How are we going to pay for all this shit?

lustylad's Avatar
Thanks Tiny. You're a good guy and a good poster. Originally Posted by adav8s28
He's got your number, too.

I think adav8s28's problem is that he listens too much to left-of-center media and doesn't check out whether what they're saying is factual. Originally Posted by Tiny
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-07-2021, 04:43 PM
I read your link. Nowhere in it does anyone describe 2% GDP growth as setting any kind of record.

Do you think Donald Trump's penchant for hyperbole gives you license to completely make things up? You end up looking stupider than he does.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
It gave you a license for hyperbole back in 2017 when you were clicking like Banny rooster about Trumps GDP numbers! If I recall that you were talking 3% but mentioning dare I say 4%!

I been verbally slapping your hypocrisy on these matters ever since.
adav8s28's Avatar
He's got your number, too. Originally Posted by lustylad
You left out his first sentence. I wonder why?

Is that a tactic you learned at the debate club at Harvard?

Actually WTF has your number. You call Trumps gdp growth of 2% fast but when Obama did same number it's slow.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-07-2021, 04:44 PM
He's got your number, too. Originally Posted by lustylad
Where does one get your number...other than the truck stop means room?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-07-2021, 04:55 PM
WTF just likes to argue. The way he keeps trying to argue with you about GDP growth under Obama vs. Trump cracks me up. I think he knows better but is like a dog that got hold of a rope and won't let go. Originally Posted by Tiny
I like to point out people's hypocrisy.

For instance...what poster always bragged about Trumps stock market but will not say a peep about how much his 401k has went up the last year! That is hypocrisy.

Crying about inflation without the context of Covid is stupidity.

My biggest concern is debt. Trump ran up 7.8 trillion ( well more if you count his last fiscal year).

Much of it in seemingly good times!

All I know is that many of you keep touting tax cuts as if they always pay for themselves and have no effect on our deficit.

Obama was bad , Trump was horrible concerning debt. It remains to be seen how bad Biden will be....but there is a lot of money that the market has not absorbed....any bets when it hits 40k?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ada sure likes to yap yappity yap.

lustylad's Avatar
It gave you a license for hyperbole back in 2017 when you were clicking like Banny (sic) rooster about Trumps GDP numbers! If I recall that you were talking 3% but mentioning dare I say 4%! Originally Posted by WTF
You call Trumps gdp growth of 2% fast but when Obama did same number it's slow. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Are you two trolls colluding on your lies now?

Real GDP did in fact grow by 3% in 2018. I never predicted 4%, nor did I ever call 2% "fast". I've always considered it sub-par and said so, regardless of who is in the WH.

Why do you two hyper-partisan bozos keep lying about this stuff, even after you've been repeatedly exposed, shamed and ridiculed as liars?

Do you think the Fed and other central banks would be unlikely to throw a wrench in this, say by keeping interest rates too low for too long? Originally Posted by Tiny
That surely must be the most topical question asked by those in the world of finance today, along with the issue of whether the Fed is likely to maintain its "tapering" quasi-plan by reducing purchases at a $15 billion/month rate. Of course, they always say the tapering schedule will be "conditions-based," and reserve the right to reverse case should deteriorating conditions warrant.

In recent years, the Fed has always seemed extremely reluctant to raise interest rates unless almost forced. Consider what happened in 2019. About two years earlier, the Fed started taking baby steps to raise the Fed funds target rate, and walked it up to the 2.25-2.5% range by early 2019. A little before midyear 2019 it was clear that the economy was decelerating again, so they began a reversal by cutting substantially in several increments. If the economy wasn't at that time strong enough to withstand an approximately 2.4% effective funds rate and the roughly 3.2% 10-year rate (2018 peak), and it clearly wasn't, it surely isn't now with a shakier, much more uncertain outlook and about 5 million fewer jobs than at the pre-pandemic peak.

You pointed out somewhere else that, despite higher inflation, 10 year U.S. bonds yield around 1.5%, and 30 year yields are under 2%. Originally Posted by Tiny
On Friday, the 10-year UST closed at a yield of 1.45% and the 30-year closed at 1.87%. That seems totally nuts! What rational individual would buy such an asset?

Not many do, but institutions in the US and around the world must hold these US dollar-denominated bonds along with other dollar-denominated assets.

If significant inflation of a sustained nature can't be controlled by the Fed and the rest of the world's central banks, institutions all around the globe would take a huge balance sheet hit. So the Fed, and policymakers around the world, are more or less forced to keep the entirety of the yield curve pancaked, lest some "black swan" event occur somewhere. The entire world's interconnected financial system is frighteningly shaky, and the economy is more overstimulated and heavily medicated than at any time in history.

And people generally don't have any idea that a black swan is on the way until it smashes bloodily through the windshield.

lustylad's Avatar
Trump created almost 8 trillion in debt in 4 short years... well 4 long fucking years! Originally Posted by WTF
My biggest concern is debt. Trump ran up 7.8 trillion (well more if you count his last fiscal year). Originally Posted by WTF
Over $5 trillion of that was racked up in his fourth year due to emergency pandemic relief spending. Originally Posted by lustylad
Playing fast & loose with the numbers again, aintcha? So which is it - are you counting his last year or not?

If your biggest concern is debt, why aren't you slamming Joe Biden and the dim-retards for trying to ram through the most humongous, reckless and irresponsible federal spending blowout in our 245-year history?

Didn't you just say you "like to point out people's hypocrisy"? Start with your own!
adav8s28's Avatar

nor did I ever call 2% "fast". I've always considered it sub-par and said so, regardless of who is in the WH.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you have a link for that Joe Harvard? There are plenty of links with Trump bragging about his economy when his GDP numbers are no different than Obama's.

When Trump says greatest economy ever to you that's just Hyperbole. Somehow this is different than "setting a record".

You have your own dictionary Joe Harvard?
adav8s28's Avatar
ada sure likes to yap yappity yap.

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Your problem is you don't hear well.
lustylad's Avatar
Do you have a link for that Joe Harvard? Originally Posted by adav8s28
Who's "Joe Harvard"?

We're still waiting for YOU to furnish a link substantiating your silly claim that I ever referred to 2% GDP growth as "fast" or that anyone called it "setting a record".

On another topic... how did Sacramento ever let you move there? You can't even spell the city's name correctly!
adav8s28's Avatar
Who's "Joe Harvard"?
Originally Posted by lustylad
That's you. Didn't you post that you went to Harvard? Or did you just post that you got your education at an Ivy League school?

Bottom line is: You have never said a derogatory thing about the Trump economy. You have been critical of the Obama economy when the GDP numbers are practically the same. Then when a link provided you play word games. LOL.
adav8s28's Avatar

Real GDP did in fact grow by 3% in 2018. I never predicted 4%, nor did I ever call 2% "fast". I've always considered it sub-par and said so, regardless of who is in the WH.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Real GDP grew in 3.1% in 2015. But that was considered under performing by Republicans/conservatives. But not in 2018.
That's you. Didn't you post that you went to Harvard? Or did you just post that you got your education at an Ivy League school?

Bottom line is: You have never said a derogatory thing about the Trump economy. You have been critical of the Obama economy when the GDP numbers are practically the same. Then when a link provided you play word games. LOL. Originally Posted by adav8s28
... Bottom line is YOU can't back up the claims
you made - so then you resort to childish name-callings.

Which is why LustyLad surely keeps telling you that.

And WTF loves to point-out the hypocrisy of others
- but has a hard time seeing his-own.

### Salty