Still don't believe he's a muslim?

  • shanm
  • 02-27-2015, 11:04 PM
^ Shut up cocksucker
I B Hankering's Avatar
^ Shut up cocksucker Originally Posted by shanm
You are the one that needs to shut your gaping maw of stupidity and lies, shamman.

“You think of the lives which would have been lost in an invasion of Japan's home islands—a staggering number of American lives but millions more of Japanese—and you thank God for the atomic bomb,”

Goodbye, Darkness: a Memoir of the Pacific War, by William Manchester.
lustylad's Avatar
We've shit on this region for years, propping up dictators that kept the people under their thumb as long as they did what we wanted... Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You're so full of ignorance it is truly frightening.... Let's see, where did ISIS find fertile ground? Oh yeah, in Syria and Iraq. Exactly how were we "propping up" Bashar al-Assad, undercunt? Seems to me the Russians and Iranians were doing the propping there. As for Iraq, exactly how were we "propping up" Saddam Hussein? Aren't you the guy who keeps complaining that Bush shouldn't have toppled him? Make up your fucking mind. Can't have it both ways, idiot.
lustylad's Avatar
Polls that were done right after world war 2 showed that even the majority of Americans did not agree with Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Apparently, now, we know better than the people who actually lived through it.
Originally Posted by shanm
What polls? I'm a World War II buff and a history major. What polls are you talking about? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Taken from the Gallup poll on public opinion.
Do you think that dropping the atomic bombs saved more Japanese lives than would have been lost if the war had continued, or did dropping the bomb COST more Japanese lives?

2005 Jul 25-28
Saved more Japanese lives 41%
Cost more Japanese lives 47%
No opinion 12 Originally Posted by shanm

Hey, did I just read this correctly? JD calls out sham the scam on his supposed polls that were “done right after world war 2” and shammy trots out a Gallup survey taken 60 fucking years later??? Hey shammy, you said the polls showed the opinions of “the people who actually lived through” the war, not what their fucking grandchildren think! What's worse, the question in your 2005 Gallup poll doesn't say anything about how many American or non-Japanese lives were saved! So where do you get off claiming it proves “the majority of Americans did not agree with Hiroshima/Nagasaki” when that is decidedly NOT what the poll asked?

A lot of readers here catch stuff like that, shammy. You just shot yourself in the foot. Anyone who willfully misconstrues a poll the way you just did in the above example has zero credibility on this board.

  • shanm
  • 02-28-2015, 01:31 AM
Hey, did I just read this correctly? JD calls out sham the scam on his supposed polls that were “done right after world war 2” and shammy trots out a Gallup survey taken 60 fucking years later??? Hey shammy, you said the polls showed the opinions of “the people who actually lived through” the war, not what their fucking grandchildren think! What's worse, the question in your 2005 Gallup poll doesn't say anything about how many American or non-Japanese lives were saved! So where do you get off claiming it proves “the majority of Americans did not agree with Hiroshima/Nagasaki” when that is decidedly NOT what the poll asked?

A lot of readers here catch stuff like that, shammy. You just shot yourself in the foot. Anyone who willfully misconstrues a poll the way you just did in the above example has zero credibility on this board.

. Originally Posted by lustylad

But yes, I'll admit. you are correct about public opinion being highly geared towards the thinking that the use of the atomic bombs was justified.

Originally Posted by shanm
Lustyfag shows us, once again, why he is a retard.

Bother to read the entire thing next time.

As of 6:10 pm on February 26, 2015, 5 poster's have openly expressed they "like" BT's post #451 of this thread.

On the other hand; as of the same time, not one single poster. Yes, a big fat "0" has expressed they "like" LLIdiot's post #452.
Originally Posted by bigtex
LOL - open mouth, insert foot!!! You are losing big time, BigTex!! Originally Posted by DSK
Losing? How did I lose?

Apparently DSKIdiot (and a few others) did not read the referenced post(s) very closely.

What I actually said follows:

"As of 6:10 pm on February 26, 2015, 5 posters have openly expressed they "like" BT's post #451 of this thread.

On the other hand; as of the same time, not one single poster. Yes, a big fat "0" has expressed they "like" LLIdiot's post #452."

So please tell us again, just how did I lose?

The above referenced statement was 100% accurate. And quite frankly, it was not that difficult to understand.

Unless you're an Idiot, of course!

Once made, my remarks prompted the Idiot Klan, errr Clan to spring into action and circle their wagons around their beloved Patriarch.

Just as I knew they would!

However, that does not alter the fact that at the exact referenced moment, there were 5 likes for BT, 0 for LLIdiot!

Don't read any more into my remarks than that!

Perhaps DSKIdiot should learn to read, prior to "open mouth and insert foot!"

One thing is abundantly clear: There are a bunch of Idiot Klan, errr Clan member's in this forum.

A whole bunch!

As your esteemed Patriarch would say:

"Carry On!"

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I knew a guy in St. Joseph, MO who had a print shop out on the Belt Highway. He had a map on the wall of his place of business. It was a map of Japan and the beach head that was to be. He was scheduled to be in the second wave to hit the beach. He was very happy that Truman nuked the Japanese just so he could live to come back to Missouri.
I B Hankering's Avatar

Read this alone―and the war can be won.

1. In preparing this book, the aim has been to give officers and other ranks a thorough grounding in the purpose and special characteristics of the campaign in South Asia....

Corpses swollen drifting in the sea depths,
Corpses rotting in the mountain grass―
We shall die, by the side of our lord we shall die.
We shall not look back.

(pp. 223-60, Appendix 1: "Imperial Japan War Pamphlet," Japan's Greatest Victory: Britain's Worst Defeat From The Japanese Perspective: The Capture Of Singapore, 1942, by Colonel Masanobu Tsuji.)

I think the word you're looking for is tangentially. You completely missed the point. We also have an apocalyptic determination or did you forget Manifest Destiny or Reagan and his city on a hill rhetoric? He got that from the Bible. If you honestly think we're completely blameless in the entire thing, there's really nothing I can say to change your mind. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
yeah the word didn't look right to me either so I put in an explanation , I was too cold to look it up

anyway yeah I got your point or at least the one you typed..everything is America's fault and conservatives are too stupid to understand Obama's brilliant nuances...only problem is, it doesn't make sense or will work ..I love it when people so far off point thinks no one gets their point

but his latest isn't "we are to blame and lets not upset anyone and im way too smart to get booby trapped by them", I thought his latest was a jobs program

as far as your latest group of non sequiturs..manifest destiny, Reagan and his pride in America exactly how is that some sort of blame regarding isis?

its just a crazed rant of hatefulness regarding America, you need to calm down and re-group
You're so full of ignorance it is truly frightening.... Let's see, where did ISIS find fertile ground? Oh yeah, in Syria and Iraq. Exactly how were we "propping up" Bashar al-Assad, undercunt? Seems to me the Russians and Iranians were doing the propping there. As for Iraq, exactly how were we "propping up" Saddam Hussein? Aren't you the guy who keeps complaining that Bush shouldn't have toppled him? Make up your fucking mind. Can't have it both ways, idiot. Originally Posted by lustylad
You're truly clueless. I'm talking about going back 50-60 years. I can't have it both ways? Like the US giving financial aid to dictators in private while publicly decrying them? Like that? The Truman Doctrine got us into the mess of propping up undemocratic governments we didn't even agree with and started us down the road of playing global police.

It's funny you mentioned Syria, since we played a role in ending civilian rule there back in 1949. Once in power, the guy we chose suddenly approved the Trans-Arabian Pipeline in order to get Saudi oil to Mediterranean ports. The people finally overthrew him after a few months, but not before he had helped us out and of course by then, we had gotten what we wanted so we were through with him

And then there's Iran, where the CIA and British Intelligence overthrew the democratically elected leader because he was going to nationalize the nation's oil industry and drastically cut the profits of the Anglo-Iranian Oil company, you might know them as BP. Britain couldn't have that and enlisted our help in overthrowing him, in order to protect profits.

Then there's the early 60's when we instigated a coup in Iraq because we couldn't keep the leader there under our thumb and doing our bidding. Between 1992-96, we supported a campaign of sabotage against their ruling government. Oh yeah, it was headed up by Ayad Allawi. If his name isn't familiar, look it up.

I never said we propped up Bashad. You handpicked him. We did support Syrian rebels with money and guns in order to topple the regime and three years later he still rules and 250K syrians have been killed. Really successful effort there.

There are countless other examples of us meddling in other countries' business and it's coming back to haunt us. We wouldn't want it done to us but we are perfectly willing to play god for someone else. If you cant' see that, I don't guess you ever will.
yeah the word didn't look right to me either so I put in an explanation , I was too cold to look it up

anyway yeah I got your point or at least the one you typed..everything is America's fault and conservatives are too stupid to understand Obama's brilliant nuances...only problem is, it doesn't make sense or will work ..I love it when people so far off point thinks no one gets their point

but his latest isn't "we are to blame and lets not upset anyone and im way too smart to get booby trapped by them", I thought his latest was a jobs program

as far as your latest group of non sequiturs..manifest destiny, Reagan and his pride in America exactly how is that some sort of blame regarding isis?

its just a crazed rant of hatefulness regarding America, you need to calm down and re-group Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I never said everything was America's fault. And it's far from a crazed rant. You and your ilk on here are apparently incapable of anything but binary thought. It's either this or it's that with you. As for Manifest Destiny, Reagan, etc., it shows a pattern of thinking we know what's best for other countries, meanwhile we can't even get our own in order. It's an arrogance that is annoying to others. The point is that we are not blameless in all this. We can debate the amount of blame but to say we hold no portion of blame is completely ignorant.
Hey, did I just read this correctly? JD calls out sham the scam on his supposed polls that were “done right after world war 2” and shammy trots out a Gallup survey taken 60 fucking years later??? Hey shammy, you said the polls showed the opinions of “the people who actually lived through” the war, not what their fucking grandchildren think! What's worse, the question in your 2005 Gallup poll doesn't say anything about how many American or non-Japanese lives were saved! So where do you get off claiming it proves “the majority of Americans did not agree with Hiroshima/Nagasaki” when that is decidedly NOT what the poll asked?

A lot of readers here catch stuff like that, shammy. You just shot yourself in the foot. Anyone who willfully misconstrues a poll the way you just did in the above example has zero credibility on this board.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Fuck his poll and fuck your bullshit. Here's Truman AND Eisenhower both quoted as saying we didn't need to drop them because Japan was already going to surrender. As well as the Joint Chief and McArthur. But I guess those guys really didn't know anything compared to you shitsippers who've got it all figured out. Read it and weep, sucker.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fuck his poll and fuck your bullshit. Here's Truman AND Eisenhower both quoted as saying we didn't need to drop them because Japan was already going to surrender. As well as the Joint Chief and McArthur. But I guess those guys really didn't know anything compared to you shitsippers who've got it all figured out. Read it and weep, sucker.
Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
You'd be a liar, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.

"I regarded the dropping of the bomb as of great importance and felt that it would end the war possibly better than anything else, which it did, and I think that all the claims about the bombings and all afterwards were rather silly. Because we had had these terrific destructions and it hadn’t had these effects. I think it was quite necessary to drop the bombs in order to shorten the war... There were hundreds and hundreds of thousands of American lives involved in these things as well as hundreds of billions of money. They had been perfectly ruthless. We had notified them of the bomb. They didn’t choose to believe that. And what they needed was shock action and they got it. I think it was very wise to use it." ― Chief of Staff of the United States Army Five-star General George C. Marshall, February 11, 1957.
You'd be a liar, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Did you even read it you hackneyed cocksucker. Says just what I said it did. The fact that you think you know better than the president and commanders in the military of the time is fucking priceless. You probably still believe we sat down to a nice meal with the indians on thanksgiving. Jesus Christ, you're a child.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Did you even read it you hackneyed cocksucker. Says just what I said it did. The fact that you think you know better than the president and commanders in the military of the time is fucking priceless. You probably still believe we sat down to a nice meal with the indians on thanksgiving. Jesus Christ, you're a child. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Your statement was counterfactual and a lie, you "#Grubered" Odumbo Minion.