the *OFFICIAL* welcome back TARA thread!

notanewbie's Avatar
and racist dicksmokes.
Boltfan's Avatar

Lets get it to 50,000 views. K. Lets try . Originally Posted by Tara Evans
You might have to get banned again but sure let's try
Sure lets try. I will still be the # 1 talked about girl on here. Good are bad. And it will just kill you. Lmaof
Boltfan's Avatar
Sure lets try. I will still be the # 1 talked about girl on here. Good are bad. And it will just kill you. Lmaof Originally Posted by Tara Evans
What would you think it would kill me?

We're having fun here, no? Besides, the other thread has 214k views.
Dam lets get up more babe
blowmypop23's Avatar
Wow. Tara has more haters than the Cowboys.

Then again, people only hate those on the top.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Wow rambro it's very surprising to me that you and LL are lap dogs for the same hoogar. Tara is either the second coming or the anti-Christ.

Ps- when's the last time the Cowboys or Yankees were on top??

You don't need to be on top to get haters, as a matter of fact you can suck and get tons of haters and I don't mean suck in a good way.
blowmypop23's Avatar
If you break that down to a "per ban" view it isn't quite as impressive. Originally Posted by Boltfan

You might have to get banned again but sure let's try Originally Posted by Boltfan

We should take an over under on how many bannings she'll have before it hits 50,000. Let's set the over under at 3.
doug_dfw's Avatar
Wonder when the Boss figures out how much revenue you get without paying advertising and getting it free on this thread occupying space on his servers?

Give you credit for your advertising efforts; takes hours to create responses and artful comments. Do take care of your health. Smoke and mirrors help perception; not life.
blowmypop23's Avatar
I keep telling her to let some of her more clever lap dogs post for her. This way she'll have some more material other then, you're fat, you're drunk, your're trying to bareback me. Same old tired response thread after thread.

It's ok not to be clever, just let someone more clever help you out.
Wow. Tara has more haters than the Cowboys.

Then again, people only hate those on the top.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Love it!
Starboi08's Avatar
Go Patriots lol
TheEccie214's Avatar
What you talking about willis Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Extra points for the Different Strokes reference.
blowmypop23's Avatar
Go Patriots lol Originally Posted by Drake777745
Now there's an example of a team on top with haters. Of course they wouldn't have so many haters if they'd stop cheating so much. Then again they wouldn't have so many rings if they didn't cheat so much. There was a great article on about just how deep their cheating was between 2001-2008. Crazy thing is everyone, including the league office was aware and the league even tried to cover it up to protect the shield.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Wow rambro it's very surprising to me that you and LL are lap dogs for the same hoogar. Tara is either the second coming or the anti-Christ.

Ps- when's the last time the Cowboys or Yankees were on top??

You don't need to be on top to get haters, as a matter of fact you can suck and get tons of haters and I don't mean suck in a good way. Originally Posted by blowmypop23
I've never seen so much effort go into hating on one person. It's borderline mind boggling. Here we have a bunch of 'adults', literally PILING ON, instigating, playing grade school games, doing the ol 'Let's all not like her...together!' tactics.

Seriously. If anything, you'd think 'adults' would try to separate themselves from the PILE ON. It literally looks like 'World War Z' the way you all go after her. Even if she has her imperfect ways (who doesn't), what does it make EACH OF YOU look like to be part of the World War Z Pile on??
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
If many people dislike the same person there is probably a reason.... and no its not because everyone is "hating"

When someone threatens other members via pm consistantly being banned for it, outs peoples personal info, disses fellow providers every chance she gets, gives shitty service to guys that arent "hot enough"... and brings peoples famlly/children into hooker board drama im guessing its way more than just haters...

Shes got a hot body even tho its dr made its freaking hot and a lot of people just have to see a train wreck up close so yes she will always get business but the quality drama free low key quality hobbyists who value their privacy will not see her...

Different strokes for different folks lol