This is my official RETIREMENT thread... (This is old, She is not retired- NYr)

Groot's Avatar
  • Groot
  • 07-29-2017, 08:38 PM
Thank you NYr. I appreciate that very much.

Boltfan, when I do retire...I am planning on having a huge party with lots of gifts. I will keep you informed along with TheEccie214 and TryWeakly.

Hugs. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
I'd like to throw a heavily used Kenwood stereo in with the gifts.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Hello, you two trolls.

The Internet doesn't just offer opportunities for misogynistic abuse, you know. Penis enlargers can also be bought discreetly. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Insult has been RTMd - NYr - get on this shit or I'll take all the good details to Twitter.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Thank you NYr. I appreciate that very much.

Boltfan, when I do retire...I am planning on having a huge party with lots of gifts. I will keep you informed along with TheEccie214 and TryWeakly.

Hugs. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Here's another one NYr. Does that sound like someone that's a victim? I'm not without sin but you changing the thread name (when has that been done before?) and continuing to defend her is a further embarrassment to this site.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Thank you NYr. I appreciate that very much.

Boltfan, when I do retire...I am planning on having a huge party with lots of gifts. I will keep you informed along with TheEccie214 and TryWeakly.

Hugs. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Please don't.....
TryWeakly's Avatar
I'd like to throw a heavily used Kenwood stereo in with the gifts. Originally Posted by Groot
KittyLamour's Avatar
Eccie214, the way you stalk me and continue to harass me and do everything you can to hurt my business and put me under is absolutely pathetic. I do not deserve it. I am tired of having to constantly defend myself and make a joke out of you seriously trying to hurt me. The shit Boltfan is talking about is from years ago as is this thread you resurrected.

Mods, I am seriously requesting that something be done to alleviate this online stalking. I have made mistakes in the past when I was a lot less experienced by allowing this crap to get to me and falling into their trap. I refuse to be dragged down into their bullshit any longer and I am requesting this board to do something about it. This is where I make a living.

This has gone on long enough and gone way too far. If this was happening in the real world, anyplace other than here, I could take legal action for harassment, but, since it is happening here I have to rely on you, as staff to do the right thing and make it stop.

Thank you.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Insult has been RTMd - NYr - get on this shit or I'll take all the good details to Twitter. Originally Posted by TheEccie214
Don't worry sweetheart I already have. Seems the rest of the world doesn't think you methodically abusing and stalking me is cute, like you and your little troll click do here. Looks like you've been branded a slobbyist by your own actions.


Boltfan's Avatar
Eccie214, the way you stalk me and continue to harass me and do everything you can to hurt my business and put me under is absolutely pathetic. I do not deserve it. I am tired of having to constantly defend myself and make a joke out of you seriously trying to hurt me. The shit Boltfan is talking about is from years ago as is this thread you resurrected.

Mods, I am seriously requesting that something be done to alleviate this online stalking. I have made mistakes in the past when I was a lot less experienced by allowing this crap to get to me and falling into their trap. I refuse to be dragged down into their bullshit any longer and I am requesting this board to do something about it. This is where I make a living.

This has gone on long enough and gone way too far. If this was happening in the real world, anyplace other than here, I could take legal action for harassment, but, since it is happening here I have to rely on you, as staff to do the right thing and make it stop.

Thank you.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Bullshit, like usual with you. I asked NYr a question about a mod action. You, as usual, added the drama.

Here, since you seem to be incapable of figuring out on your own:


TryWeakly's Avatar
Me thincks the number of "mistakes" is greater than 1.
What a head case she is ...
sean rider's Avatar
Why is this thread kept open? It's nothing but a cesspool of insults.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Why is this thread kept open? Originally Posted by sean rider
Because #TheWorldNeedsMoreOfKittyLamour ?
TryWeakly's Avatar
Or not....
TryWeakly's Avatar
I'm retired. I am out of the hobby. I actually retired last week, but decided the time had come to make it official.

I have somebody special in my life who told me the words I've been waiting to hear for a long time... that I'm too good for this and he doesn't want to share me any longer. So I told him that was what I've wanted so badly to hear for so long.

I've met some great guys and gals here, I will also say that I've been done real dirty here and caused more pain than I ever care to remember.

My parting words are... People, be gentle with one another. Have consideration to your words. Put yourself in someone's else's shoes once in a while before you are so quick to judge. Realize that we are all just trying to make it and no one is any better or any worse than anybody else. After all, not a single solitary one of us is perfect.

Good-bye Eccie.

PS I will still give referrals and will keep my account open for a short while longer for that purpose.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
So we dont lose focus of the topic of this thread.... retired or not....^
KittyLamour's Avatar
Why is this thread kept open? It's nothing but a cesspool of insults. Originally Posted by sean rider
I don't know and it is disturbing, to say the least. They love to pick on me from when I was struggling, years ago and won't allow me to move on with my life even though now I have turned it completely around.

I am very disappointed in the fact that staff allows agenda's against providers and I find that very wrong, especially when someone such as myself has obviously changed her life for the better but isn't allowed to make it due to the constant hating. I am the OP of this thread I started in 2015 and it should have been closed down a long, long time ago. It is kept open for no other reason than to allow the circus of clowns to entertain the masses by sacrificing me. It's pretty fucked up. Especially when all the guys doing the hating have never even met me and don't have a clue what they're even talking about...they claim to have seen me at bars, when I don't even drink and haven't been to a bar in 15 yrs, or maybe in passing at a social 6 yrs ago. In all actuality, they are just slinging shit for the hell of it. Not a single one of them knows me personally or has ever had a session with me.

You know, I wish that they would realize that I am a real person, with feelings and a heart who is trying to make it in life just like they are. We are all human and nobody is perfect, we all do make mistakes. Intentionally trying to harm someone, or allowing someone to be harmed when you have the ability to end it and preventing them making a living is wrong. I wish I had the means to quit doing this and get a real job, but unfortunately, I do not have the skills necessary to support myself and pay my bills so I do not have a choice but to be here or lose my independence and move in with some guy I'm not attracted to just for him to take care of me and that isn't right either.

I am an attractive woman, my sessions are drama free and centered around my client's needs and yet I am continually shut down from making a living here on eccie where I am relatively safe and forced to use Backpage to get by which we all know is not very safe at all and next to impossible to screen clients. The trolls are not doing anyone any favors, they are keeping clients from seeing a provider they would probably enjoy and they are harming my livelihood and forcing me to utilize Backpage to make a living. I am better than that and shouldn't be forced into that position by cowards who sit behind a computer and deviously enjoy harming a woman.

They are all Slobbyists and I hope to see a slobbyist database get off the ground one day soon and it become a vital reference for providers to be aware of just what some of these "tricks" are capable of and the depths they don't mind sinking to. If staff won't hold them accountable for their actions, they need to be held accountable somewhere. I believe I will start submitting screenshots to Twitter.

How pathetic is it that they are so ready to judge something that they are willing to pay for? An escort. I've said it before, and I will say it again, maybe they should fork over some of that cash to helping some girls get out of the business rather than sitting behind their computer screen judging providers and spilling misconceptions and lies about this industry.

Until they have walked in my stilettos, then they can judge me. I seriously doubt if any of them knew my real life story that they would be able to continue to partake of this "hobby" they are so quick to preach to others about. Must be some kind of guilt they are feeling making them lash out at me when the main one was the one looking back at them in the mirror.

I know I said I wasn't going to speak on the subject of this being right and wrong again, but I feel I have a right to say what is only right since staff won't stop a wrong from being committed over and over for way too long now.