TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Now he just needs to listen to his handlers and stay out of sight and off the internets. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yet voters seem to prefer him to Trump. Says a lot about Donald.
sportfisherman's Avatar
More tap-dancing issue-skirting bullshit !!
Let me keep it simple enough for you.
What I knew or how I prepared for anything since last summer has nothing to do with anything.
I am not the imbecile Reality TV Fake Pres who is now exposed.What does matter is what he knew and when,and what did he do about it.
Pence is now Blaming (I hate that) the delay on China and the CDC.
Do Presidents defer their policy and decision making to China now ?
Is the CDC above the President or is he above them and responsible for them ?
My assistance is geared toward ensuring that Chump continues to leave things to responsible people that know what they are doing and that he does not get re-elected.That would be a benefit to America and the world.He is an incompetent buffoon.
Is that clear enough for you ?
Precious_b's Avatar
Odd. Speaking about a gun angle. Review the bit where he talks about revolvers holding 6 rounds. He leans into how dullards would focus on the few percent of revolvers that hold more or less and how inane it would be to go into a drawn out soliloquy of details, just to make a basic point, when really 98% of revolvers do in fact hold 6 rounds. On the optimistic view of civilization, where there is a whole lotta ADHD in our world, I tend to agree. The pessimistic view would be that we have a bedbug like infestation of dipsticks.

Regarding Schenectady NY. Better keep your day job. The point you were hoping to make still falls flat. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You the one who introduced a vid of a guy talking about guns. And it definitely was a ramble. I just posted one where the guy is talking about "truth and facts" involving firearms and what he has said about them. Especially "an easy lie and difficult facts." And this thread definitely is "a bedbug like infestation of dipsticks" tossing easy lies.

And I gave all the information regarding the NY town. I ain't gonna spoon feed you the "difficult facts." So, I don't care where it falls dealing with an off-the-cuff remark you made.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...What I knew or how I prepared for anything since last summer has nothing to do with anything... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
R-i-i-ght. You just criticize others and disavow yourself of any responsibility except to criticize others. Go it. But, uhm... I wonder, maybe I'm just spit balling here... do local hospitals, Mayors, County Commissioners, State Departments of Health and Governors, Congress critters and anyone else in the hierarchy of money handling get the same clean slate policy as you grant yourself?

...I am not the imbecile... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Re-e-e-ally? Oops, might have been a bad cut n paste or Freudian slip. My bad.

...What does matter is what he knew and when,and what did he do about it. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
IMPEACH!!! Because, the last 10 attempts sucked wind, but by golly, ghee-willikers, the 11th time might just be the ticket for azzhats to prevail. I dunno. Seems more desperate that the last 10 face plants. But you do you. Hey! Wait 1 hairy-azzed second. I have to ask; Do you have buggy eyes and are you known as Adam Shifty-Schiff IRL?

Pence is now Blaming (I hate that) the delay on China... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
It's pronounced Chi-i-i-ina. Do you happen to think that if the first country in the known universe to experience the virus (which they likely created), which impacted an unknown number of their citizens and killed an unknown number of their own people - had supplied timely, accurate and quality data to the entire world, with 24 hours of first detecting the "issue" to the World Health Organization WHO (as they are required to per treaty of being in the WHO) that hundreds of thousands of lives could have already been saved and millions of infections could have been avoided and that we could have saved a gazillion jobs along with the economies of 100+- countries world wide?

Juss ask'n for my frens around the globe

...My assistance is geared toward ensuring that Chump continues to leave things to responsible people... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Too much info to unpack. Maybe clarify for us poor hicks in the sticks. Do you think that Trump cannot function without your own, personal assistance? Or are you saying that Trump is even greater than I think he is because he is doing all things in America, all the time - all by himself - and only drags out the best Doctors, Scientists, business executives, Governs of the USA, and all manner of other experts and just props them up there on sticks and then uses his ventriloquist magic to make them appear as if they are talking, when it's really him and that he is so freak'n good at it that we can't even see his lips moving?!? Dang! That man must be a demi-god!! Look your lazy, shag-nasty azz out Thor. There's a real bad-azz in da house, with you assisting, of course.

...incompetent buffoon. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Moment of self clarity?!? Oops, might have been a bad cut n paste or Freudian slip. My bad. Hope that clears things up. Well... except maybe those weren't two typos after all. Ah well, mysteries gonna mystery sometimes.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Yet voters seem to prefer him to Trump... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
If you say so. BTW, I have a decent cache of toilet paper, so no I don't need to see those poles. Imma preferring clear statements which include the answer(s). Maybe something along the lines of:

Voters seem to prefer Biden to Trump, because Biden would have cured the Corona Virus world wide by January 3rd, 2020, without a single fatality or any impact on any economy by doing....

The rest kinda fuzzed out on me. Maybe needs a bulleted list, I dunno. Would Joe know? You seem to be up to speed on Biden and all of his skills and the mind of likely voters, notwithstanding your fine self as a likely voter for him. Surely you must have him pretty well vetted by now. Hey! Could ya help a brutha out and finish writing that last bit?

People are dieing to know. Literally.
sportfisherman's Avatar
Some people are so ignorant it is hard to make it simple enough or clear enough to them.
So to re-state the obvious; you are full of shit.
Here is a bulleted list;
1.You think it was good to mis-lead the public as to the seriousness of the Covid threat and the coming medical and financial disaster.

2.You think it was good to wait 6-8 weeks to get any significant testing established.
3.You think it was good to wait 6-8 weeks to begin a medical and supply build-up.

Hey did you ever get those figures on the deficits under Obama and Chump?
Did you compare Chump,before this crisis,to Obama ? What is the projection as to the Chump deficit now ?

Jethro Bodine I don't know what I'd do without you !!
Precious_b's Avatar
*I* personally don't think it was good to dismiss those on a pandemic/epidemic team. When the transition took place between administrations, the leaving had a prep for various things that could happen and contingencies to counter. They had one for this. Unfortunately 2/3 to 3/4 of the personal that were there for it are no longer with the current admin and I guess the ones left either said nothing or were ignored.

We did have warning. But when the professionals involved with such are ignored at the top, the word doesn't get out to those below.
Precious_b's Avatar
504 Gateway Time-out hiccup
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Here is a bulleted list...
1.You think it was good to mis-lead the public as to the seriousness of the Covid threat and the coming medical and financial disaster.
2.You think it was good to wait 6-8 weeks to get any significant testing established.
3.You think it was good to wait 6-8 weeks to begin a medical and supply build-up. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
1.You think it was good to mis-lead the public as to the seriousness of the Covid threat and the coming medical and financial disaster.
Heck-fire NO. I have no early idea why Chi-i-i-na did that. It was grossly irresponsible.

2.You think it was good to wait 6-8 weeks to get any significant testing established.
Heck-fire NO. I have no early idea why Chi-i-i-na did that. It was grossly irresponsible. Notwithstanding that you neglected to tell us when the tests where created and by whom, for a virus you had never heard of before in your un-innumerated preparations from last year.

3.You think it was good to wait 6-8 weeks to begin a medical and supply build-up.
Heck-fire NO. I have no early idea why local hospitals, Mayors, County Commissioners, State Departments of Health and Governors, Congress critters and anyone else in the hierarchy of money handling were not following your your un-innumerated preparations from last year.

Some people are so ignorant it is hard to make it simple enough or clear enough to them.
So to re-state the obvious; you are full of shit. <-- Courtesy flush
sportfisherman's Avatar
1. The blame China thing is not going to get by here so forget that.We don't defer our policy or decision making to China.Chump had intel advice that this was going to be bad in Jan.He chose to ignore it and chose to mis-lead the people regarding the coming disaster.
2.At that same time Chump chose to forego early,aggressive,widespread,fr ee testing that some what he calls "shithole countries" were instituting .
3.Chump also chose to not begin a medical and supply build-up.

These choices by your indecisive,hesitant,Reality TV Fake Pres,have been disastrous for the American people.

I am a private citizen and have no need to prepare for anything.However,in retrospect with that fucking Amateur pretend to be in office perhaps I should have done so.

As to the governors,officials,etc. unfortunately they too tend to take their lead from the Pres and Chump is found to be sorely lacking.
Did FDR blame the Governor of Hawaii for not preparing for Pearl Harbor ?

Jethro !! There is a Field Hospital in Central Park !!
sportfisherman's Avatar
I saw a clip where Chump was asked about the failure to build up our medical and supply capabilities.He had the audacity to try to blame Obama.
You know Obama has been gone almost 4 years.If there were legitimate shortcomings Chump should have spotted them and corrected them right ? Hasn't Chump taken time,effort,and steps to dis-mantle and change many of Obama's other initiatives and edicts ? Why did he not correct this ?

There is a pattern here ; Blame others , Obama, Governors and state officials , and also China.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You know Obama has been gone almost 4 years.... Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Thank Gawd Almighty too. Though it is taking longer than I like on sifting through the wreckage wrought by the Ovomit-Comet, but it is habbening. For example: Through organizational restructuring, GEPOTUS Trump is not only streamlining government agencies,, he is enabling them to function more efficiently. Let's compare two different approaches:

Bolton in 2018 merged the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense with two other functions into a new Directorate of Counterproliferation and Biodefense.

I wonder what the head of that office had to say about that right there? Let's check:

the top National Security Council official at the time of the change stressed that no office was closed. “We consolidated three directorates into one,” Tim Morrison, former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the NSC...“This eliminated layers in the reporting chain and in the accountability chain.”

Though I do wonder what the Ovomit-Comet did during his reign of terror. Let's check:

President Barack Obama closed the White House Health and Security Office in 2009, according to The Washington Post. But after the emergence of the Ebola virus in 2014, the Obama administration opened the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense as part of the NSC.

Seems to me, you are confusing the consolidation and optimization of multiple and redundant offices to produce a much better performing function under GEPOTUS Trump versus the ping-pong, flailing shenanigans of the Jr Greenhorn community-agitator-in-chief.

Now where did I put my hair on fire, shocked face?

sportfisherman's Avatar
Evidently the Layers they eliminated were the ones that would have allowed for an intelligent,directed,response to this catastrophe Chump brought upon us. You know,similar to the response that "Shithole Countries" have been able to marshal due to good leadership although they have far less resources than we do.

Blame - Obama,China,Governors etc.,the Media, who's next ?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Evidently the Layers they eliminated.. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Maybe the dictionary is just NOT your friend. There appears to be a couple, rather important differences, between eliminated and consolidated.

eliminate [ ih-lim-uh-neyt ]
verb (used with object), e·lim·i·nat·ed, e·lim·i·nat·ing.

to remove or get rid of, especially as being in some way undesirable: to eliminate risks; to eliminate hunger.

consolidated[ kuh n-sol-i-dey-tid ]

brought together into a single whole.
having become solid, firm, or coherent.

Antonym, i.e polar opposite - See Sportfisherman
sportfisherman's Avatar
Don't come with your self-righteous,smug,condescending,d ismissive bullshit on me.

I'm just quoting Your post - "This eliminated layers in the reporting chain and accountability chain".

Bottom line - did the Consolidation function well in a single whole solid, firm , and coherent manner ? fuck no !!

Got that in your dictionary ?