeah that......
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
.... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Fresh off a points ban yourself, you do speak from a perspective others don't have.

You are speaking in generalities, while this thread is speaking in specifics Hence, why I said you often don't have a point.

If anything, the constant "who cares" comments are off topic. A discussion thread was created, and those who wish to participate can do so. If you open this thread more than once and say "who cares" my response is that you obviously do but are unwilling to comment on the topic in a constructive manner.

Thread hijacks are the laziest pointable offense because they cannot be applied in a fair manner. If the reasons people, including me my dimwitted whore monger, are pointable for hijacks were actually applied to all threads where moderators comment and take action, this board would be a different place. Mods selectively point for it because it is a "catch all" for many lazy mods.

If anything, I would think (or should I say know) you wish there was more mod oversight. Mods cross lines, ambassador positions happen. If you turned over a new leaf during your recent ban then great, but otherwise you complain about mistreatment with the best of them. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Cool, let's not speak in generalities then, specifically speaking, how did you know that I was coming off a points ban? Lucky guess or maybe you have a mod or two that discusses subjects with you about other members that is really none of your business, aka a pocket mod? Another specific example is when I RTMed posts of yours in the past that was an obvious guideline violation, that you knew about it pretty much right away, is that another lucky guess or the pocket mod thing again?

When a poster says "who cares" about the subject of a post, you are right, he/she has to care enough because they posted on the thread, but it is not off topic, it is discussing the topic by saying they do not care

I did read a post where a mod said out in the open that that I RTMed thread I BELIEVED to be guideline violations, which in turn is true, but the reason I believed that is because I got points for the same thing. For example, when I get 5 points from a mod for calling a member a bozo, then when another member does name calling on a post (and usually stronger words than "bozo"), I RTM the post. Does that member who wrote that post get points? I do not know, but what I do know is that it takes an accumulation of 25 points before the oldest points expire to get banned for 90 days, and I got 5 points for calling a guy a bozo, then surely when one member who calls other members names 5 times in say even just a 48 hour period, not counting the obvious guideline violations over only a time frame of a month, and he has not been banned on points, then it is safe to say that the answer to that is a resounding "no", he did not nor will he receive any points. More than likely the mods have a good laugh/ignore the RTM (no matter who does the RTM) of that particular member's post instead.

As I said, it stands to reason that it is NOT so much the particular post that a poster makes that he/she receives/does not receive points, although that is the premise a mod uses, but rather it is more about the member who wrote the post that is the real focus of the mod when dishing/not dishing out points on the lazy pointable offenses such as a thread hijack and being rude and disrespectful to others. The board would be a different place if everyone had to play by the same rules, but that is certainly not the case, nor will it ever be. Some members would quit posting all together because every post they make is negative to put down others as they would be pointed each time and banned for 90 days the same week the ban was lifted. But, wouldn't that be a change for the better?

I turned over a new leaf a long time ago, but unfortunately for me, there are certain members, of this board including yourself who have and will continue bring up the past to try to keep those events current as well as the baiting posts, say like an agenda which is the majority of your posts. Maybe one of these days, other members will get as sick and tired of it as I am or you will turn over a new leaf.
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 04-23-2016, 03:06 AM
Cool, let's not speak in generalities then, specifically speaking, how did you know that I was coming off a points ban? Lucky guess or maybe you have a mod or two that discusses subjects with you about other members that is really none of your business, aka a pocket mod? Another specific example is when I RTMed posts of yours in the past that was an obvious guideline violation, that you knew about it pretty much right away, is that another lucky guess or the pocket mod thing again?

When a poster says "who cares" about the subject of a post, you are right, he/she has to care enough because they posted on the thread, but it is not off topic, it is discussing the topic by saying they do not care

I did read a post where a mod said out in the open that that I RTMed thread I BELIEVED to be guideline violations, which in turn is true, but the reason I believed that is because I got points for the same thing. For example, when I get 5 points from a mod for calling a member a bozo, then when another member does name calling on a post (and usually stronger words than "bozo"), I RTM the post. Does that member who wrote that post get points? I do not know, but what I do know is that it takes an accumulation of 25 points before the oldest points expire to get banned for 90 days, and I got 5 points for calling a guy a bozo, then surely when one member who calls other members names 5 times in say even just a 48 hour period, not counting the obvious guideline violations over only a time frame of a month, and he has not been banned on points, then it is safe to say that the answer to that is a resounding "no", he did not nor will he receive any points. More than likely the mods have a good laugh/ignore the RTM (no matter who does the RTM) of that particular member's post instead.

As I said, it stands to reason that it is NOT so much the particular post that a poster makes that he/she receives/does not receive points, although that is the premise a mod uses, but rather it is more about the member who wrote the post that is the real focus of the mod when dishing/not dishing out points on the lazy pointable offenses such as a thread hijack and being rude and disrespectful to others. The board would be a different place if everyone had to play by the same rules, but that is certainly not the case, nor will it ever be. Some members would quit posting all together because every post they make is negative to put down others as they would be pointed each time and banned for 90 days the same week the ban was lifted. But, wouldn't that be a change for the better?

I turned over a new leaf a long time ago, but unfortunately for me, there are certain members, of this board including yourself who have and will continue bring up the past to try to keep those events current as well as the baiting posts, say like an agenda which is the majority of your posts. Maybe one of these days, other members will get as sick and tired of it as I am or you will turn over a new leaf. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Whatever, bozo.
ManSlut's Avatar
Whatever, bozo. Originally Posted by broes
Un bozo + broes = Dos bozos
chicagoboy's Avatar
actually NY'R opened the door by his gleeful admission he gave Dorfy the points that banned her, something most if not all mods don't discuss....thus showing his AUTHORITIE.....ask cartman for definition....he considers himself above both hooktard and fucktard, and does as he pleases..........if fairness entered into his thought process, all that were warned would have been pointed, not just dorthy...again NYRs ego ruled his duties.........the ONLY points he issued were to DORTHY.....knowing he would ban her, and bragging he did.......weak...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Gleeful? Bragging?

Lincks, please.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Zuerst war ich wie....
[1st I was like....]

Jetzt denke ich, ich bin....
[now I think I'm....]

TinMan's Avatar
Gleeful? Bragging?

Lincks, please.
Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Yeah, I didn't read it that way at all. One can question the fairness of the points (IMO only if they weren't distributed in a manner consistent with other cases under similar circumstances), or the wisdom in announcing the action, but how you take his tone is likely influenced by your perception of him.
actually NY'R opened the door by his gleeful admission he gave Dorfy the points that banned her, something most if not all mods don't discuss....thus showing his AUTHORITIE.....ask cartman for definition....he considers himself above both hooktard and fucktard, and does as he pleases..........if fairness entered into his thought process, all that were warned would have been pointed, not just dorthy...again NYRs ego ruled his duties.........the ONLY points he issued were to DORTHY.....knowing he would ban her, and bragging he did.......weak...... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
I will take it that Nyr was wrong in letting all know on the open board who he has issued points to cuz it is none of anyone else's business nor should it be. If he did not admit it, no one but the staff would have known who issued the points that sent Dorthy on her 90 day ban.

However, noticing that there were other members in the thread who clearly violated his post to stay on topic, and per dearhunter, Dorthy was the ONLY one to receive points out of that, then as another prime example of what I have said before is the issue with the point program...........the actual post awarded the points is probably an indirect causal link used for the reasoning of the mod for those points, but directly speaking on the rational of the reason it was pointed/not pointed by the mods, it more than likely is the member posting it, and maybe even who the other members are that RTM said post that greatly effects the points issued/not issued when it comes to guideline violations.
Boltfan's Avatar
Were you not banned on points? 90 days, back exactly at 90. Logical conclusion, and not grand wizardry says that is a points ban toto.
So after my post I made, all you want to comment on is my 90 day ban? Amazing when you consider other posts you want to share your great wisdom with the community with, however, to my point in that same post, most of your posts add no value to the community and are condescending and negative in nature, so maybe you should go get laid more and post less.
flghtr65's Avatar
we get that your motives in moderating are altruistic, because you work for free....but it seems if a mouthy whore makes you mad...poof!! shes gone because while you may not get paid you can fuck with her livelihood because you have the power...fuck her making a living....she needs to know who's boss....or am I wrong?.... Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
1. NYR did not issue all of DM's points, just the one's that put her over the top. This was after she received a warning for trolling.

2. The points that DM had accrued up to before she got banned were not legit?

3. I believe Jules Jaguar had it right in her post, why push boundaries to the point where you get yourself banned if your revenue from being in the hobby is so dependent on ECCIE advertising. She can try EROS or Cityvibe until she returns.

4. I don't believe NYR was out "to get" DM.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Cuban is a nationality and not a race or are those that believe it is a race that ignorant.
Mexican is not a race.
Hispanic is not a race.
Latin is not a race.
White is not a race it is a color the same as black is a color and not a race.
Caucasian, and that includes Cubans that are not of negroid descent are many different nationalities and ethnic groups.

I once worked for a man that was truly a great American. He served in our armed forces, was gentleman and one of the sbest people you could ever know. He ws not only my boss but a friend. One day a man came up to him and asked him what his nationality wasbecause he could have passed for being from a variety of areas and was an enigma to those that did not know him.
He replied that his nationality was American but that he believed that he was really asking what was his race. He told the man that he was of the Negro race and once again stated his nationality was American. Damn, I miss that man. He was one of the most hard working generous people I have ever known in my life and I still hold myself to some of the same standards of dignity and respect he helped to instill within me in those years.

Educate yourselves and stop being so close minded.