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Guest042416's Avatar
ask task maybe he was meeting scrunch there to be guest speaker
JohnnyCap's Avatar
lol I wasn't on the list no

NOt my thing man, im not into that shit, too busy with work

I got a utr texting me with cursing because I haven't funded her in a week I told her no work no money

paulie u can ask around some big names on the list you can find them, not oldies some youngies Originally Posted by bjwstw
I believe the first line, the rest is bullshit x 3

But I'm a drunk
or maybe we miss dsbecause of his one review of a person that was underage at the time and was later in a big messy report all entangled in the news and on here.

maybe we miss ds because of all the times he rode on every post and review another member made then tried to see if his dick was bigger or not by asking the provider each and every time he saw her how he performed compared to his pm buddy.
maybe we miss ds because he had to change his screen name and handle because he got worried le was watching him and had the make of his car in the report

maybe we miss ds because he was such a big pussy that he knew he had fucked up for going underage then had to change everything has his personal in fo was all out there for everyone to see
maybe we miss ds because his wife caught him on here and read his one review and was so so upset about him that she took his money house and diginity away from him

what a shame that ds was, what a dick he is and will always be

on we go!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by bjwstw
Ah -- I call your bluff. I challenge you to produce EVERY bit of this info that you allege. As my understanding of DT is such that none of it is true. I am sure that he will be more than happy to entertain every single speck of info you have. Don't accuse and don't obfuscate (big word , I know, so feel free to google it). Show real info and not vague accusations that are the weapon of pussies. Bring it on as your post shows that you have NOTHING! You made 6 statements -- and while calling DT a dick is a matter of opinion and thus not necessarily false if you are mentally challenged, the other 5 statements of alleged fact are all false and can NOT be backed up. Only a pussy would do that , and since you must not be a pussy, please please please give the facts..... if you can. I am waiting.
Guest042416's Avatar
I believe the first line, the rest is bullshit x 3

But I'm a drunk Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
lol nice try, but yes we know youre drunk

just don't drive again
Guest042416's Avatar
Ah -- I call your bluff. I challenge you to produce EVERY bit of this info that you allege. As my understanding of DT is such that none of it is true. I am sure that he will be more than happy to entertain every single speck of info you have. Don't accuse and don't obfuscate (big word , I know, so feel free to google it). Show real info and not vague accusations that are the weapon of pussies. Bring it on as your post shows that you have NOTHING! You made 6 statements -- and while calling DT a dick is a matter of opinion and thus not necessarily false if you are mentally challenged, the other 5 statements of alleged fact are all false and can NOT be backed up. Only a pussy would do that , and since you must not be a pussy, please please please give the facts..... if you can. I am waiting. Originally Posted by Taskmaster
lol nice try task,

nice try but u can go read the emails if you want

go do your work you have it post it
of course its against the board rules as you know

You take such a deep interest in this deep stinker was he your gay lover?
Guest042416's Avatar
now I must bid good night as I have to make some money early when the market opens in Europe.

on we go boys

paulie u can ask around some big names on the list you can find them, some banned members too Originally Posted by bjwstw
No need for me to go digging.
The information you provided to me was innacurate at best.
All pure speculation with no facts to back anything up.
AND... that recently banned member??
The one who you quickly retreated about??
More misinformation.
So no need for me to go chasing any of your NEW misinformation....

You can go produce the stuff Task is asking for first though....
I can wait for you to spin the jailbreak stuff....
No need for me to go digging.
The information you provided in your pms was innacurate at best.
All pure speculation with no facts to back anything up.
AND... that recently banned member??
The one who you quickly retreated about??
It wasn't who you said it was... It was someone different...
So no need for me to go chasing any of your misinformation....

You can go produce the stuff Task is asking for first though....
I can wait for you to spin the jailbreak stuff.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
so glad someone else is finally calling BJ out for all his lies and bs!!!

than you paulie
Guest042416's Avatar
so glad someone else is finally calling BJ out for all his lies and bs!!!

than you paulie Originally Posted by rodeomann22
lol rodeo

aren't you late with the fish for your so?

that aint no lie, you pussy whipped mother fucker you lol

go bring home the fish she gets mad if youre late with the fish
lol rodeo

aren't you late with the fish for your so?

that aint no lie, you pussy whipped mother fucker you lol

go bring home the fish she gets mad if youre late with the fish Originally Posted by bjwstw
dude seriously wtf is your problem, oh wait I know, cant stand being punked out by someone on here so you just throw BS at everyone with no proof. like has been told by at least 3 of us now, show us the proof that you have, than maybe just maybe someone will believe you and the shit you spew out of your mouth, until than do what you said a few posts ago, go to work so you can make your 6 figures and be able to afford that UTR that is calling you screaming at you for $$$.

I love how grown men who have never met each other, most, love to sling bull shit about other grown men, yes I am part of that as well, but I never started anything with anyone on here and will not allow someone to just trash me!!!

I have put you on ignore, but I also told you I would monitor what you say to make sure you don't say anything stupid, which of course you have now. way to go ass, now why don't you head your own advice and move on and leave me and whatever I might or might not have at home alone, its none of you business.
Guest042416's Avatar
dude seriously wtf is your problem, oh wait I know, cant stand being punked out by someone on here so you just throw BS at everyone with no proof. like has been told by at least 3 of us now, show us the proof that you have, than maybe just maybe someone will believe you and the shit you spew out of your mouth, until than do what you said a few posts ago, go to work so you can make your 6 figures and be able to afford that UTR that is calling you screaming at you for $$$.

I love how grown men who have never met each other, most, love to sling bull shit about other grown men, yes I am part of that as well, but I never started anything with anyone on here and will not allow someone to just trash me!!!

I have put you on ignore, but I also told you I would monitor what you say to make sure you don't say anything stupid, which of course you have now. way to go ass, now why don't you head your own advice and move on and leave me and whatever I might or might not have at home alone, its none of you business. Originally Posted by rodeomann22
you never had me on ignore you pussy

and are you denying you didn't bring home fish to the so?
Guest042416's Avatar
dude seriously wtf is your problem, oh wait I know, cant stand being punked out by someone on here so you just throw BS at everyone with no proof. like has been told by at least 3 of us now, show us the proof that you have, than maybe just maybe someone will believe you and the shit you spew out of your mouth, until than do what you said a few posts ago, go to work so you can make your 6 figures and be able to afford that UTR that is calling you screaming at you for $$$.

I love how grown men who have never met each other, most, love to sling bull shit about other grown men, yes I am part of that as well, but I never started anything with anyone on here and will not allow someone to just trash me!!!

I have put you on ignore, but I also told you I would monitor what you say to make sure you don't say anything stupid, which of course you have now. way to go ass, now why don't you head your own advice and move on and leave me and whatever I might or might not have at home alone, its none of you business. Originally Posted by rodeomann22
proof that someone does it raw yes I know, you think everyone uses a condom I know
weve been through this

on we go

bring home the fish
you never had me on ignore you pussy

and are you denying you didn't bring home fish to the so? Originally Posted by bjwstw
never had you on ignore, haha, why not try sending me a pm and see what happens, yeah you know what I do with my computer and eccie don't you.

and wtf you talking about bringing home some fish? please explain what MG supposedly told you, and its not against the rules, he is already banned, so wont hurt him any, an im sure he wont mind setting the record straight, so bring it little man, at least show some brass and finally post something someone asks you about,
but im sure you wont, you will spin it some f'ed up way to say, go read between the lines of some other shit, so whatever dude
Guest042416's Avatar
never had you on ignore, haha, why not try sending me a pm and see what happens, yeah you know what I do with my computer and eccie don't you.

and wtf you talking about bringing home some fish? please explain what MG supposedly told you, and its not against the rules, he is already banned, so wont hurt him any, an im sure he wont mind setting the record straight, so bring it little man, at least show some brass and finally post something someone asks you about,
but im sure you wont, you will spin it some f'ed up way to say, go read between the lines of some other shit, so whatever dude Originally Posted by rodeomann22
you had me on ignore but yet responded to me in 5 minutes

hmmm smells fishy

your so likes fish go bring it home
JohnnyCap's Avatar
so glad someone else is finally calling BJ out for all his lies and bs!!!

than you paulie Originally Posted by rodeomann22
Finally? It's been going on for at least 18 months:

It's a wonder why we waste so much time with it. Eventually you just get used to most houseflies, and bj never says anything with enough substance to consider a buzz.

It's an age-old question of philosophy finally answered:

If a post occurs in a thread, and there's nothing but empty words, did that post really occur? Obviously yes, as there's nearly 3000 pieces of evidence from bj.