How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Thank you for saying this. I've been shouting it from the rooftops, in personal conversations and on this board, for years, and nobody believes me. Originally Posted by Tiny
Apparently he wasn't a racist until he became a Republican.
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 02:45 PM
Post from December 31:

Now ... one of the physician-scientist-experts posting on Eccie .. please list the physical parts of the body that Covid attacks to result in the death of any given person. Thank you! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Post from yesterday:

So, many people don't want to appear sheepishly uninformed so they assume the information given to them by the government is correct if that is the information they relied upon to accept mandates. They actually "listen" to Bitten and Kumola...not to mention Mr. "I AM SCIENCE"!!!!

Your "science" degree didn't have anything to do with cell manipulation and modification did it? Originally Posted by LexusLover
So on December 31 you asked "one of the physician-scientist-experts posting on Eccie" to describe parts of the body COVID attacks. I played along to see where it would go.

What was your purpose in asking? Probably you know you have a weak case, trying to explain why 503,000 more people died from all causes in 2020 versus 2019. So you figure if you can deprecate "Mr. I AM SCIENCE" you can obscure the truth.

People have been doing this for many years, crucifying the scientists for political and religious purposes. The Catholic Church did it to Galileo. Stalin did it to biologists. Mao and his Cultural Revolution persecuted scientists. And today you have politically connected people, for example Lin Wood who would like to execute Anthony Fauci, right after wasting Mike Pence, Brad Raffensperger, and a number of other Republican politicians.

I only had one college biology class btw. Your scientist thing is irrelevant. We're arguing about Math. Subtraction.
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 02:46 PM
are you sure your math is right? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 02:47 PM
Apparently he wasn't a racist until he became a Republican. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I don't think Trump's a racist.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
OP - How many people will die in the USA from the new coronavirus by December 31, 2021??

So what's the number? I only find 1, according to a typical Demonicrat fact checker and even Snopes has it 1 world wide, but I suspect that to be a couple low. (Yuck, I have to rinse out my keyboard now). I didn't have money in the PayPal account so I couldn't get a remote lap dance from Snopes.

  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 02:49 PM
DemonicRats...Demonically Possessed Rat Bastards Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Haha! If you came up with that one on your own I salute your creativity.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I don't think Trump's a racist. Originally Posted by Tiny
It would appear your brethren do in the Church of Demonicrats.
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 02:58 PM
It would appear your brethren do in the Church of Demonicrats. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I'm not a member of the Church of Demonicrats. I'm the founder of the Free Markets Church of Tiny, which is great home for Libertarian/Republicans like Jeff Flake and Pat Toomey.

Membership has grown 100% in the past year since my brother joined. Please PM me if you'd like to become a member, or, better yet, donate.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm not a member of the Church of Demonicrats. I'm the founder of the Free Markets Church of Tiny, which is great home for Libertarian/Republicans like Jeff Flake and Pat Toomey.... Originally Posted by Tiny

My policy is I don't associate with Flakes like Jeff. BTW: He still unemployed?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don't think Trump's a racist. Originally Posted by Tiny

strange that some posters here do. they know who they are. yet they can't name one so-called racist thing Trump has done. actually won't which if Trump is so racist you'd think that would be easy to do.

interesting that the two biggest racists in the history of the US, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, will not condemn Trump as a racist?

maybe it's because they have known him for decades and never heard him even in private make any racist comment.

so i challenge our fellow posters to take the Tiny/TWK challenge and tell the forum why they think Trump is a racist ....
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 03:08 PM
My policy is I don't associate with Flakes like Jeff. BTW: He still unemployed? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
He is gainfully employed now, our Ambassador to Turkey. He did campaign for Biden, which I kind of hold against him, along with his vote to invade Iraq. However, he was also one of the very few Congressmen/Senators who consistently tried to cut out the pork and limit government spending. And that outweighs all else.
  • Tiny
  • 01-03-2022, 03:17 PM
yet they can't name one so-called racist thing Trump has done. actually won't which if Trump is so racist you'd think that would be easy to do. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yeah, I thought about that before replying to Why_Yes_I_Do.

Unemployment levels among blacks and Hispanics hit record lows in 2019, before COVID. Now Trump doesn't deserve the lion's share of the credit for that, but his deregulation and the cut in the corporate income tax promoted job growth.
HedonistForever's Avatar

Your post was so intriguing it deserves more than one reply.

Thank you for saying this. I've been shouting it from the rooftops, in personal conversations and on this board, for years, and nobody believes me. Originally Posted by Tiny

I think Trump WAS a Democrat and I think he Was a racist at one point in his life. I heard the stories about discrimination in housing. He sure as hell isn't one of THESES Democrats now. Racist? Who the hell knows what the definition of that is these days. I believes the definition today is "did you vote for Biden because if you didn't, you are a racist".

Remember how just days ago, Democrats, including some on this board, said that anybody choosing to not be vaccinated, should not be treated and should be left to die?

As a hypothetical for NoirMan, it MAY very well be true, I can't confirm it with a Google search even though there is information that New York has passed a new law to DEAL WITH the inequities of health care for Black and Brown people. What if New York just passed a law that says, due to past racial inequities in health care, Black and Brown people presenting with covid, should be seen before White people regardless of vaccination status. That means that not only should a Black or Brown unvaccinated person get treatment, they should get it before a White vaccinated person?

I can't help but wonder what a White, vaccinated, Democrat would think about that?

Maybe New York Legislators didn't get the memo that one can not use color to determine who gets medical service first. Maybe, just maybe, treating the worst cases regardless of color would be the proper thing to do but maybe not in Joe Biden's new America, huh?

Keep on pounding that wedge between the races Democrats. I'm sure it will work out well for you in 2022 ( he said sarcastically ).
I am still awaiting my mea culpa from HF in the other thread but maybe he forgot he said that, ya know, since we’re talking about hypotheticals and all.

I still believe and will continue to believe that people who choose to not get vaccinated and then get sick should be prioritized to last in line. It’s consistent with their choice. Freedom and death is what they want and deserve, black white gray yellow or whatever color or race they are.

Your hypothetical isn’t really worth entertaining because it’s nonsensical.

I am not sure how you conclude Trump WAS anything but isn’t any longer. If he WAS racist, his actions haven’t exactly suggested a change of heart. But that’s not really worth debating either, particularly since you don’t know what racism is, or so you say.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I am still awaiting my mea culpa from HF in the other thread but maybe he forgot he said that, ya know, since we’re talking about hypotheticals and all.

I still believe and will continue to believe that people who choose to not get vaccinated and then get sick should be prioritized to last in line. It’s consistent with their choice. Freedom and death is what they want and deserve, black white gray yellow or whatever color or race they are.

Your hypothetical isn’t really worth entertaining because it’s nonsensical.

As nonsensical as the Biden administration trying to give Black farmers money but not White farmers?

Yet Another Federal Court Tells Biden That He Can’t Exclude White People From His Relief Programs

I am not sure how you conclude Trump WAS anything but isn’t any longer.

It's called an opinion.

If he WAS racist, his actions haven’t exactly suggested a change of heart.

The First Step Act, explained

The measure, which Trump signed into law, is the most significant criminal justice reform legislation in years. Which every expert in the field will tell you benefited Black and Brown people the most. The whole purpose of the bill in fact

“This legislation reformed sentencing laws that have wrongly and disproportionately harmed the African-American community,” Trump said. “The First Step Act gives nonviolent offenders the chance to reenter society as productive, law-abiding citizens. Now, states across the country are following our lead. America is a nation that believes in redemption.” Think if David Duke was President, he would have signed that law?

But that’s not really worth debating either, particularly since you don’t know what racism is, or so you say. Originally Posted by NoirMan

I'm not in the habit of giving mea culpas when it is you that should be offering one. You stated that literally nobody was "interested" in the possibility that a "defense of others" case could be presented and as it turned out, you couldn't have been more wrong. By the end of the trial, every lawyer in media was discussing it and obviously it was on the prosecutors mind since he asked the officer or so you say since you never presented any evidence as I did, that Johnson ever spoke the words you said he spoke, "if he was in fear of great bodily harm? Why even ask the question if nobody other than I was interested in that theory. I presented a video of him testifying and never heard him say what you said he did, but then you rarely if ever back up anything you say. I guess you feel that no other opinion is better than yours so why offer one, am I right?

And I do know what a racist is and it isn't anybody that didn't vote for Biden as many Democrats seem to believe.

I think the truest definition of a racist, is someone that believes that one race ( White race ) is superior in intellect to another and that is what they base their bigotry on. I do not believe that now and never did.

Calling people racist because of "cultural differences" as in, "I don't want to associate with a group of people that don't believe what I believe but also believe everybody has the right of association without being called racist" is merely a political act used to damage someone with whom you disagree politically. That is what it has become in this day and age of "wokeness".