Inquiries and Impeachment of Trump

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

so you are prejudiced against PAWGS?

who knew???
rexdutchman's Avatar
Isn't it funny some people in Guberment want a Open forum and shitty doesn't Hummmm 1984 again,,,
Jaxson66's Avatar
Isn't it funny some people in Guberment want a Open forum and shitty doesn't Hummmm 1984 again,,,G] Originally Posted by rexdutchman

What’s even more funny is the Freedom caucus changed the rules to suit their will during the Benghazi witch-hunt. Now the fascist pieces of shit don’t like the rules. Fuck them, they made their bed they can lie in it.

This impeachment will be carried out by the rule of the Constitution. No special prosecutors, no select committees, no individual investigations by political bias assholes. The Constitution gives Congress the sole right to impeach a lawless president and the speaker is running this inquiry by Constitutional authority.

Get over it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
What’s even more funny is the Freedom caucus changed the rules to suit their will during the Benghazi witch-hunt. Now the fascist pieces of shit don’t like the rules. Fuck them, they made their bed they can lie in it.

This impeachment will be carried out by the rule of the Constitution. No special prosecutors, no select committees, no individual investigations by political bias assholes. The Constitution gives Congress the sole right to impeach a lawless president and the speaker is running this inquiry by Constitutional authority.

Get over it.
Originally Posted by Jaxson66

You're swallowing lib-retard lies again. No where in the House rules is there a provision that one party at will can exclude members of the opposing party from such hearings -- and additionally NOT provide the excluded party members with copies of the transcripts from those hearings.
Jaxson66's Avatar

You're swallowing lib-retard lies again. No where in the House rules is there a provision that one party at will can exclude members of the opposing party from such hearings -- and additionally NOT provide the excluded party members with copies of the transcripts from those hearings.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
More Fox News and sycophants lies for you to gulp down.
Jaxson66's Avatar
.Judge Napolitano Schools ‘Fox & Friends’ on Impeachment: Schiff Just ‘Following the Rules’ Written by GOP
.Judge Napolitano Schools ‘Fox & Friends’ on Impeachment: Schiff Just ‘Following the Rules’ Written by GOP Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Yeah, Schiff playing by the rules. You would think by now Trump would have already been impeached. The Media should already have an exclusive report of Trump residing to his beach Mansion in Mar-a- Lago sitting in his underwear binge drinking on the veranda muttering to himself, lol. Instead he's laying waste to these dumb ass liberals and their story book ideas of impeaching him, lol.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2019, 06:25 PM

You're swallowing lib-retard lies again. No where in the House rules is there a provision that one party at will can exclude members of the opposing party from such hearings -- and additionally NOT provide the excluded party members with copies of the transcripts from those hearings.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Have you lost your fucking mind?

The relevant committee is questioning these witnesses. It has both Republicans and Democrats on it.

It is like a Grand jury investigation.

If they think they find enough evidence to impeach.....they will then vote.

So quit your spinning and whining.

If you want to run the back the House.

I B Hankering's Avatar
.Judge Napolitano Schools ‘Fox & Friends’ on Impeachment: Schiff Just ‘Following the Rules’ Written by GOP
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're one humongous retard citing The Daily Beast. If you'd educated yourself and watched the entire segment that the Daily Beast ignored, you would have seen that Napolitano was followed by Rep. Andy Biggs, and he stuck the facts right up Napolitano's ignorant ass. @ 1:30 -

Have you lost your fucking mind?

The relevant committee is questioning these witnesses. It has both Republicans and Democrats on it.

It is like a Grand jury investigation.

If they think they find enough evidence to impeach.....they will then vote.

So quit your spinning and whining.

If you want to run the back the House.

Originally Posted by WTF
Did you miss the news where Schitty kicked Gaetz out of the hearings and has refused to give the Republicans a copy of the transcripts IAW what has been heretofore House SOP?

More Fox News and sycophants lies for you to gulp down. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
YOU cited the Daily Beast as authoritative! :ro flmao:
lustylad's Avatar
It is like a Grand jury investigation.

If they think they find enough hearsay to impeach.....they will then vote. Originally Posted by WTF

Shifty Schiff couldn't impeach a ham sandwich.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-24-2019, 06:48 PM

Did you miss the news where Schitty kicked Gaetz out of the hearings and has refused to give the Republicans a copy of the transcripts IAW what has been heretofore House SOP?

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
He is not on one of the three committees investigating Trump. But like I said....Republican's on those three committees are allowed to sit in and question the witnesses. So stop crying and lying.

Gaetz had previously tried to sit in on a hearing last week and was kicked out as he was not on one of the three committees conducting the inquiry. Republicans who are on any of the three committees are allowed to attend the impeachment inquiry hearings.

Jaxson66's Avatar
[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]You're one humongous retard citing The Daily Beast. If you'd educated yourself and watched the entire segment that the Daily Beast ignored, you would have seen that Napolitano was followed by Rep. Andy Biggs, and he stuck the facts right up Napolitano's ignorant ass.: Originally Posted by I B Hankering
It wouldn’t make any difference what news stream I post. You’ve consumed so much bullshit the last twelve years your beyond living in reality.

I suggest you buy a raincoat with a hoodie
I B Hankering's Avatar
It wouldn’t make any difference what news stream I post. You’ve consumed so much bullshit the last twelve years your beyond living in reality.

I suggest you buy a raincoat with a hoodie
Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're the one being hosed, and you're sucking down the Kool Aid like there's no tomorrow, and your sources are proof of how desperate you are to hide from the facts.

He is not on one of the three committees investigating Trump. But like I said....Republican's on those three committees are allowed to sit in and question the witnesses. So stop crying and lying.

Gaetz had previously tried to sit in on a hearing last week and was kicked out as he was not on one of the three committees conducting the inquiry. Republicans who are on any of the three committees are allowed to attend the impeachment inquiry hearings.

Originally Posted by WTF
You're spouting lib-retard lies. House rules that are presently in place and being ignored by Schitty allow for ALL HOUSE MEMBERS to attend such hearings. Your notion that Gaetz has to be a member of that committee is patently false, per the House rules.
rexdutchman's Avatar
What ever happened to OPEN Government ? and why then is shitty hiding behind closed doors
  • oeb11
  • 10-25-2019, 09:12 AM
RD - the answer is - DPST's read former Senator Joseph McCarthy.

Emulating him.