Budman's Avatar
Generalizations are not hypocritical when actions back them up.

These are your words:

Conservatives wanting thing to stay the same is complete bullshit. We want smaller government. We want to live our lives with less government intrusion. We certainly are not happy with the current trend in this country. We believe in personal responsibility. We believe in working hard and earning ones keep.Liberals on the other hand can't have enough government as long as the program is pushed for by a democrat. Liberals are always looking to play the victim card.

I don't have to say what it is you think about Liberals. You've done it for me. Conservatives DO treat women like inferior objects. This is not a generalization, it's a fact that becomes evident when you look at their actions. They believe that a woman should not have complete control or say over her own body. They have no problem with women making less than men for the same job. (Obama is guilty of this as well). Originally Posted by WombRaider
Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it true. You're a hypocrite and a coward. If you want to have a discussion about women and abortion then start a thread and I will participate. You just can't help but play the victim. Poor, poor wombraider.

PS: Care to defend your racist comment or are you scared?
Just because you say it over and over doesn't make it true. You're a hypocrite and a coward. If you want to have a discussion about women and abortion then start a thread and I will participate. You just can't help but play the victim. Poor, poor wombraider.

PS: Care to defend your racist comment or are you scared? Originally Posted by Budman
You're confusing playing the victim with simply stating facts. Laying out a list of actions is not akin to playing the victim. You can't counter what I said because you have no grounds to. Conservative ideology is what it is. It's not a secret. I mean, it's in the very word itself; conservative. That is not a synonym for revolutionary or radical change or anything remotely similar.

Liberalism, on the other hand, has the latin word libertas at its root. Liberty. Liberalism was founded on the principles of liberty and equality. Liberalism is the political philosophy that eschewed the privilege of the rich, state-sponsored religion and so on. Liberal philosophy led to the American Revolution. If you don't believe me, go look it up for yourself.

As for defending my comment, I'm not really sure what you're referring to. Why would I single out friend based on race? I have lots of friends. Some are white, some are black, some are brown, some are yellow. They are a veritable rainbow. In the end, they're all just friends, regardless of color. You don't have the capacity to provoke anything close to fear, don't worry.
Budman's Avatar
You are the left's typical mouth piece. Accuse all conservatives of being racist and having a war on women. Neither is true. Are there conservatives with racist and sexist views? Sure. Are there liberals with those same views? Sure. So trying to lay that bullshit out as a platform is disingenuous at best.

Your claim that you don't know what I am referring to is funny. That makes you a liar or a fool. We already know you are a racist.
You are the left's typical mouth piece. Accuse all conservatives of being racist and having a war on women. Neither is true. Are there conservatives with racist and sexist views? Sure. Are there liberals with those same views? Sure. So trying to lay that bullshit out as a platform is disingenuous at best.

Your claim that you don't know what I am referring to is funny. That makes you a liar or a fool. We already know you are a racist. Originally Posted by Budman
More generalizations. I never said there weren't liberals with degenerate tendencies. We are talking about human beings, after all. It just seems that over and over, conservatives are on the wrong side of history.

No war on women? You SAYING that doesn't make it true. I go by actions, not words. Here are a list of actions that suggest conservatives do indeed have problems with females.


And here, republicans vote against themselves.

Conservatives opposed the American Revolution

Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Conservatives opposed minimum wage and child labor laws, the 8-hour work day, weekends, sick leave… etc.

Conservatives opposed humane treatment of animals

Conservatives opposed the Civil Right’s Act

Conservatives oppose Equal Protection Under the Law

Need I go on...
Conservatives opposed the American Revolution

Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Conservatives opposed minimum wage and child labor laws, the 8-hour work day, weekends, sick leave… etc.

Conservatives opposed humane treatment of animals

Conservatives opposed the Civil Right’s Act

Conservatives oppose Equal Protection Under the Law

Need I go on... Originally Posted by WombRaider
what you need to do is shut the fuck up asshole
what you need to do is shut the fuck up asshole Originally Posted by gary5912
That's all you got. Each thing I listed is true. If it weren't, you could refute it, but it is, so you can't.
  • DSK
  • 05-21-2015, 09:47 PM
Conservatives opposed the American Revolution

Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Conservatives opposed minimum wage and child labor laws, the 8-hour work day, weekends, sick leave… etc.

Conservatives opposed humane treatment of animals

Conservatives opposed the Civil Right’s Act

Conservatives oppose Equal Protection Under the Law

Need I go on... Originally Posted by WombRaider
Just make it up as you go...
That's all you got. Each thing I listed is true. If it weren't, you could refute it, but it is, so you can't. Originally Posted by WombRaider
oh do we have slaves living here in the US today where can I get one
Just make it up as you go... Originally Posted by DSK
You are free to go and research each thing I listed.
oh do we have slaves living here in the US today where can I get one Originally Posted by gary5912
If I were you, I'd stay away from anything sharp. You're not that bright, are you?
lustylad's Avatar
oh do we have slaves living here in the US today where can I get one Originally Posted by gary5912

If you join ISIS or Boko Haram you can have lots of slaves. Conservatives want to free those slaves but so-called progressives like Odumbo, undercunt and shammytard think climate change is a much bigger priority right now.
If you join ISIS or Boko Haram you can have lots of slaves. Conservatives want to free those slaves but so-called progressives like Odumbo, undercunt and shammytard think climate change is a much bigger priority right now. Originally Posted by lustylad
As usual with you, there can't possibly be two things that are important. It's always the same shit with you; this or that.
Conservatives opposed the American Revolution

Conservatives opposed freeing the slaves

Conservatives opposed women’s suffrage

Conservatives opposed minimum wage and child labor laws, the 8-hour work day, weekends, sick leave… etc.

Conservatives opposed humane treatment of animals

Conservatives opposed the Civil Right’s Act

Conservatives oppose Equal Protection Under the Law

Need I go on... Originally Posted by WombRaider

Tories opposed the American Revolution

Tories supported slavery

Suffragettes were disappointed when the Liberals did not support them.. women’s suffrage

Conservatives oppose sofa slugs sitting on their asses dropping babies and killing the inconvenient chillrens

Conservatives enjoy eating high quality protein

Conservatives opposed the democrats and their opposition to the Civil Right’s Act

Conservatives think you are a queer caucus fruiter... but we support your right...

Please go on...
lustylad's Avatar
I love how you try to concentrate the two parties down into neat little bite-size descriptions.... Republicans, by their very nature, reject change of any kind. Originally Posted by WombRaider
More generalizations..... Originally Posted by WombRaider

I love how undercunt does EXACTLY what he accuses other people of doing - and is too stupid to know it.... heck, he even does it in the same post!
